Made for More: January 26-31 Food & Fitness Plan!

Well. Here it is. The last week of January. I am in shock and can't believe how fast this year is already going! There is hardly any time to do the things that I want to do. I think being busy is one of the most stressful things for me. I like to have time to plan things out, and time to do everything I want to do. However, I'm pretty sure every second between now and June is accounted for on my calendar...oops! Which definitely means meal planning and scheduling my workouts is even more important in order for me to reach my health and fitness goals. This morning, I've had the following verse swimming around in my head: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 2 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬

It came to my mind after I saw this saying on Pinterest this morning:


What we think about ourselves is usually how we act. If we see ourselves as weak and failures, we will most likely act that way. God says we have been given a spirit of power, love, and self control. I don't know about you, but those qualities definitely counter being afraid or feeling like you are destined for failure. We are not meant to be living in fear. We were made for more. We were made for victory. This is the concept that I will be focusing on this week in my own life. I want to claim the identity that God has given me this week. It's already in me, I just have to own it, claim it, and live it out! How do we do this? Through prayer (and lots of it), and really surrendering our hearts, thoughts, and goals to God.

I am such a goal oriented person. I love to make lists, reach for the stars, and check things off as I go. This week, I will continually surrender all of my goals and aspirations to God, because really, His hands are the safest place they could be!

Here are my goals for the week: 1. Finish my Bible study homework 2. Update my resume 3. Blog more 4. Run 2x this week 5. Break from baking (maybe I will write about this more in the future, maybe I won't haha we will see where God leads, but for now, I'm going to take a nice little break from all my scrumptious baked goods). 6. Do NOT go grocery shopping (I have so much food at home that I am determined to use up before spending more money!)

And considering all that food at home waiting for me, here is my meal plan for the week!

Pre workout meals: Hard boiled eggs Nuts Larabar Banana w/nut butter

Breakfasts: Scrambles Hard boiled eggs Meatballs w/veggies stir fry

Lunch/Dinner: Meatballs w/taters Stuffed zucchini by my Mama! Frozen meats such as: chicken, turkey burger, mahi mahi burger, etc (I have a ton!) Salads/veggies

I'm feeling good about my food options this week and am excited to save some money in the meantime!

Fitness plans:

My 10K is about 20 days away and I could not be more excited! My runs have not gone longer than 5 miles and I am planning on just doing one 6 mile run before race day. If you have read my previous posts, I have a history of knee and hip injuries from overuse. I am determined not to let that happen again! I am balancing my runs with the elliptical/walking, strength training, stretching, and plyometrics and I really feel that this balance is helping me stay injury-free! Here is my fitness plan for this week!

Monday: Back/biceps day Elliptical 4 miles

Tuesday: Run 4 miles

Wednesday: TIU kettlebell workout for leg day! Cardio mix 3 miles

Thursday: Run 5 miles

Friday: Chest day Cardio mix 4 miles

Saturday: Toning (arms) Run 3-4 miles

I am also doing the 100 miles by Valentine's Day with Tone it Up and am so excited about my progress! I am at 60/100 miles and have 40 to go! Hoping to make a big dent in that this week.

That's it for this post, folks. I really hope to be a bit more present on my blog and make time for it! Writing is such a stress release for me, and considering how busy life has been, writing definitely needs to make a come back to my life!

Have an awesome and joyful Monday everyone!

Dream Until Your Dreams Come True

I am a huge dreamer. But along with that comes another embarrassing fact: I am an even bigger talker. I tend to talk and plan and dream and yet take no action in the direction of my dreams . I run scared, don't know where to begin, and just stay in my talking, planning, writing stage. While I do believe planning and being prepared are vital components of making any dream into a reality, I think fearless action is the most important step to making any dream come true. And therein lies my problem. I am afraid. I am afraid of failure, defeat, embarrassment, not being able to follow through, and letting people down. I am so afraid that I just stay in my little fear bubble, think, wish, dream, but refuse to act.

I want to take that fearless step this month. While I still have some planning and preparing to do, I want to take that first step. I am working on something that I have dreamt about for about seven years and it is something I want to make a reality in my life. I want to step out in faith, and even if my dream doesn't come to full fruition, I will know that I have at least taken a step in the right direction.

