Tabbouleh & Soujoukh

This meal is one of my all-time favorites, which is why I am so excited to be posting it today! My mom and I made this last night for dinner and it totally hits the spot when you want something delicious, nutritious, and light, yet filling! Let's start with the yummy tabbouleh recipe :) 


There you have it! One of my favorite dinners EVER. The leftovers taste amazing too! The tabbouleh gets better the next day, and you can always use to leftover sausages in an omelet or rice bowl with some steamed veggies! Hope you all enjoy this meal!

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Chicken & Sweet Potato Casserole

My mom used to make this dish at least once a week while I was growing up. I absolutely love the flavors, seasonings, and even the scent of this dish baking in the oven. We made it again a couple of days ago, but this time, I used sweet potatoes instead of our usual white potatoes. Once I discovered sweet potatoes a few years ago, I have rarely turned back to white potatoes! Here is our Chicken & Sweet Potato Casserole recipe that is gluten-free as well as Whole 30 and paleo approved! I am sure you will love it just as much as I do! Makes 6 servings (or enough for a 9x13 inch casserole dish)

 And here is the finished product! You can eat this meal on its own, with a side salad, or with some brown rice. This dish goes a long way and also makes the perfect leftovers! Enjoy! :)

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Mama's Chili Recipe!

Yesterday evening, I decided to ring in the first rainy day of fall with my family's famous chili recipe! My mom has been making this chili recipe for years and it is a hit every single time. This is a gluten/grain free recipe, and you can easily make it paleo by omitting the kidney beans and adding extra vegetables such as zucchini, squash, or even more bell peppers! This dish tastes great, is healthy, and leaves the house smelling amazing afterwards! Here is my Mama's Chili recipe!

This was such a comforting bowl of goodness on our rainy night last night and is definitely on our menu almost weekly during the fall and winter seasons! I hope you all enjoy! Here is the nutrition info in case anyone is wondering :)

Serving size is 1/4 of the pot, or about 1.5 cups: 250 calories, 8g fat (only 2g saturated fat, the rest is from the healthy olive oil!), 17g carbs, 26g protein

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Cashew Chicken Fried Rice

This is definitely one of those recipes that I made up as I went along, and it came out incredible! I love Asian foods and have loved using coconut aminos as a substitute to soy sauce since the aminos do not contain gluten. I knew I wanted to make a chicken stir fry, and decided to add the coconut aminos and some toasted cashews to give this dish some Asian flair! At the last minute, I added an egg and some brown rice and turned this dish into a fried rice sort of creation! I used simple ingredients and whatever veggies I had on hand! This dish could easily be made whole30 or paleo by simply omitting the rice! Here is my quick and easy cashew chicken stir fry/fried rice recipe! Makes 2 servings

You can eat this dish on its own or with a side of rice, spaghetti squash, cauliflower rice, or more veggies! I hope you all enjoy this tasty and healthy Asian dish!

Nutrition facts for 1 serving without rice/sides (1/2 the recipe): 240 calories, 10g fat, 11g carbs, 26g protein, and about 50-75% of your daily need of vitamins A and C!

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Blueberry Oat Bake

Good morning everyone! I had quite an interesting morning today, as my brain was in about 40 places at once. I have been wanting to bake a Blueberry Oat Bake recipe that I had thought up as a way to use all of the blueberries we have in the house! I brainstormed the recipe this week and finally decided to bake it this morning as a pre-workout snack before heading to the gym! After my morning quiet time, I headed to the kitchen and got to work:

I mixed all of the ingredients, first the dry...then the wet, then folded in the blueberries. In the meantime, I was separating laundry, and starting to make tea for my Mama. I sprayed my 8x8 baking dish, poured the batter into the dish, and stuck it in the oven. Then I changed into my workout clothes, continued separating laundry, and took the tea to my Mama. About 15 minutes later, I went to check on the bake and saw that it wasn't cooking! I was so confused and stared at the oven for about 30 seconds before figuring out that I had forgotten to turn the oven ON! Oh goodness, it was one of those mornings! I was definitely trying to do too many things at once, so it was inevitable that one vital component of baking would get lost in the process! I turned the oven on (350 degrees by the way) and decided to just scramble an egg while I waited for the bake in order to digest my food before my workout:

After 30 minutes, I pulled the bake out of the oven (and turned the oven OFF). I headed to the gym, resolving that I would just taste my bake when I got back. It looked so good, so I was definitely excited!

I can't wait to enjoy these little baked squares with my tea the next few days since we have some cold weather coming!

So, lessons for today: don't try to do too many things at once and always turn the oven ON when you are attempting to bake something. I hope you guys get to try this recipe soon!

