Food essentials to ALWAYS have on hand!

Hello out there! I hope everyone is having a fabulous week. Mine has been busy but in such a good and challenging way. Stresses have turned into joys, and thoughts have turned into actions, and I am just so happy to see what the Lord will bring me in the days, weeks, and months to come! I decided to take a rest day today from my workout since I've been feeling kind of sick and don't want to come down with a full blown flu, which apparently everyone has! I started off my day with this yummy and huge breakfast, my favorite!


Eggs, taters, veggies, and fruit. Never gets old!

I thought I would drop in just to talk about a few essential foods and snacks I always, and I mean ALWAYS, make sure to have at home. When it comes to hunger, I'm no nice girl. I want food, and I want it now. The best way to ensure eating healthy foods is to make sure these foods are always on hand. I compiled a list of foods I always make sure to stock my fridge and pantry with so I don't find myself in a food emergency and reaching for whatever seems to be around.

1. Hummus and carrots. I pretty much eat this combination every single day. It's the perfect mid morning snack and yes, I usually smell like garlic for a while, but it's so worth it. It's a great way to get some veggies and fiber in and keeps me full until lunch time!


2. Nuts. I am nuts for nuts. I go crazy for them. Nuts are usually my afternoon snack. Afternoons are tough since I have lunch and then find myself feeling snacky by 3pm. Not fully hungry mind you, just snacky. Nuts are perfect since they take a while to eat, and all that healthy fat keeps me full and happy until dinner time! I know what you're thinking; it is SO easy to overeat nuts! I've solved this problem by keeping a 1/4 cup measuring cup in my container of nuts to make sure I always have an appropriate portion!


3. Hard-boiled eggs. I would not survive without these beauties. Hard boiled eggs are probably the easiest things to prepare and the most versatile food to carry around with you that has a great nutritional punch!


Eggs are packed with healthy fat and protein that keeps you going for a while. I usually have them as a pre-workout or even as part of my breakfast. To prep, I will boil 5 to 6 eggs at the beginning of the week, usually while getting ready for church on Sunday morning and have them ready for me throughout the week. My little trick to make them easy to peel it's to dump them in some ice water immediately after then they are done boiling, and then store them in the fridge.

4. Larabars.


I'm a big proponent of eating whole meals and whole food before eating convenience foods. But, if I were to pick a bar, I would definitely pick Larabars. Larabars usually have between three and five ingredients and are made from whole foods, no added junk and no chemicals! I keep a few at work and at home for a quick preworkout meal or an afternoon treat.

Those are just a few of my favorite food essentials that I keep on hand! The more healthy foods you stock up on, the healthier you will eat! I hope this post gave some easy and convenient meal and snack ideas for you all! Have an awesome Wednesday!

Made for More: January 26-31 Food & Fitness Plan!

Well. Here it is. The last week of January. I am in shock and can't believe how fast this year is already going! There is hardly any time to do the things that I want to do. I think being busy is one of the most stressful things for me. I like to have time to plan things out, and time to do everything I want to do. However, I'm pretty sure every second between now and June is accounted for on my calendar...oops! Which definitely means meal planning and scheduling my workouts is even more important in order for me to reach my health and fitness goals. This morning, I've had the following verse swimming around in my head: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 2 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬

It came to my mind after I saw this saying on Pinterest this morning:


What we think about ourselves is usually how we act. If we see ourselves as weak and failures, we will most likely act that way. God says we have been given a spirit of power, love, and self control. I don't know about you, but those qualities definitely counter being afraid or feeling like you are destined for failure. We are not meant to be living in fear. We were made for more. We were made for victory. This is the concept that I will be focusing on this week in my own life. I want to claim the identity that God has given me this week. It's already in me, I just have to own it, claim it, and live it out! How do we do this? Through prayer (and lots of it), and really surrendering our hearts, thoughts, and goals to God.

I am such a goal oriented person. I love to make lists, reach for the stars, and check things off as I go. This week, I will continually surrender all of my goals and aspirations to God, because really, His hands are the safest place they could be!

Here are my goals for the week: 1. Finish my Bible study homework 2. Update my resume 3. Blog more 4. Run 2x this week 5. Break from baking (maybe I will write about this more in the future, maybe I won't haha we will see where God leads, but for now, I'm going to take a nice little break from all my scrumptious baked goods). 6. Do NOT go grocery shopping (I have so much food at home that I am determined to use up before spending more money!)

