12 Days of Health-mas!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!! You guys, I am so so happy it’s finally December! But let me tell you, I didn’t always feel this way. There was a time that I dreaded this time of year, for two reasons. 

a) either I stayed on a strict diet, dreaded every holiday party we attended, and stuck to a strict meal plan devoid of any holly and jolly and fun... 


b) I completely went off the deep end, ate every day like it was my last, and entered the new year feeling bloated, sluggish, and awful about myself. 


I’m here to tell you there CAN be a middle ground. Balance is possible, and there is a way to enter 2019 feeling nourished, vibrant, and also feeling like you enjoyed all the treats and deliciousness that this time of year has to offer!   

I am so excited to be launching my new holiday challenge, kicking off next Monday, December 10th! The 12 days of Health-mas will include all you need to handle this holiday season in a healthy, but joyful and FREE way! When you sign up, you receive: 

  • a meal planning guide on building nourishing & sustaining meals ​

  • workout and activity tips to keep your body moving and energized ​

  • DAILY challenges that will help you grow in your mindset towards living a healthy lifestyle, and help you learn that you are WORTH living in freedom and health!

  • mindset challenges and journal prompts to not only get healthier on the outside but most importantly on the inside ​

  • AND a chance to win a $75 grocery store gift card! ​

This challenge will be run in my Nourished & Free community, which is my exclusive Facebook community for my group coaching clients where I teach on nutrition, mindset, the importance of exercise, and provide daily doses of accountability and support for all the ladies in there. Once you join the group, you’ll have access to all the files, educational videos, and challenges we’ve done, PLUS be able to join in on the 12 days of Health-mas! The Nourished & Free community is $19/month, but there is no contract! So you can join in for the holiday fun to test it out and it’s up to you if you want to continue with your membership in the new year!

You CAN make this year different, be more present with your family, enjoy some peppermint bark and Christmas cookies, and ultimately live Nourished & Free! I am so passionate about helping women everywhere live in the freedom and confidence that God intended, and what better time than NOW to start?

If you are interested in this challenge, fill out this form below and I’ll send the info your way. The deadline to join is December 9th, so be sure to fill out this form so we can get started! 

Why I'm not running accountability groups anymore

As many of you know, I am a registered dietitian, but I've also been a Beachbody coach for a few years. I love Beachbody's workout programs, and I can honestly say that the programs are what have helped me get in shape and stay in shape post-baby. At-home workouts are my saving grace as a mom! I get to workout at home, pause when Emma needs me or #momlife gets in the way, then press play and continue on. I've built muscle, gained strength, lost weight, and have gained so much confidence though Beachbody and their programs!

I used to run monthly accountability groups, but I decided that for now, I am pressing pause on these groups. There are a few reasons why, so I though I'd explain a bit in this post to clarify what I am doing and how you can work with me moving forward! 

1. My private practice: In addition to being a Beachbody coach, I have my own private practice as a registered dietitian. My heart and my passion are with this business and my clients that meet with me one-on-one, which is why I have not been running accountability groups lately. I have been pouring into and focusing on my private practice clients, and my heart has been filled with so much joy and fulfillment! Working with these women (mostly moms) has been firing me up to help us moms learn how to self-care though healthy eating and nourishing ourselves. So if you are a mom, I want to help YOU figure out how to care for your family by caring for YOURSELF first! This is what my private sessions with these women are all about! Making it easy for us moms to put ourselves first, pour into our cup, and then pour into our families as better, stronger versions of ourselves. If you want a community to join that will help you feel supported, I am launching the brand new Happy Whole Moms groups on Facebook! Click here to join! 

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2. Individualized meal plans: As a dietitian, I firmly believe that there is no one size fits all when it comes to getting healthy. With my private practice clients, I evaluate where they are in their current health, and make a plan based on their individual goals and needs. I love the freedom and knowledge that I have as a dietitian because I am able to tailor-make a plan for each client that I meet with. While I love the 21 day fix container system (aka portion fix) which is the meal plan Beachbody uses, and have even helped me balance out my own meals, I know that this may not work for everyone! Each person has different dietary needs, sources of motivation, and methods of eating that work well for them. I help my one-on-one clients figure this out for themselves, and with that, they gain a powerful tool in their health journey to ensure success for themselves!