Is there something you have been dreaming about lately? I think dreams and goals are so healthy. They give you direction and focus. They get you excited. They show you what you are truly passionate about. Let's make this month a good one! Let's move in the right direction with these goals and work on making our dreams come true.


"Make Good Choices" Monday

Wow! This day flew by for me. I had a training at our main office today which was SO good, it felt like a half day! We blinked and it was 5:30 already...I'm not complaining! Today was a great day as well because my mission of planning and making more balanced meals was a success! I may have slightlyyyyy deviated from my original plan I posted yesterday, but I still made good choices, ensuring my meals were balanced, healthy, and kept me fueled all day long! Here is a rundown of how my day went: I had my personal training session at 6am this morning, so I had one of my gluten free pumpkin protein squares before hitting the gym!


The workout was definitely a killer, but felt so good! We worked on chest and triceps, with a 25 minute interval run to top it off. As my post workout meal, I has some eggies with kale and a small banana. Gotta get that balance of protein and carbs! :)


I made sure to pack a filling day's worth of food for work today so I would not get hungry and tired again during my training. We learn so many new and valuable tools at our all-day trainings, so I wanted to be alert and awake to absorb all the information! I packed a peach for a snack, then had chicken, sweet potatoes, and an apple for lunch. Nuts were my afternoon snack before we got off!





Dinner was one of my favorites, Chipotle! I love their barbacoa and made sure to load up my bowl with lots of fajita vegetables, salsas, lettuce, and a few dollops of guacamole!



I felt like today was definitely a success! My meals were well thought out, contained adequate amounts of proteins, fats, and carbs, and kept me focused and energetic throughout the day. I also made sure to pack my lunch tonight for tomorrow so it is all set! That way I don't have an excuse for a lazy lunch if I am feeling rushed in the morning. Having your lunch packed the night before ensures that you will a) make good choices the next day and b) won't get stuck in a food emergency the next morning if you run out of time to pack a lunch! It's a win-win! :)

And on that note, this girl is definitely ready for bed!! Have an awesome evening everyone!

Meal Planning Made Simple!

As a dietitian, and an overall planning and organization nerd, I have always loved to plan what I am about to do. I love scheduling and making list, and this habit has spilled over into my eating habits and meal plans as well! This is something I am definitely grateful for. Cooking and planning your meals usually leads to spending less money, making healthier choices, and actually enjoying your meals more! There is something about cooking and preparing your own food that makes you appreciate it so much more when you sit down to eat your meals! :) Since starting work not too long ago (11 days ago to be exact), I have taken my love of meal planning to a whole new level. I have been meal prepping on the weekends and planning my meals like there is no tomorrow, and I love it! Last night, as I was preparing food for the week, I was filled with such joy in my kitchen! I have always been a firm believer of helping people use food to their benefit and not their detriment, so planning and cooking my own meals that benefit my health just fits right in to my philosophy! This practice of mine has also led to WAY less waste money and food-waste, which is always a needed bonus in today's world. I thought I would share some of my meal planning tips and tricks for you all who are crunched on time but still want to plan and pack your meals for work, school, and the like!

I usually do my meal planning and prepping on the weekends. On Saturdays, I assess what I already have in the kitchen to see what I can use up before my buy more food. Based on this, I make my meal plan and write out any additional items I need from the store. On Sundays, I head to the store, stock up, and get to cooking. Trader Joe's has been my go-to grocery store to shop from. A little can go a long way in this store, and they usually carry exactly the foods I am looking for. Prepping most of my meals on the weekends ensures minimal to none meal prep needed throughout the week, which works for a busy schedule! I have included my easy meal planning tool below to assist anyone that needs a little boost to start planning their meals! Just click on the link and save!

Easy Meal Planning Tool

Below are some of my meals from my first few days at work. Most of the recipes are up on the blog, and some of the other meals are just the assemble and pack type!