Nutrition facts per square: 60 calories, 2g fat, 6g carb, 2.5g protein

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Healthy Carrot Cake

Hello everyone and happy Tuesday! I have a new recipe for you all today and, surprise surprise, it's something BAKED! What can I say, I just love making my favorite baked goods healthier so I can enjoy them! :) My dad is a huge carrot cake fan so I decided to do our own little rendition of carrot cake! This recipe came out tasting great, moist, and delicious! It is also gluten-free, high in protein, and full of one of my favorite vegetables, carrots! Carrots are filled with vitamins and antioxidants that are so healthy for us and help fight certain cancers and improve our eye sight! I hope you all get to try this recipe soon!

And here is the finished product! I just love my baked goods so much! :) They taste great and also allow me to enjoy the deliciousness of my favorite foods without the added sugars and butters that most of them contain. There are so many varieties that you can try (check out my other recipes!) to make any of your favorite baked goods healthier! I hope you all get to enjoy this yummy and nutrient-dense cake! Nutrition facts are below:

1 square: 70 calories, 2.5 g fat, 5.5 g carbs, 5g protein, 13% daily need of Vitamin A!

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Zucchini Stew

Last night, my mom and I cooked one of my all-time favorite comfort foods. My family makes an amazing zucchini stew that is usually served over rice, but since adopting a more grain-free diet, I've eaten it just by its lonesome without the rice, and have never looked back! I don't even miss the rice because the zucchini, beef, and tomato sauce give so much flavor to this dish that is still tastes delicious even on its own. It is the perfect bowl of comforting nutrients, which is why I put it on the menu for last night! I wanted to make a meal that was warm, nourishing, and that would make enough for leftovers for me to take to my first day of work today! This meal was just that!

We thoroughly enjoyed this meal last night; my parents added rice to theirs, but I enjoyed the stew as is! I hope you all get to try this dish this winter; it's perfect for cold and cozy nights! Not to mention it is gluten/grain free, paleo, and Whole 30 approved!

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Broccoli Chicken & Cheese Casserole (lite!)

Well, it's Monday morning again, which means my Sunday was full of Super Bowl fun and some night time meal prep! I was pretty exhausted after coming home from my Super Bowl party, so I wanted to whip up a quick and easy dish that I could take to work with me for a few days. I made a very easy and low maintenance version of Creamy Broccoli Chicken and Cheese, without the cream! I never liked creamy dishes growing up, but I do love cheese so I decided to lighten up this usually heavy dish! Here is my recipe for Broccoli Chicken and Cheese Casserole! 

I paired my meal with a nice salad filled with veggies and some olive oil dressing. This was SUCH a quick and easy recipe, filled with protein, fiber, and tons of vitamins, which will leave you feeling great. Hope you all enjoy!

Nutrition facts: 1/4 of recipe

235 calories, 6g fat, 20g carbs, 26g protein, 25% DV Vitamin A, 65% DV Vitamin C, 22% DV Calcium!

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Mujedereh (Bulgar and Rice)

Happy Monday everyone! I don't know about anyone else, but the time change really hit me hard today! But not until about 10am. I still woke up at 5am per usual, went to the gym, got ready, headed to work, and felt super energized! Until 10am hit...and then I felt like I just wanted to find the nearest bed and knock out! Thank God I made it through the work day and finally got home! My mom made one of my favorite dishes for dinner tonight, so I thought I'd share it. It's called Mujedereh but it is basically a type of lentil rice, but with bulgar wheat! Bulgar has a ton of fiber and nutrients, and pairing it with the lentils makes this a nutritious and filling meal! You can also substitute the bulgar with rice or quinoa to make this gluten free! I've tried both versions in addition to the original one and all taste incredible! Mujedereh (makes 5-6 servings)

And that's it! This is a pretty simple recipe that is easy to make and is great for leftovers! Have a great night everyone!

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Oatmeal Breakfast Biscuits

Before limiting my gluten intake, I used to love spreading peanut butter on whole grain toast or tortillas as a pre workout meal. I looked forward to it nearly every morning! Well now, I have a gluten-free option for this as well! These oatmeal biscuits are healthy and delicious and are perfect for spreading peanut butter, jam, or anything else you may want to! They taste great fresh out of the oven and can be reheated in the toaster for a few days after!! Here is my recipe for Oatmeal Breakfast Biscuits!  

I stored them in a tupperware container and have been reheating them in the mornings in my toaster, then spreading some peanut butter on top! YUM-O!

I hope you all get to try this recipe soon! It's easy, delicious, and the perfect pre workout treat!!!

Nutrition facts per biscuit: 125 calories, 4g fat, 17g carb, 8g protein

*Don't fear the fat people! It comes from the egg and almond flour...both good sources!! :) And the combination of fat, protein, and carbohydrate in this biscuit makes it the perfect fuel before your workout! I hope you all get to try out this recipe soon! Have a great Monday!

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