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3. Long term accountability: Lastly, I wanted to provide a way to have long-term accountability with my clients as their personal dietitian. My accountability groups ran for 3-4 weeks, and then many clients fell off the wagon and went back to their own unhealthy habits. My Supercharged Accountability packages that I offer though my private practice services give you 2 or 4 months of accountability with me as your cheerleader, friends, source of nutrition knowledge, and dose of inspiration. I started offering these packages around the new year and already see a difference in the clients that purchased and have been working with me since then. 

All that to say, I am still a Beachbody coach and am more than willing to help guide you and encourage you if you want to pick a workout program and ask questions about what Beachbody has to offer. I am simply no longer running my "virtual bootcamps" aka accountability groups, because my energy and focus has been shifting towards my private practice clients and providing longer term accountability in their health journey. If you want to know more about my private practice services, I am hosting free, 15 minute discovery calls where we can chat and see which of my services would work best for your lifestyle! Contact me here to schedule our call!

I can't wait to get to know more of you out there, work closely with you to help you care for yourself and reach your goals, and watch you THRIVE as a mama! 

The Mind, Food, and Mood Connection

It is common knowledge that what we eat affects our body and appearance. If we eat too much of the wrong foods, we tend to gain weight. If we eat more nourishing foods, we tend to lose weight. But what has been more interesting to me is how the food I have been eating lately has been impacting my MENTAL health, not just physical health.

**Now, as a disclaimer, mental health has a WIDE spectrum, and I am not assuming that food can cure any mental health disorders. I am just sharing my experience and how changing what I’ve been eating has been helping my mood and my mental state. But PLEASE seek medical advice and attention if you are struggling with mental health, it is real and it NEEDS to be taken care of.

This post is going to be raw and real, because I’m all about sharing my real life with you guys and not hiding anything. I've learned that vulnerability is a part of healing, and also helps inspire others to make changes and grow as well. It’s been no secret that going back to work after Emma was born was rough on me. I only work three days a week, but those days were filled with panic attacks in the bathroom, crying on my way to work, crying when I picked Emma up from daycare, and LOTS of oreo purchases to “get me through the day.” I thought that I could only make it through the emotional ups and downs of the work day by numbing myself with food. But in reality, it just made it worse.

The anxiety and sadness got out of hand. I would burst into tears during work meetings and have to excuse myself. If I wasn’t eating, I was crying. Food was DEFINITELY my coping mechanism, but it also just seemed to numb the pain for a little while, and then it would return with a vengeance and my moods would spiral down again. The days that I was home with Emma were filled with tears as well because I knew that I would have to leave her the next day. I wasn’t being able to actually ENJOY my baby and the time I had with her. I knew this cycle had to stop.



Being the dietitian and holistic-health proponent that I am, I began doing research on different foods and how they can impact our mind-body connection. One of these foods is gluten. Gluten and I have had a tumultuous relationship over the years. I have a gluten sensitivity and have been told by my doctor over and over again that I need to be on a gluten-free diet. But, I have always told myself that I loveeeeee gluten too much. Such as excuse, you guys. Ready for a science lesson? I hope so!

The thing about gluten is that it stimulates the release of a protein that can actually cause permeability in our gut. Our gastrointestinal (or GI) tract, is considered to be OUTSIDE of our body. It is lined very carefully to protect the INSIDE of our body (anything other than our gut) from receiving undigested food particles, germs, or anything else we ingest. But gluten causes the secretion of a protein called zonulin, which can cause permeability in our gut, allowing particles to pass through and enter our body, where they don’t belong. Food should go straight to our small intestines to get “digested” properly so our body can use the fuel safely. But, with zonulin, the permeability can cause undigested food particles to enter our bloodstream, cause inflammation since these particles are not digested yet, and can also cause symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, and even depression. This is all new and up and coming research, but it fascinated me and makes sense from what I’ve learned in my seven years of schooling to become a dietitian and get my masters in nutrition. Our gut is considered our “second brain” and impacts how we think and feel SO much, so this finding is super interesting to me and motivated me to cut out gluten  with a  new motive: not only to alleviate my stomach issues and bloating, but also to alleviate the mental ups and downs I had been experiencing.