Breakfast Ideas:

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you don't have time to eat something before heading to work in the morning, it is crucial that you have food on hand to grab and go! Eating breakfast helps you wake up and be more alert throughout the day, and also decreases the chances of mindless snacking later on! Eating in the morning also regulates your hormones and helps your metabolism get up and moving! One of my favorite breakfast options are hardboiled eggs. These are so easy to prepare, and you can boil a large quantity at a time and keep them in the fridge (with the shell on) for 5-7 days! You can peel them the night before consumption, or spend 30 seconds peeling them in the morning. They are the perfect nutritious and protein-packed meal option. You can pair an egg with some fruit or even some sweet potatoes. I used my spiralizer to get those sweet potatoes spiraled, and just popped them in the oven on 400 degrees F for 40 minutes, flipping and mixing them around on the pan in between.

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Another breakfast option is to make one of my many famous and healthy baked goods. I have a variety of recipes on this site ranging from gingerbread, pumpkin bread, carrot cake, brownies, and banana bread that are all healthy enough to eat for breakfast! I use protein powder and healthy ingredients to make these baked goods not only taste good, but also fill you up in the morning! Below is my banana oat bread! Check out the rest of the recipes to make as quick and delicious breakfast options!

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Lunch Ideas:

Lunch is one of those meals that you definitely want to make you feel satisfied and full. I don't know about anyone else, but for me, the afternoon is one of the most dangerous times for me to snack! I have been making sure to have filling and satisfying lunches while at work so I don't have an energy crash and burn, or get those snack cravings in the afternoon! I made a spaghetti squash casserole last week (recipe is posted) which lasted for about 4 days! It tasted delicious! I paired it with veggies or a salad to make it a well-rounded and filling meal!

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My zucchini stew recipe is also an easy one to make in bulk and pack for the week! My recipe below was made with grass-fed beef, zucchini, and a few other delicious flavors. This meal kept me going for hours and equipped me with great energy during the day! Check out the recipe to make some for the week!

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Below is an assemble and pack meal option. I usually cook my own chicken but was short on time this weekend, so I grabbed the prepared Lemon Pepper Chicken from Trader Joe's, which is usually next to the prepared salads. All you do is slit some holes in the chicken container, stick it in the microwave for 3-5 minutes, and viola! This chicken is actually really delicious too, and I am very picky about my meat! I also bought the stir fry vegetable mix from Trader Joe's, which is just a ton of fresh, chopped vegetables! I sautéed these with some olive oil and garlic. Lastly, I used some microwaved, boiled, roasted, or however-you-want-to-cook-them sweet potatoes to add some healthy starch to my meal! I portioned it all in my nifty ziploc container, and this made the perfect lunch for work!

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Snack ideas:

It's a good idea to pack some snacks with you, just in case you do get hit with hunger and don't want to give in to cake, donuts, or whatever else may be lying in the break room. I usually pack some vegetables or high-protein snacks to make sure these snacks will provide me with nutrients, not just empty calories. String cheese is a good option, but my favorite snack combination is carrots with nuts. I don't know why, but this combination tastes incredible! Don't knock it till you've tried it! In addition to how delicious it tastes, it also keeps you insanely full. I usually have some around 3 or 4 pm to make sure I am full and energetic for my long commute home, since I usually don't have dinner until about 7pm on most nights!

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I hope this post helps spur some ideas for planning and packing your foods for your workday! If you carve out a few hours of your weekend and dedicate them to planning and prepping your meals, you will be sure to make healthier choices throughout the week, waste less food and money, and enjoy your meals 10 times more than you would if you were eating out every day! I hope you all have as much fun as I do while planning and prepping your meals for the week! Have a great night everyone! 

Workout plan...FINALLY!

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you all are enjoying this weekend so far. I am so excited to report that I can finally have more variety in my workouts! I've been doing random workouts at home, what I call my Arm Blasting Workout (ABW). I am still going to incorporate these into my workout routine because I have been getting so sore and really feel the difference these high-intensity toning exercises are making in my body. However, I saw an orthopedic surgeon yesterday who gave me some information on what is wrong with my knees and also gave me some strengthening and workout tips to get me back into running shape! Basically, everything that could be wrong with my knee is wrong with my knee...just kidding (kind of). I don't want to get too technical, but basically she believes I have ileotibial band syndrome, patellar tendonitis, and meniscus tears (non-surgical) in both my knees. There is also significant breakdown of cartilage in both my knees, which means that running has started to take its toll on my joints. I've always had bad knees, so I am not surprised that the breakdown has started already. But! There is hope. She believes that if I incorporate regular strengthening exercises into my routine for my quads, hamstrings, and calves, the strength in my legs can support my knees, which will in turn enable me to run again. Stretching also has to be a crucial part of my routine in order to prevent further injury. Lastly, she is going to send me to a physical therapist for some additional strengthening and correcting.

