Spicy Garlic Green Beans

Hello world!! Today I am sharing a recipe that even the most veggie-hating person will enjoy! I made these yummy green beans last weekend, and they were such a hit! So I thought I'd share!

A word on fat: most people are afraid of using fats and oils because of the calories and tend to steam or use spray oil when cooking veggies. DON'T DO IT! Okay do it once in a while, but please don't be scared of healthy fats. Our bodies need them! The vitamins in veggies, mostly vitamins A and C, are actually fat soluble and need fat to be absorbed properly!! So make sure to use a high quality fat, even coconut oil or grass fed butter, to cook your veggies! And add olive oil and yummy avocado to your salad; I promise you will be fine!! :)

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