I have also read the book “Grain Brain” in the past, which I highly suggest for anyone wanting to know more on this topic! The author discusses how not only gluten, but also grains, can impact our mental health and lead to issues such as depression, alzheimer's, and other mental health concerns. Of course, following a certain diet is not going to magically cure these issues, btu they can alleviate symptoms, which is what I experienced.

I started back on my gluten free diet on October 29th, and since then, I’ve been happier and more energetic. Yes I've lost some weight and bloat, and my jeans fit again (YAY!), but I am more amazed by my mental shift. I am just HAPPIER. I have been getting creative in the kitchen and am not missing any of my favorite treats thanks to Danielle Walker and her amazing paleo recipes (check her out here!) My husband has been enjoying our meals and my happy moods more, and we’ve spent LESS on groceries and eating out because we always have food ready and are buying less junk! I have SO much energy for my workouts, for my patients and clients, and for my family, and feel like I am finally living each day to its full potential.

Another change I’ve made is increasing my healthy fat intake. I have always been a fan of eating more fat, but I’ve been incorporating these fats into practically every snack and meal. I'll have grain free baked goods made with coconut flour, almond flour, grass fed butter, and coconut oil, I'll add avocado to my salads and lettuce wrapped burgers, and I am not afraid to eat yolks scrambled in ghee. I've been getting a variety of healthy fats in my diet, which boosts brain function because our brains thrive on healthy fats! 

The BEST cookies I've ever had! I've made countless batches already because my husband and now, our extended family, can't get enough!

The BEST cookies I've ever had! I've made countless batches already because my husband and now, our extended family, can't get enough!


Overall, I am enjoying this journey and am embracing this life of mine, being a working mom and a stay at home mom in the same week, which I am learning is SUCH a blessing! I feel so much better and didn’t cry at all at work this week! (WIN!) Of course I still miss my baby girl like crazy, but I focusing on taking care of ME because this way, I can be a better mom for Emma. I am working out daily, drinking my superfoods (which are full of adaptogens, which also impact your brain chemistry! But I'll save that scientific post for another day!), and am eating foods that I know will nourish my body, my soul, AND my mind.

If you want to get involved with eating for your BRAIN health too, I would love to go through the Grain Brain book together in a virtual book club format! Warning, this book is definitely for nerds, so come ready to learn and grow! Contact me above if you want to be part of the book club! We'll start the first week of December!

ALSO, I am planning on doing more cooking demos and recipe videos in my free facebook community that I run, so if you want to join, contact me! I can add you and you can get access to the meals I’ve been planning, as well as get meal prep and planning tips and tricks from yours truly! Meal prep has been my saving grace for sticking to my gluten free diet, so I am passionate about making it a regular part of my life, as well as yours!

Thank you for reading and for supporting me through the ups and downs of this journey. At times, I don't want to share what I am going through, because I feel that my journey has been such a crazy ride. But, I am a real person, and real life is a roller coaster! What may work in one season of life (ie. my vegetarian diet last year), may not work in another season of life, like this one! My goal with this blog and platform is to share my nutrition knowledge based on research but also my own personal experiences too. Because we are all scientific experiments and each body is so unique and different. So keep figuring yourself out, get curious and find what works for you! And if you need some guidance along the way, I am always here to lend an ear! Feel free to contact me with any questions!




Day in the Life of a Working Mama

I finally feel like I’m getting into a groove as a part time working mom. I am home with Emma on Mondays and Wednesdays and go to work Tuesday, Thursdays, and Fridays. I’m grateful to be home with her twice a week and it feels like Christmas every time I see her after work! I feel like my heart grows by the day because I love her more than I can handle! 