With that said, the approved workouts I can do are:

***Elliptical, bike, walking

***Leg extensions (quads), leg curls & dead lifts (hamstrings), and calf raises (no lunges or squats for now!)

***Obviously, upper body and abdominal workouts!

***NO running for at least 8 weeks

I was able to do 20 minutes of the elliptical today and then worked on my quads, back, and abs. With some stretching to top it off! It felt so good to be able to go to the gym again! So here is my workout plan for this coming week (stretching is a given everyday so I'm not going to put that down; and ABW takes anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes! Check back to previous posts for the ABW workout!)

November 24-November 30

11/24: Elliptical 15 minutes, bike 15 minutes, hamstrings, triceps, biceps

11/25: Elliptical 20 minutes, calf raises, ABW

11/26: Bike 15 minutes, quads, chest, ABW

11/27: Elliptical 30 minutes, hamstrings, back, TIU shoulder routine

11/28: Elliptical 45 minutes, calf raises, ABW (extra long today know...THANKSGIVING!)

11/29: Elliptical 20, bike 10, quads, bi/tri

11:30: Elliptical 15, bike 15, hamstrings, back, ABW


That is the tentative plan for this week! Of course, I may add some TIU workouts here and there once they post their weekly schedule! I'm excited to add more variety into my workouts and hopefully build up the strength I need in my legs to start running again in a couple months.

Arm Blasting Workout and Dining Out Tips!

I am finally going to share with you what I have been calling my "random" or "arm" workouts! I am seeing the doctor soon and canNOT wait to figure out what is causing all of this pain in my knees and hips! In the meantime, I have been trying to keep myself busy and active in the most pain-free way that I can. I also thought I'd share my meals on a day where I did not have the chance to cook all my foods and dined out instead! There are ways to eat healthy and still enjoy your meals while dining out! Read on to find out how! :) This morning, I woke up and started my day with Jesus! Everyone spends time with Jesus in a different way, but I feel that I am at my best in the mornings and want to begin the day with God before I do anything else. I spent some time reading and reflecting on 2 Corinthians 3-4 and wrote down some verses that stood out to me. I especially loved verses 17-18 in chapter 3 where Paul writes that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM! Which means we can be free from anything that is weighing us down once we accept Jesus and have his Holy Spirit living in us. Because wherever His Spirit is, there is freedom; freedom from habits, worry, guilt, shame, (ahem, text anxiety) or any other feelings or situations that have a hold on us. I just love the freedom that God always promises His children, and the peace that inevitably comes with that freedom!

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After my quiet time, I made some breakfast, which consisted of my usual scramble with kale, peppers, and a side of avocado. Yum!

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I studied for a little while after breakfast and then decided to do my short workout that I have been doing lately since I have been out of commission. This workout got my heart pumping and my arms burning! I finally jotted the exercises down today (picture below). I do each exercise for 1 minute and the whole list for 2 rounds, for a total of 20 minutes. The faster you do the moves, the more calories you burn. In just about 6-7 songs, this workout is accomplished!

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After I was done, I was drenched and out of breath! And produced a nice little calorie burn!

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After studying some more, I decided to take a break and get out of the house to walk around my local mall. I knew I wouldn't be having lunch until later, as I was meeting my cousin around 1:30. I decided to pack a small snack with me to eat at the mall. Even though I know the mall has food and I could have gotten a snack from there, I definitely didn't want to give in to the smells of sugary pretzels, salty popcorn, or sweet cinnamon rolls! I know my body pretty well, and knew I would get hungry at the mall. I always make sure I have a small snack with me at all times so I can have something to fall back on while I am out and there are limited healthy options! SO! I packed one of my gingerbread cake squares (recipe posted!) and some grapes.

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This was the PERFECT snack while I was walking around and enjoying all the Christmas decorations!

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After spending some time at the mall, I drove back home and studied some more (surprise, surprise). When it came time for lunch, I decided to walk down to the restaurant where I was meeting my cousin. I bundled up (yay for fall weather, FINALLY!) and took the short 10 minute stroll down to the restaurant.

