Good morning everyone! I can't believe it is already August...this summer is just speeding by! Before we know it, it will be Fall again, and then...CHRISTMAS! Am I getting ahead of myself? Oh well, I love Christmas and everything about wintertime. So I really can't wait! :)
I thought I would write a little update post on my workouts since I haven't done a post on fitness for a while. July was a really consistent month for me in regards to both fitness and nutrition (yay!) and, not shockingly, I have seen the most changes in my body and physical abilities because of this. Consistency is key, and I have really seen the difference that consistent healthy eating and workouts can bring.
I workout about 5-6 days a week, doing cardio almost every day, and doing toning work and strength training 3-4 days a week. I work with a personal trainer every Monday morning, and then work out of a log book for the rest of the week.

Each workout lasts about 50 minutes-1 hour, including both cardio and strength training.
*My cardio consists of running 3-4 miles, walking, or doing the elliptical machine for 30-40 minutes.
*I alternate my strength training days between legs/abs, chest/triceps, back/biceps, and shoulders/abs.
I have been upping my weights this month and have been amazed at what I am capable of! When I began being more consistent with my strength training in May, I started my bicep curls with 5lb dumbbells, and now 10lb dumbbells are getting easy! I could only do 6 male (aka the real kind) push ups when I first started, and now I can do 15. I'm seeing more definition in my arms and I am really liking the results I am experiencing! The picture below shows the first day I actually spotted a baby bicep! :)

Of course, it isn't just about workouts. We can workout all we want, but our goals are a direct results of our nutrition. Whether we want to lose weight, tone up, or grow bigger, nutrition is 80% of the equation! For months, I was working out consistently, but was not consistent with my eating. This month, I have been pretty consistent (not perfect mind you, just making healthy choices more than unhealthy ones!) and have really seen the difference that healthy and balanced eating can make in my fitness and physical appearance. It's been exciting for me to see changes and I can't wait to see what the next few months bring!
My typical meals include:
Pre workout meals of HB eggs, banana, nuts, or a gluten-free baked good of mine (search the blog for tons...and I mean TONS of recipes!)
Post workout meals are mostly eggs, sausage, veggies, sweet potatoes, or some kind of fruit. I focus on protein and carbs for my post workout, which helps with recovery and my energy levels! Below is me thoroughly enjoying my scrambled eggs and spiraled sweet potatoes after a workout! :)

Lunches and dinners have included protein, vegetables, lots of vegetables, more vegetables, and healthy fats! I love vegetables, if you can't tell. When I go out, I also try to make healthy choices whether it is a salad, or this beautiful plate below. You can never go wrong with chicken and vegetables, but make sure to not get bored of it as well. Sometimes, I will include rice or some kind of grain to my meals. But I always make sure to have them in the correct portion and not overdo these foods. I would hate to have less vegetables because I filled up on rice!

**Make sure to follow me on Instagram (@tveen_rd) for a day-by-day account of my eats and workouts!**
I don't follow a strict diet mentality. I just make sure to eat whole, nutritious foods. It took me a while to get to this point. But I have found that the more freedom I give myself in my food choices, the more naturally I gravitate towards the healthier options. I love how eating healthy makes me feel, and I always feel better after a meal that nourishes me. But, life is not about labels (as I have written about before...see Labeling Life post from January), and I feel that God is constantly teaching me this through my healthy eating and fitness journey.
As a Registered Dietitian, I am bombarded with nutrition news, research, and diets that always overwhelm and confuse the public, as well as myself from time to time! I try to focus on the healthy side of each diet philosophy, even though I may not agree with 100% of what some advocate. So whether my meals are paleo, gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, or a random hodgepodge of food, I try to make the healthy choice, while leaving some wiggle room for whatever may come my way! :)
It's been exactly 30 days of consistency for me, and I am loving the way I feel and the changes I am seeing. I can't wait to see what these next 30 days will bring me!
1 Corinthians 10:31: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."