When Emma was sleeping through the night, my mornings would always start with an early morning pumping session. I am still exclusively breastfeeding and even though we started solids last week, she is still not a fan of them (I know eventually she’ll get used to it!) But anyways! Emma has not been sleeping through the night for the past month, so since I’m feeding her throughout the night, most mornings I don’t really “need” to pump when I wake up. So usually I sip on my preworkout while doing my devotional and prayer time, and then I press play on my workout! I love working out at  home because sometimes Emma wakes up midway and needs her momma, so I can just pause and nurse/hold her for a bit, then press play and finish it up! So convenient! 



After my workout, (this week I’m doing A Little Obsessed on my Netflix for workouts...SO SORE), I shower then head downstairs to pack lunches for my husband and I, and get Emma’s daycare bag ready (pumped milk, change of clothes, diapers, etc). I also make sure to eat a little something; this morning I shook up my recover protein shake with some collagen peptides, delicious! I forgot to snap a pic but just imagine chocolate milk goodness that is actually good for you! 

I try to nurse Emma before I head to work, but like I mentioned above, if she’s nursed all night and is sleeping soundly, I go to work and pump there rather than waking her up to eat. It’s also easier on my mommy-heart to sneak out while she’s asleep verses having to watch her sweet face smile at me as I walk away...I tear up just thinking about it! 

If I’m still a little hungry, I’ll make sure to grab second breakfast before I head to work! This morning was two paleo muffins, a chocolate zucchini muffin and a pumpkin muffin! I've been cooking through Danielle Walker's cookbooks from Against All Grain, and so far my husband and I have loved every single recipe!


Once I get to work, I make coffee (duh) and see which patients I need to see or who is due for an assessment. I work as a dietitian at a dialysis unit with patients who have kidney failure. It’s pretty busy each day so I make sure to fit in snacks and occasionally some walks to get outside!  


Morning snacks usually consist of carrots, apples with either peanut butter or almond butter, or a Larabar! I make sure to fuel myself well since I push myself pretty hard in my workouts, plus I'm breastfeeding! So many calories being burned all day long!


Lunches have been so fun to pack in these portioned containers my mom got us from Amazon! This lunch was rosemary garlic chicken (I'll post the recipe soon!), with potatoes and green beans. Super simple and delicious!

If I get hungry in the afternoon, I typically have some nuts, but this week I've also been enjoying another treat from Against All Grain...her Real Deal Chocolate Chip Cookies.  My husband has been raving about these and I've already made two batches in less than a week. He says they taste just like the regular cookies I used to bake, but they are Paleo/gluten free and MUCH healthier! I highly recommend this recipe, you won't be disappointed!


Once I get off work, I "safely" zoom my way over to Emma's daycare to pick her up. I get so excited to see her, and she has been smiling and kicking her feet in excitement when she sees me come into the playroom, which melts my heart! We usually get home and sometimes she'll fall asleep in the car, which gives me time to clean out my pump parts and put my milk away (pumping is a full time job in itself!), but most of the time when we come home, we nurse and snuggle and she falls asleep while I make dinner.


Dinners have been simple this week: we've had grass fed beef meatballs, rosemary garlic chicken, salmon, and turkey burgers. I'll make a salad because we have 6 heads of romaine (thanks Costco) that are going bad by the second, so I've been forcing us to have salad each day so it doesn't' go bad because I HATE wasting food! I haven't snapped pictures of dinner because I've been a little distracted during dinner time trying to get Emma to have some solids with us at the dinner table! Last night she tried zucchini, and I think she liked it a little more than sweet potato. I'm getting a little worried that she hasn't been liking foods much, even though I know she will get used to it! It's funny, because I specialized in infant/toddler nutrition when I worked at WIC, and even though I HAVE the knowledge and have counseled others countless times, I'm still worried when it comes to my own baby!

After dinner, we bathe Emma and get her ready for bed. I've been trying to get her down between 7:30/8pm so I can get a few hours of sleep before the night-waking begins. Yes, I've been getting into bed by 8pm because Emma has been waking up at 10, 11:45, 1, 2:15, 3:45...you name the time, she's been waking up. She's going through a huge developmental leap right now, and with that comes a sleep regression. I've decided to roll with the punches instead of sleep training her and just rely on coffee to get through the day (she hasn't been sensitive to my caffeine intake, thank GOD)! Luckily when she does wake up, she typically nurses and goes right back to sleep, so even though I am getting broken sleep, I don't feel TOO terrible throughout the day!