And considering all that food at home waiting for me, here is my meal plan for the week!

Pre workout meals: Hard boiled eggs Nuts Larabar Banana w/nut butter

Breakfasts: Scrambles Hard boiled eggs Meatballs w/veggies stir fry

Lunch/Dinner: Meatballs w/taters Stuffed zucchini by my Mama! Frozen meats such as: chicken, turkey burger, mahi mahi burger, etc (I have a ton!) Salads/veggies

I'm feeling good about my food options this week and am excited to save some money in the meantime!

Fitness plans:

My 10K is about 20 days away and I could not be more excited! My runs have not gone longer than 5 miles and I am planning on just doing one 6 mile run before race day. If you have read my previous posts, I have a history of knee and hip injuries from overuse. I am determined not to let that happen again! I am balancing my runs with the elliptical/walking, strength training, stretching, and plyometrics and I really feel that this balance is helping me stay injury-free! Here is my fitness plan for this week!

Monday: Back/biceps day Elliptical 4 miles

Tuesday: Run 4 miles

Wednesday: TIU kettlebell workout for leg day! Cardio mix 3 miles

Thursday: Run 5 miles

Friday: Chest day Cardio mix 4 miles

Saturday: Toning (arms) Run 3-4 miles

I am also doing the 100 miles by Valentine's Day with Tone it Up and am so excited about my progress! I am at 60/100 miles and have 40 to go! Hoping to make a big dent in that this week.

That's it for this post, folks. I really hope to be a bit more present on my blog and make time for it! Writing is such a stress release for me, and considering how busy life has been, writing definitely needs to make a come back to my life!

Have an awesome and joyful Monday everyone!

An Attitude of Joy: January 19-25

I have been missing a key component of my life lately. A piece that God has given me and even willed for me, and yet I have not taken His free gift. That gift is joy, part of the very title of my little blog here. Lately, I have felt such a burden on my heart. The past few weeks have been stressful, hard, and busy. Very very busy. I hate using that excuse, but I've come to terms with the fact that it's true. In 90 days, I get to marry the love of my life, which means it's a joyful time and a stressful time all rolled into one.

This week, I am choosing joy. I'm choosing to do everything relying on God's strength. Because the joy of the Lord is my strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)


I want to find the joy in every part of my blessed life. Because life is meant to be enjoyed. I want to be joyful at work, with friends, on quiet evenings at home, during phone chats with my fiancé, and also while I am working out and taking care of the body God has given me. I've lost joy in that as well.

Sometimes, health and fitness are not fun things. There I said it. I'm a dietitian and love healthy eating, but sometimes it all gets to be too much. I want the joy restored in this area of my life. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says "so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." I am convinced that if this whole health and fitness thing was 100% given over to the Lord and done for His glory, it would bring us joy. There would be joy in taking care of the body God has given us, joy in giving ourselves whole foods that have been created by God's hands and not a machine, joy in having a treat now and then, joy in going for a run, or sleeping in and having a day of rest. All of these aspects are part of health, and they should all bring us joy.

With that said, this week I am going to pray with all my heart that God restores unto me His joy. In every crevice of my heart and life, I want God to be present. Even as I make my plan for the week here in this post, I want God's blessings and fingerprints to be all over it. I firmly believe that God cares about every aspect of our lives, and wants everything surrendered to Him. So here it goes. My plan for the week!

Foodie plan :)

This past Sunday, my mom cooked up a storm since we had my future in laws over for lunch! That means only one thing for this week: LEFTOVERS! Here are my meal options!

Pre workouts: Banana w/nuts like this AM :)


Toast w/PB

Breakfast: Protein waddles/pancakes like this AM as well!


Scrambles Oatmeal Egg wraps

Lunch/Dinner: Leftover pollo asada Leftover roast Potatoes, salad Turkey burger Meatballs with spicy arabiatta sauce Kung Pao chicken from TJ's (so excited to try this!)

Pretty yummy options if I do say so myself! My mom and I made sure to stock up our home with good food this week. Hopefully that means healthy home cooked meals all week and not spending too much money on eating out!


