Sweet Potato Butter Fries

I have really been into grass fed butter lately. I absolutely love it! It has such a rich yet light flavor and tastes good with pretty much everything! It is also a healthy fat choice, which makes it even better! I decided to make some sweet potato fries the other day, but instead of using olive oil, I used some Kerrygold grass fed butter. Oh man, it was amazing!! I will definitely be using this method for my sweet potato fries from now on! I also added some Parmesan cheese to the fries for some added kick, and they turned out delicious! Here is my recipe for sweet potato butter fries!

Such an easy and yummy recipe! And a great supplement to any meal. Have a great day everyone!

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Spicy Garlic Green Beans

Hello world!! Today I am sharing a recipe that even the most veggie-hating person will enjoy! I made these yummy green beans last weekend, and they were such a hit! So I thought I'd share!

A word on fat: most people are afraid of using fats and oils because of the calories and tend to steam or use spray oil when cooking veggies. DON'T DO IT! Okay do it once in a while, but please don't be scared of healthy fats. Our bodies need them! The vitamins in veggies, mostly vitamins A and C, are actually fat soluble and need fat to be absorbed properly!! So make sure to use a high quality fat, even coconut oil or grass fed butter, to cook your veggies! And add olive oil and yummy avocado to your salad; I promise you will be fine!! :)

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Spicy Sausage & Taters

I love potatoes aka taters. If you follow me on Instagram (@tveen_rd), you probably notice that I eat sweet potatoes almost daily! I absolutely adore them. I made this super easy meal last week with spicy jalapeño chicken sausage from trader joes and some taters. The spicy theme has been strong this week on this blog! ;) This dish came out tasting great and I looked forward to it every day I had it! I thought I would share the recipe so you all could enjoy it as well! 

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Peanut Butter Energy Balls

Every time I see or hear the word peanut butter, I am immediately interested in what is being talked about. I love peanut butter and pretty much eat it every day. I just feel the same about any nut butter! Almond, cashew, sunflower seed butter...it's all good! On Sunday, I decided to make some quick energy balls that I could have as my pre-workout meals all week. This may seem silly, but I always try to bake or make something yummy to eat before I workout as extra motivation to actually wake up early and workout before my day begins! I love the habit I have gotten into and it really helps me stay accountable to my morning workouts. These energy balls are high in protein and healthy fat and will keep you going for a while! They were very easy to whip up and so delicious! My fiancé pretty much wanted to eat the entire batch! :) here is my recipe!

Here are the nutrition facts in case anyone is interested: 

1 energy ball: 95 calories, 5g fat, 7g carb, 2g fiber, 6g protein 

Have a great week everyone!

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Pumpkin Blueberry Protein Pancakes

I've decided to make Wednesdays a waffle/pancake day. I am a huge waffle and pancake lover. I also love me some eggs, but once in a while, you need a break and a nice treat to start of your day. I start work later on Wednesdays which gives me the perfect opportunity to make a nice big breakfast. Good thing I make my pancakes/waffles gluten free, high in protein, and healthy! This morning, I wanted to combine pumpkin with blueberry and came out with this amazing breakfast which was super filling and delicious! Here is my recipe for Pumpkin Blueberry Protein Pancakes! 

Hope you all enjoy!

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Gingerbread Bars

Gingerbread is one of my all time favorite Christmas treats. Last year, I developed a recipe using a blend of gluten free flours, including almond flour. This year, I am planning on taking gingerbread to my work Christmas party. I found out my supervisor has an almond allergy, as well as one of my best friends who just figured out she has an almond allergy too! I wanted to make an almond-free version of the recipe to make sure it still tastes good. And it does! It tastes even better. Here is my new and improved gluten free Gingerbread recipe!

I checked mine with a fork (as you can see) but toothpicks work best! I am so excited to make another batch next week for our work Christmas party! I hope you all get to try this new and improved recipe this weekend!

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Parmesan Garlic Chicken

Sometimes, you can get sick of healthy food. It happens, and it's normal. Chicken is one of those dishes that can get boring fast. Grilled chicken and salad is a meal one of my best friends and I joke about, because we ALWAYS have it. However, there are many ways to make even the blandest food a little more exciting. This week, I made a chicken dish that was so different and SO delicious. The parmesan and garlic combination was amazing, and kale was a great supplement to the meal! This meal was also super easy to whip up! Here is my easy and tasty chicken recipe!

I let these cool in two small containers so they would be ready for my lunches! This chicken was such a treat and a meal I looked forward to instead of dreaded! I highly recommend you all trying this dish if you feel yourself getting bored of your usual chicken meals!

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Banana Oatmeal Nut Muffins

Good morning all and happy Tuesday! How was everyone's Monday? Mine was a busy, stressful, but great one all at the same time! It started with a wonderful run and leg day workout, busy day at work, yummy dinner, yoga, and hanging out with the fiancé! All in all, I'd say a pretty successful start to the week. And I got home to beautiful red roses my fiancé had left for me earlier in the evening...it doesn't get much better than that! This morning, I thought I'd share my banana muffin recipe. This recipe turned out pretty amazing and makes the perfect quick morning snack before hitting the gym. It's healthy and delicious and I know you all will love it. Here is the recipe! 

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Quick & Easy Tzatziki

Hello everyone! We are one day closer to that lovely weekend of ours, which is reason enough to celebrate today! Yesterday's post was pretty heavy for me, so today, I thought I'd share a quick and easy recipe with you all! I've never really been a yogurt person. Fro-yo...YES. A million times, yes. But not tart, plain yogurt. Basically, I've never liked the healthy kind of yogurt. I have never even been a fan of the flavored yogurts, which I am relieved about since they are often loaded with sugars and who knows what else! There is only one way I can eat yogurt, and that is as my own homemade tzatziki sauce. On Tuesday, I posted this yummy snack on Instagram, so I thought I would share the recipe today! This sauce/dip is high in protein and so light and refreshing. It really helped keep me full in the morning until lunch time and hit the spot with the flavors of garlic and mint. Here is my quick and easy tzatziki recipe!

This dip tastes great on its own, but I also like to dip my carrots or any other veggies in it as well! Protein and veggies all in one neat package. I can't wait to make this again as my morning snack for tomorrow!

Hopefully you all have the 4 minutes it takes to try this recipe out! Let me know what you think! I love quick, easy, and healthy recipes that are whipped up in no time. Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!

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Turkey Arrabbiata

Monday night was one of those nights that I did not want to do ANYTHING after work besides come home. I had such a long day and was feeling pretty crummy. I worked almost 12 hours, trying to get a few hours in at my new job, while doing my regular shift at my old job. I came home and scanned our ingredients to see what I could come up with for dinner that was quick, healthy, and of course, tasty. I always keep some ground beef and turkey on hand, as well as a big bag of frozen veggies from Costco. I spotted some fire roasted diced tomatoes, some crushed tomatoes, and of course some rice (a staple in our home), and got to work! I made this spicy turkey and veggie arrabbiata that we ate with some rice, and it was delicious! This meal made almost 6 servings and kept us well fed these past few days. Even though it is a simple recipe, I wanted to share it with you all! Healthy meals don't have to be complicated :) so here is the recipe!

Once the arrabbiata is done, you can dish it up with some rice, or even pasta! You can also eat this dish by itself or with zoodles or spaghetti squash if you want to jive with the low carb life. My husband and I got SO used to rice on our honeymoon (there were two scoops of rice served with practically every meal in Hawaii), so we are still on the rice train! We should probably hop off soon...but oh well! :) 

I hope you guys enjoy this quick and easy recipe! Happy almost weekend to you all! 

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