And that has been a typical day in the life on the days that I work! I was telling my husband earlier this week that I am feeling so much happier than I used to feel. As much as I miss Emma and wish I could be with her every day, I've come to accept the working life, enjoy my days at work with my coworkers and my patients, and relish the moments with Emma even MORE. I have also taken much better care of myself and have chosen foods that have supported my mental health and anxiety (look out for a blog post on this later on this month!) I really feel that God is working on my heart, helping me take care of myself so that I can take care of Emma, and has given me a strength that only HE can give. I am so grateful!

And with that, I hope you all have an excellent day, and thank you for reading and following along on this journey with me! I appreciate all of you so much!

Goal Setting as a New Mommy!

If you know me, you know how much I LOVE setting goals, dreaming big, and then crushing what I set out to do. I'd say I'm a pretty ambitious person and love challenging myself. But this can also work against me, because I set pretty high standards for myself and sometimes, if I don't meet them, I get disappointed, which doesn't really get me anywhere!

The key to healthy goal setting is to know your intention behind your goal. If you know WHY you are setting these goals, they are easier to accomplish and you know deep down that they are a journey, not necessarily a destination. Especially when it comes to health and fitness goals. Our bodies and our health are both constantly changing. It's an ongoing adventure to pursue health and vitality, so keeping these things in mind while goal setting is SO vital to a healthy outlook and accomplishing our goals! 

As a new mommy, I've got some major health and fitness goals. As many of you know, I had to take things easy during my pregnancy and couldn't push myself as much as I wanted. Now that I am (hopefully) getting cleared this week to workout, I am excited to gain my strength and energy back! And I'd be lying if I didn't have some appearance- goals too ;) I can't wait to get my muscle back and tone up my abs, legs, and arms again! 

But I also know that working out with a new baby will be challenging! Just last week, I was trying to do a low-impact upper body workout, and Emma wanted to nurse midway. So I paused the workout, nursed her, she went back to sleep, and I pressed play and finished the workout strong! I was proud of myself for rolling with the punches and still being able to finish the workout and take care of my baby at the same time! 

While I know it will be challenging, I also know that I am a better version of myself when I take care of myself. I am a better wife, mommy, daughter, friend, coach, dietitian, and every other role I have when I have filled up my cup and my soul. Only when I do this do I have enough fuel and energy to pour into others. I am more selfless when I am a little selfish in my self care. It's taken me a while to learn this, but trust me, you can't pour into others from an empty cup! Make sure you take care of yourself so that you can better serve those around you!

And with that said, on to some of my goals!

1.) Tone up! The after-baby body is no joke! I was blessed in that I was able to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight just 8 days after having Emma (thank you breastfeeding!), but my body is completely different! A little squishy in some areas and definitely lacking in muscle. My goal is to gain my strength and muscle back! 

2.) Pour into the ladies in my group, The Nourished-You Project! I am launching a brand new accountability group, focused on the fact that our health is an ongoing project and that nourishing ourselves, body and soul, is SO important. We are all following workout programs, drinking our superfoods, and encouraging each other along the way. I love being able to coach these women, but they also provide me with accountability as well! It's a win-win! If you want to join, it's not too late! Contact me here for more info! 

3.) Eat more plants! I am definitely not a vegan or vegetarian, but that doesn't mean that my diet can't be full of plants! The meal plan I am following counts colorful containers, not calories (thank goodness! Because calorie counting won't get you anywhere...trust me!), so I get a lot of vegetable containers and protein containers each day. I plan on using legumes and beans as some of my protein sources, as well as animal proteins, plus filling up on ALL the vegetables and fruits I can! Food can be so therapeutic, and filling up on plant foods can revitalize our health and energize us! Don't discount how powerful vegetables can be in your health! 