Monday: I had my training session this morning (back and biceps), and it was killer!

Tuesday: 4 mile run (still training for my 10K and it's in less than a month! So excited!

Wednesday: leg day! Stairmaster and hoping to fit in the TIU Love your Body workout in as well

Thursday: logbook workout from my trainer (chest), run 3 miles, and circuits with Hanna in the evening!

Friday: training session again, cardio mix 3 miles

Saturday: 5 mile run

Sunday: log book (arms), cardio mix 3 miles

And there we have it! Here's to a great, joyful, God focused week everyone!

Food & Fitness & Updates Galore!

Hello everyone!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I can't believe Monday is upon us yet again. Last week was a challenging one for me. But God gave me the strength to pull through. Work was stressful and I was so happy to recharge this past weekend. And now I'm so ready to take on this new week!! I did a lot of meal prep tonight and am glad to be able to reach for healthy options throughout this week. I made my infamous sausage and tater bake, boiled some eggs, and made a new recipe with bananas, oats, and walnuts! That, and my pumpkin gingerbread recipe, will be on the blog soon!!


I'm also doing the Love Your Body challenge with Tone It Up (, and have reached 20/100 for my 100 miles by Valentine's Day challenge. Im feeling pretty good about that and hope to get more miles and toning in this week!!

But first, the foodie plan :)

Pre-workout options: Hard boiled egg Banana Oat Nut protein muffins Gluten free toast w/nut butter Banana w/nuts or nut butter

Breakfast: Oatmeal Scrambles Hard boiled egg Sausage and taters

Lunch/dinner: Sausage and taters Salads Turkey taco meat Leftovers

Snacks: Carrots w/hummus Banana Oat Nut muffins Larabars Nuts Turkey taco meat

I'm looking forward to my options for the week! I think it is so important to make sure you look forward to eating your food. Food should be enjoyed!!

And now for the workouts:

Monday: run/walk 2-3 miles, personal training session (probably leg day!), Yoga in the PM

Tuesday: Arms and cardio mix 3 miles (usually I do the bike, elliptical, and some walking) or stair master if I'm feeling brave!

Wednesday: circuits in the AM with Hanna, possible workout with the fiancé in the PM which will probably be some kind of cardio and toning!

Thursday: run 4 miles

Friday: personal training sesh #2 for this week, cardio mix 3 miles

Saturday: run 5 miles

Sunday: logbook workout from my trainer, cardio mix 3 miles

My goal is to reach 40 miles for my 100 by Valentine's Day challenge. This is kind of a big goal, but why not right?? Dream big or go home :)

I'm pretty excited about this week. I'm also a little anxious, since I struggled a bit this past week with my food choices. I know I shouldn't be hard on myself, but I also know I shouldn't overdo on indulgence. Balance is always difficult to find, but it's a journey worth taking!

I am also taking on the Tone It Up challenge this week of not weighing myself for 10 days! This means not till NEXT Wednesday! I'm pretty excited about it. I had given up the scale a bit ago, but that bad habit of weighing myself too often has crept back up on me. Why do these silly things get a hold of us? I don't know, but I know that only I am giving it the power it does NOT have.

I've also kept up with my no counting calories goal. I got my app back a few times in moments of weakness, but have quickly deleted it again. I am definitely still calorie conscious, but to be honest I do miss the structure of counting. I love numbers, planning, and figuring out puzzles, which is basically what counting became. I know, however, that it is not a very sustainable habit for me, and I hope to be able to continue on my no counting streak. I will obviously keep you all informed on the happenings in this department! :)

Ok. That's all for now! I hope you all enjoy these last few hours of the weekend!

Let's do this! Food and Fitness Plan Jan 5-11

Are you ready for the week?? I am!!! Not so much ready to go back to work after a nice weekend...but I am ready to grow, reach to goals and have a productive week. This weekend was so fun for me, I'm sad to see it end. However, I have to come to terms with the fact that work is a part of life, and I am beyond blessed to be working in a job that I enjoy and that does such great things for people! This week is super busy, I pretty much have something planned out every evening! Ps did I tell you guys I finally bought my planner! Yep, that's right, a good old fashioned planner. Paper and pen and all. It has "Faith, Hope, Love" written on it, which is always a good reminder. I transferred all of my stuffs to it this morning after some good pumpkin gingerbread and quiet time!