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The restaurant we went to had a wide variety of foods ranging from salads, sandwiches, wraps, pastas, and grilled BBQ options. For lunch, I had a salad with a ton of yummy veggies and some tri-tip! I asked for the dressing of the salad on the side to regulate how much dressing I was using. This place usually brings their salads swimming in dressing, and I definitely didn't want that. The tri-tip portion was HUGE, so I could only stomach a few slices! This was a great meal that left me feeling comfortable and full. They brought out two breadsticks with my meal as well, but I didn't even feel like eating them. Protein with veggies is such a satiating and satisfying combination, which is why I usually stick to these options while eating out.

For dinner, my parents and I decided on Cheesecake Factory. I usually get the same old chicken lettuce wraps, salmon, or salads every time I go to Cheesecake, but this time I wanted something different. This is also a very important factor when going out. Try new things! This way you will have a variety of healthy options instead of feeling stuck with only one healthy dish per restaurant, which can get mundane. It is always possible to tweak meals and ask for special orders while going out! Your health is important, so don't be too shy to ask (politely of course)! :) My friend gave me the suggestion to try the turkey burger, so I got it lettuce wrapped with a side salad! It was DELICIOUS!

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Overall, this was a great day for healthy choices. I was able to get a short workout in even with my injuries. And I did not let eating out stop me from making healthy choices! To summarize my tips below:

*I have a healthy snack on hand while I am out, just in case hunger strikes...

*I have mostly protein and vegetables when dining out...

*I ask for sauces and dressings on the side, and...

*I am always up for experimenting and trying new things!

Boredom with food is such a sad place to be, especially if you are a foodie like me! That is why variety and FUN are so important when it comes to making healthy choices.

I hope you all have a wonderful night and get a chance to try the arm blasting workout!

New Shoes and Workout Routine!

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you all have had a great start to the week. I woke up this morning certain it was either Wednesday or Thursday, but no, it's only Tuesday (sigh). Oh well! 

I thought I'd write this post as an update to my hip/knee injury journey. I was lucky enough to have my cousin Jimmy, who is a Certified Athletic Trainer, come and take a look at me yesterday to try and figure out why I have been experiencing these aches and pains lately. We went to a running store near my house, where I learned that I should have changed by shoes once I hit the 300 mile mark, which was a while back since I have ran at least 650-700 miles in my current running shoes! This could definitely have contributed to my aches and pains! I tried on a variety of running shoes and finally picked one that seemed to work for me (more on this later). After we got the shoes, Jimmy did a few tests on me and realized that I am incredibly tight. I have very little flexibility in my hamstrings, quads, and hips, which contributes to an increased risk of the injuries I have been experiencing. So here is confession time:

I am a horrible stretcher. As in, I NEVER stretch. Once I'm done with my run, I get lazy and just decide to head home. I've tried to get myself to stretch in the past, but my motivation only lasts about 2-3 days, and then I get back into my old, harmful, injury-provoking habits. Talking with Jimmy last night helped me realize how VITAL stretching is to my fitness and health, and how important it is to incorporate it into my daily routine if I want to run the mileage and distances that I am used to.

SO! Jimmy gave me 3-5 stretches to do each day to help loosen up my muscles and get me back to running form soon. I am also going to lay off the elliptical for the next couple weeks and just do some easy walking in order to loosen my muscles and not put any added stress on my already tight joints. I started my new "routine" this morning, and it went pretty well! I laced up my new running shoes and had a banana and some nuts before heading to the gym:IMG_7775

I bought a pair of New Balance running shoes that are light and easy to walk in. At the running store, we learned that my usual Brooke's were over correcting my feet. They are made for those that pronate, and, even though I slightly pronate, I don't pronate nearly enough to use the Brooke's shoes. I decided on the New Balance because they didn't hurt my hip while I was walking around the store, and are made for those with regular, "medium" arches, which is me! I was excited to break these in this morning, even if it was for a short and light walk.