4.) Stick to my workout plan. This is the plan I came up with after chaining my mind a dozen times, but I really think that this will be the best plan for my post-baby journey!

  • 21 day fix workouts: June 7-11
  • SHAUN WEEK! (new program only coming to Beachbody on Demand, basically Netflix for workouts!): June 12-18
  • 21 day fix extreme: June 19-July 9
  • 21 day fix or Shaun Week: June 10-16
  • SHIFT SHOP: Starting July 17th! Shift Shop is Beachbody's newest program, all about making mental shift as well as a physical shift (because the mind is crazy powerful). I am so excited to get my hands on it! I will be running a test group for this new program in July, so stay tuned for more info on that if you'd like to join! 

5.) Show myself some major grace! I am one that loves routine, and I know that with a new baby, some days my routine may change, my workout may get switched from morning to afternoon to evening, and I may just have to roll with the punches. I want to be committed to my health, but I also know some days will call for improvisation and grace! Treats will happen, tired workouts will happen, and sleepless nights will happen, but that doesn't mean I just give up and stop taking care of myself! This is an ongoing journey, so I want to keep that mindset as I go into this summer and rebuild my strength and routine again. 

And that's a wrap on my goals and intentions for this month! I'm nervous about how it will all unfold, but I know that each day will be a new adventure and that I will only get stronger with time. If you'd like to join me on this journey, I'd love to connect with you and begin working with you! The more support, the merrier! Contact me here and we can start chatting about your goals and which programs and plans would be best for you! 




Why I'm a Beachbody Coach as a Dietitian

I became a dietitian on December 2nd, 2013. After 5 years of undergrad, and 2 years completing my Masters in Public Health in conjunction with my dietetic internship, I felt so accomplished that day as I walked out of the testing room. I am so giddy about being an RD. I can't believe I get to talk about food all day with people and get excited talking about how different foods effect our moods, our weight, and our overall health. I feel lucky to be able to do something that I love as my full time job...many people don't get that pleasure, and I know it's something I will never take for granted.

My dream job as an RD has always been to work one-on-one with clients. I love seeing the progress someone makes as they reach for better health, more confidence, and vibrant energy that the right foods can give. I started my private practice shortly after passing my RD exam, and it's been a steady source of joy for me to see the clients that I get to work with.


However, amidst my career as an RD, I still struggled with my own health and eating habits. Many of us become RDs because we struggle ourselves! We want to help others reach health because we know what it's like to be struggling with our food choices. Well, as an RD, I was still struggling and wanted to find motivation and accountability to treat my body well and honor the health that God had given me. It was 2 months before my wedding and I wanted to not only look great (let's be honest, we all want to look amazing on our wedding day!) but I wanted to FEEL great. I wanted to feel confident and vibrant on that day and for the rest of my life.

Enter: Beachbody

I started the PiYo program exactly 9 weeks before my wedding. I loved the results I was seeing and was telling everyone about this program. Little did I know that I could become a Beacbody coach and my job would basically be sharing with people what I am doing for my own health and fitness and inviting others to follow along with me. I signed up to coach at the end of February 2015 with Team Inspire Joy, and since then I have been sharing my journey with others in the hopes of showing them what has worked for me in my own life.

My results from PiYo! I had never had abs before, or felt as strong or capable. It was the first program I finished from start to end which was pretty amazing to me!

My results from PiYo! I had never had abs before, or felt as strong or capable. It was the first program I finished from start to end which was pretty amazing to me!

I became a Beachbody coach because I love the Beachbody programs, meal plans, and Shakeology. As a dietitian, I am very skeptical of EVERYTHING on the market, and actually became a coach not planning on drinking Shakeology. But after giving it a try and doing extensive research on the ingredients, I haven't found a better, more wholesome, or more nutritious shake out there. Plus, it's delicious and serves as a quick breakfast option, so that's a win-win in my book! Here are some more detailed thoughts on Shakeology from a dietitian's perspective!

So simply put, I became a Beachbody coach as a dietitian because I love the company, the products, the workout programs, and the overall team culture of the team that I joined! I wanted to have a space to share what's working for me in my own journey. I love running both businesses: as a dietitian and as a Beachbody coach, because I feel doubly blessed in how God has equipped me to serve others!

