Quick & Easy Tzatziki

Hello everyone! We are one day closer to that lovely weekend of ours, which is reason enough to celebrate today! Yesterday's post was pretty heavy for me, so today, I thought I'd share a quick and easy recipe with you all! I've never really been a yogurt person. Fro-yo...YES. A million times, yes. But not tart, plain yogurt. Basically, I've never liked the healthy kind of yogurt. I have never even been a fan of the flavored yogurts, which I am relieved about since they are often loaded with sugars and who knows what else! There is only one way I can eat yogurt, and that is as my own homemade tzatziki sauce. On Tuesday, I posted this yummy snack on Instagram, so I thought I would share the recipe today! This sauce/dip is high in protein and so light and refreshing. It really helped keep me full in the morning until lunch time and hit the spot with the flavors of garlic and mint. Here is my quick and easy tzatziki recipe!

This dip tastes great on its own, but I also like to dip my carrots or any other veggies in it as well! Protein and veggies all in one neat package. I can't wait to make this again as my morning snack for tomorrow!

Hopefully you all have the 4 minutes it takes to try this recipe out! Let me know what you think! I love quick, easy, and healthy recipes that are whipped up in no time. Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!

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