I walked 2 miles on the treadmill, on a 3.5-3.7 mph (NO incline!), which took about 35 minutes. Walking was a little painful at the beginning, but once my body loosened up, it felt great! I followed my walk with about 15-20 minutes of stretching, which is a HUGE accomplishment for me! I was so proud of myself for being able to stretch for this long and really be patient with the process. After stretching, I did the TIU Short and Sweet Shoulder routine, which has grown to be my favorite shoulder workout! 

Overall, I had a great morning and a great workout. I am currently icing all my hurting parts and snacking on some strawberries and a peanut butter wrap.



Side note: I tried cutting out the inflammatory foods for a few days, but it kinda made me cranky and didn't help the pain. So I decided to go back to my "a little bit of everything, what works for me, I love healthy food" mindset! :)

I am hoping this process of walking, stretching, and icing will help correct my tightness and help me get back to the level of running I want to be at, while being more balanced, flexible, and not hurting myself in the process! :)

Have a great Tuesday everyone! 


Be a Light: Daily Manna 9/9

Wow! I feel like I haven't posted in so long! This weekend flew by fast as I was recovering from a horrible sinus infection and trying to rest up. I'm feeling much better today and thought I'd write my Daily Manna post! Today started off in the usual fashion with my quiet time and getting ready to work out. I was also reflecting on this picture I found a few days ago on Pinterest...

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I've realized lately that I have been really stressed out and focused on my RD exam, needing to study, and even needing to get better from this sinus infection! But after finding this picture, I realized that the reason why God put us on this earth is to glorify Him and bring others to Him by being a light to those around us! I made this the background for my phone to make sure I have a constant reminder as to why I am on this earth. Seeing this picture also reminds me to pray that God helps me and strengthens me to further His will and purpose for my life!

After my quiet time, I had one of my Peanut Butter Banana Scones (with added chocolate chips!) and headed to the gym. I kept with my workout plan yesterday (posted in the workouts section) and was able to run 2 miles, do my 20 minute elliptical HIIT workout, and do my plank challenge with some strength training mixed in. Today, my plan was to run 3 miles, but I was able to run 4! Yay!!! It felt so good to run after not being able to for so long since I have been sick. I also did my plank challenge for today, then headed home as I had planned to take a Nike Training Club class at noon. Once I got home, I made myself a sausage and veggie scramble with a side of sliced apples and blueberries.

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After breakfast, I decided to make a study schedule for preparing for my RD exam. I have been stressing and struggling to find the motivation to studying, but making a plan always seems to help me out! Tomorrow, I plan on going to the public library by my house, follow my plan, and get to studying! I'm actually looking forward to begin studying, and now that I posted that I have a study plan to follow on my blog, it should help keep me accountable! :)

After making my plan, I was able to Skype with one of my bestest friends, which was SUCH a blessing! After our Skype date, I made a quick and early lunch by grilling a light string cheese in a flat out bread and adding a side of veggies. It was around 11:30am when I had this meal, and my NTC class was at noon, so I didn't want to eat too heavy. This was the perfect pre-workout fuel! I had so much energy during my workout!

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After a crazy and intense NTC class (I wanted to cry during the squat session!), I needed a quick but protein-packed snack as I had a few errands to run before coming back home. I had already planned ahead and put a Think Thin bar in my bag, so this definitely helped keep my hunger at bay this afternoon! These bars are gluten free and have 20g of protein per bar! They are delicious!

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Dinner was absolutely amazing tonight. We made our tabbouleh once more (recipe is posted!) while grilling some fish! My mom and I made salmon for my dad and trout for us. My cousin bought me this amazing Cajun seasoning from Whole Foods a few months back, so I used that to season my fish and my sweet potatoes! This meal turned out to be delicious and very filling!

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Now that the evening is coming to an end, I am realizing how exhausted I am! However, it is a good exhaustion because my muscles feel so worked! I can't wait to be sore tomorrow and know that I did something to better my body today! I hope you all have a wonderful evening!

Slow and Steady! Workout Plan: 9/8-9/14

Happy weekend everyone! I have been wanting to write a new workout post for a while, but I got very sick this week with a bad sinus infection and, thanks to antibiotics, am finally feeling a little better today! Needless to say, my workouts have suffered and I have mostly just done the elliptical with a few weight machines this week. However, I have been able to keep up with my plank challenge! Today was a hard one at 1:35, but I was able to pull through thank the Lord :) With that said, this week's plan is going to start out little slow. I have not been able to work out at the intensity I would like to, and I am very low energy as I try to get over this infection, so I am going to start with a short mileage and work my way up. Here is my tentative plan for the week:

9/8/13: 2 mile run, 20 mins elliptical HIIT, plank

Chest press, Tricep dip, and Tricep press

9/9/13: 3 mile run, plank

Nike Training Club class (this is strengthening and toning class for basically the entire body! I love these classes!)