Lately, I've had some confusion on what I "do" as my business. Do I coach? See clients one-on-one? Create programs as a dietitian? And honestly, I do it all! I see one-on-one clients through my private practice, creating my own programs and meal plans for my clients, and I also do group coaching as a Beachbody coach with Beachbody workouts, meal plans, and Shakeology. Each client that comes to me is different, and based on what they need, we assess which route would be best for them!


So, IF you've been wanting to work with me (which I hope you do, because it's so fun!) here's what I offer:

Nutrition counseling: my nutrition counseling services would best fit your needs if

  • you struggle with knowing what is "healthy" and what kind of eating plan would best suit you
  • you want a customized, easy to follow meal plan specific to YOU
  • you want to work one-on-one on your personal health and nutrition needs
  • you want a health routine/plan created by me, the dietitian, and focused on you, my rockstar client!

My nutrition counseling services would be perfect for you and help you feel confident, guided, and supported throughout your health journey! Click here to learn more and to schedule your first session with me!

Group coaching: my group coaching services would best fit your needs if

  • you struggle with follow through and chronically start and stop programs and diets
  • you struggle with portion control and could use some tools to help you keep yourself in check!
  • you want to be in a community with others that are also striving for health and wellness
  • you want a fitness program designed for your activity levels and focused on your goals 
  • you are independent and just need someone to guide you through a program and motivate you to press play! 
  • you are curious about what I do as a coach and want in on Team Inspire Joy!

I offer group coaching via my Free Fit Club and my paid Joyfully Fit Bootcamps. Both offer the motivational community and accountability that will help you gain confidence, get in shape, and finally finish what you started! Join my next group my contacting me and discovering which group would work best for you!

As a dietitian, I am proud to be a Beachbody coach because I have seen a transformation in my life since becoming a coach and doing these programs. I can't help but share what I do with others! My heart's desire is to serve others in the ways that God has placed on my heart: by sharing the message of living a joyfully healthy life.


If you are wanting some more support in your own health and fitness journey, please reach out to me! We can start figuring out which of my services best fits your needs, and we can begin transforming your health and your life from the inside out!

Daily Manna: Bring on the Eats!

Good morning everyone! Can you believe it is already the end of January? I sure can't! This year is already flying by, and before we know it my husband and I will be welcoming our sweet baby girl to our family! I'm 25 weeks pregnant this week, so only a few short months left...we are so excited!

It's time for another daily manna post over here! I love doing these daily eats posts because it helps me share what I typically eat and hopefully motivates people to stay on track. BUT I also want to show that I am a real person and don't eat 100% clean 100% of the time. I nourish my body to the best of my ability, making sure I fill up on enough of the good stuff to balance out the treats! 

So on this particular day, I woke up, did my country heat workout (I'm on week 3 of the program and loving it...so pregnancy-friendly) then whipped up breakfast!

2 eggs with fruit and a side of herb flatbread I made! This is called manayeesh and it's delicious! It DID give me heartburn after though...so I guess it didn't agree with my pregnancy! :( so sad...

I got hungry soon after breakfast, which has been happening on some days! Some days I am ravenous and other days I forget to eat...but I'm trying to stay on track as much a possible! Mid morning snacks included string cheese and chopped veggies!

I bought real carrots this week instead of baby carrots and oh my, they taste so much better! I came home from the store and peeled and cut them immediately so they are just as convenient as baby carrots, but so much tastier!

Lunch time came early as well since I was dealing with the hunger beast, so I chose to embrace it! Lentils and quinoa seasoned with garlic and cumin, and a yummy salad with greens, pecans, apples, tomatoes, and a sweet onion dressing!

After lunch snackage of banana with yummy almond butter, and some sweet potato chips when I got home! 

For dinner, I whipped up some herb salmon with some veggies and potatoes! I had already cooked the potatoes in bulk Sunday (yay for meal prep!) so I just had to cook the salmon and sauté the veggies and we were good to go! I love easy weeknight dinners, and meal prep makes it possible! 

And for a late night snack, my husband and I finished off some pineapple we had before I could snap a picture...so sorry! But it was delicious!!  

It was a yummy day of eats, and I love that all of this followed my meal plan and kept me and my baby girl nourished and full! It feels SO good to put good food in our bodies! And you can do it too! The more good food you eat, the more good food you crave...trust me! ;) I hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday and eat some yummy things too! 



A healthy way to clean things up

I canNOT believe it's July already!  and the 5th nonetheless! 2016 is flying by, and before we know it, it'll be fall! For now though, I am soaking up summertime and everything it entails: from BBQs, late night froyo runs, and beach trips! 


It's been an eventful and fun summer, and actually an eventful past few months. We went on our Parisian adventure in April, came back home and entered escrow a week later, moved into our new home a couple weeks ago, and are just now calming down and living a "normal life." My hubby and I are excited to finally be winding down on a busy season, and hopefully entering a season of rest and relaxation.  

But during this stressful and busy season, I must admit I've let my healthy lifestyle fall by the wayside. And yes, that DOES happen. It is comical to me that people think dietitians have it all together when it comes to healthy eating, because we most certainly do not (which is why I think we are equipped to help those who need some extra guidance...we know the feeling!) I am human just like you, and I have massive sugar cravings, chips and salsa indulgences, and a love of double stuffed Oreos. My husband and I have indulged in our fair share of takeout, fast food, and Papa Johns pizza (our favorite!) and while it's been relaxing to just eat freely, we both definitely feel the need to balance that freedom out with nourishing choices as well. My body is definitely not feeling as energetic as it used to, and I'm ready to get that fire back in my bones, crush my morning workouts, and feel like myself again!

It IS interesting isn't it...how freedom works differently during different phases of our life. Freedom for me in the beginning part of the year was indulging in carbs, sweets and anything else I wanted to while consuming nourishing foods 80 to 90% of the time...and mostly plants. But now, I am finding freedom in structure, in routine, and in more nourishing and wholesome foods. My struggle lately is that with SO many events, family get -togethers, and the laziness of summertime, I've made excuses as to why I can't take better care of myself. And I am now realizing that I am worth way more than excuses, and just because there is an event or two, doesn't mean I should embrace the unhealthy choices every other day of that week (all or nothing people out there??I know you understand). It IS okay to "clean up" your diet in a healthy way that doesn't trigger restrictive habits, so that is precisely what I am doing to do. Feeling nourished and free is so important, but feeling sluggish is not freeing to me, so in this season, cleaning up my diet does sounds freeing and OH so good. 

Even though we are going away this Friday for Church family camp, I am still going to meal prep and plan for the next 3-4 days so that my husband and I can feel more like ourselves again. And since July marks the middle of the year, why not make some new intentions for the second-half of the year, while cleaning up our eating a bit!


- Run 2x/week

- Hammer and chisel workouts 4x/week

- Cleaning schedule for our new house! It is much bigger than our itty bitty apartment, which took about 20 mins to clean from top to bottom, so I definitely want to get into a better routine now that there's more space to clean!

- Put pictures up in our new home

- Eat at home 5 nights out of the week

- Meal prep!

And speaking of meal prep, I am doing my best to use up what we have at home and pair those foods with healthy vegetables and carbs to last us through the week! Here's the plan!

Breakfast: eggs, oatmeal, fruit, Shakeology


Proteins: Tilapia, chicken, turkey (we had all this on hand at home already, yay for the freezer!)

Vegetables: green beans and broccoli (I am SO over salad lately, so sauteed vegetables are winning this week)

Carbs: roasted potatoes, rice

Snacks: carrots, nuts, Larabars, Justin's nut butter packets, bananas


Keeping things basic and simple is the best way to not only stick to healthy choices, but also make the healthy choice the easy choice. And it is helpful in the money department as well! I am excited to get back to my routine, clean up my diet, but also maintain a healthy and balanced mindset in the process! It is possible as long as you show yourself grace, love, and keep things as simple as possible! ;)