9/10/13: 4 mile run, plank, swimming

Shoulder press, Lateral raises, Bicep curls

9/11/13: 5 mile run, plank, push ups

Leg press machine

9/12/13: 6 mile run, plank

Mid-row machine, Lat pull-down, Inner/outer thigh machine

9/13/13: 4 mile run, plank

Nike Training Club class

9/14/13: 6 mile run, plank, push ups

Chest press and Tricep dips

I am hoping that I can actually start on the right foot tomorrow morning with my 2 mile run. I have missed running SO much this week since I have been sick. Again, this is a tentative schedule. I may change things around this week depending on my health, schedule, and what is sore! However, I am hoping to stick to this plan! I will keep you posted using my Daily Manna posts on the days I have time to post :)

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Love Take Me Over: Daily Manna 8/29

I've had this song in my head ALL day. It has such a catchy tune, and the lyrics are so great. The focus on love just taking over our whole being definitely helped me get through the day! Here is the link if anyone wants to enjoy it for themselves :)

Today started out in the typical fashion. Wake up, quiet time, eat, gym. Here was a verse that I reflected on this morning, as well as a shot of my flat out peanut butter sandwich as my preworkout meal

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I love this verse in Philippians because it directly shows us that God works in us for HIS good purpose, which we know is better than what WE think our purpose is, right? Focusing on this verse early in the morning helped me realize that I am on this earth to glorify God, and that my body, life, and my whole self are all entirely the Lord's!

I had a good 4 mile run this morning and did some leg work. I really wanted to continue running, but since I ran 8 miles yesterday, I didn't want to overdo it today. I want to take care of my body by working it out, but also not pushing it too far!

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I waited till I got to the hospital around 6:30am to have breakfast and enjoyed 2 scrambled eggs with a peach.

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Since I had breakfast so early, I had a little 100 calorie snack pack of raw almonds before my lunch at 11:30am. For my meal, I made a salad, got a chicken breast from the grill, and got a side of pico de gallo and guacamole (they SAID it was guacamole, but I'm pretty sure it was a creamy avocado dressing...but who cares it was YUM!

photo 4

I mixed this all up on my salad and had a delicious creation!

photo 2 (1)

This salad was so amazing that it lasted me past 2pm! Usually I get hungry again around 1:30 or 2pm and try to fight off the snack attack, but I was able to hold off my snack till JUST before I got off work at 3:30pm. They had yellow plums at the hospital, so I grabbed one and ate a quest bar before I headed off, in awe that I only have one day left of my internship tomorrow!

photo 3 (1)

I stopped at an outlet mall on my way home from work and bought a few things as a little treat to myself :) I bought a nice summery white top and some new amazingly comfortable leggings! My whole drive home, I was being SO indecisive about what I wanted for dinner. I am seriously so tired of not being able to cook my favorite foods in my apartment! And I was not in the mood for either a rotisserie chicken or chipotle for my dinner. I've packed all my kitchen stuff up and don't have many groceries in the house, so cooking any fancy meals were out of the question. Plus, I was still full from my snack by the time I got home, so I passed some time packing, filling out last minute evaluation forms for my internship, and then finally dragged my feet to the kitchen a little past 6pm to see what I could conjure up. I had 3 mini tortillas left, string cheese, salsa, and carrots. So...this is what I came up with...and it wasn't too shabby!



I made a triple decker quesadilla by stacking the 3 tortillas and stringing the cheese between each later, then melting it in the microwave. I had some salsa on the side and a few baby carrots for my veggies! This meal was pretty plain but it met my nutrient needs, while being easy and tasty as well!

And that concludes my last and final evening in my apartment! I can't wait to finally get back home and be able to actually cook my yummy, healthy meals that I miss! Now, on to continuing packing and hopefully have some down time before bed! Good night! :)