I want to try and use a paper planner this year and see how I do. I feel like I rely too heavily on my phone and want to not have to use it so much! Wishful thinking probably, but this is a start!

Busy weeks are even more motivation for me to figure out what and when I am going to do things. I have to make sure that I have enough time for productivity as well as rest. I've tried to find that balance this week, so we will see how it goes! Here is my food/fitness plan for the upcoming week!


Breakfast options: Hard boiled eggs Scrambles with veggies Sausage and veggies Oats with fruit and nuts Protein waffles Bars if in a rush!

Lunch options: Leftover kebab from my awesome lunch today!!


Turkey burgers Tuna sandwiches/salads

Snack/pre-workout options: Nuts Carrots w/hummus Larabars String cheese Hard boiled eggs

Dinner options: I'm meeting up with a lot of friends and family for dinners this week! I'm definitely planning on still keeping it healthy, but I'm not entirely sure what these options will be! Probably some sort of protein and veggies per usual!

Fitness plan:

I'm trying to move some of my workouts to evenings since my schedule has been tiring me out. Waking up at 4:30am is not ideal and not a way to live everyday life! Here is my tentative plan for the week. I've put AM next to morning workouts and PM next to evening workouts.

Monday: AM: tone it up arms and abs workout PM: cardio for 3-4 miles (either elliptical or treadmill)

Tuesday: AM: run 3-4 miles

Wednesday: AM: Plyometrics, then circuits with my friend Hanna

Thursday: PM: personal training session, cardio

Friday: AM: Run 5 miles

Saturday: AM: cardio, plyometrics, abs

Sunday: Random!

Wednesday and Saturday mornings are not as early for me as some other days. I also moved my personal training session to Thursday for this week to see how evenings work for me! They used to be bright and early Monday mornings. I'm experimenting with this, but also hope to gain some more rest through the process! I've found that, without proper rest, your workouts just won't mean anything. There has to be a balance of good nutrition, good movement, and good rest in order to reach good health.

Lastly, I want to continue with my resolutions of watching less Netflix shows and spend more time reading, playing the piano, and just doing other things instead! I've really been enjoying reading my Nicholas Sparks book lately (love his stuff!) and doing other things with my time. Not to say that I'm not watching any TV, because I am. But again, balance is key.


I also want to continue with my stress and worry less goals (which I definitely cannot do without the grace of God since I am such a stress case most of the time!) and want to work on my secret project. I'm hoping to have time this week with all that is going on!

Have you set a plan of goals for the week yet? Sunday night is the best time to prepare for and plan out your week! It helps me get more motivated for the week to come, and I hope it does the same for you!

Pieology Pizza Dinner

I don't think I've met a single person who does not like pizza. People all have their different tastes and preferences. For me, I LOVE the crust. The thicker, the better. It is probably because I love bread more than a "normal" person would. However, when I had to give up gluten, one of the hardest things to give up was pizza from my favorite place because of their thick and delicious and bready crust.


I'm pretty sure this pizza is 90% bread, 5% cheese, and 5% sauce and veggies. Which is precisely the way I like it. I'm not even pretending it's healthy because it's NOT, but it is definitely delicious.

ANYWAYS, since going gluten-free, no pizza has measured up to the amazing gluten-filled pizza shown above. And with good reason, since most gluten-free crusts taste like a cardboard cracker. However, this past weekend, I was pleasantly surprised with my experience at Pieology. They just opened this place by my house and my fiancé suggested we try it out Friday night. I got my usual pizza with bell peppers, olives, and pepperoni.


My fiancé basically got every topping they offered....he is definitely a toppings man and could care less about the bread. Oh, how I wish that trait would rub off on me!


As I took my first bite, I expected the cardboard and the crunch and not the soft crust that I was accustomed to in my pro-gluten past. However, even though this was a thin crust pizza, the crust actually tasted like bread!! I was so excited when I took my first bite. I even had my fiancé try it and he agreed with me; the gluten free crust tasted great! I don't think anyone would have even noticed it was gluten free if they hadn't been told. I ate half the pizza and was so satisfied with this meal. I didn't miss my fluffy gluten crust...ok maybe I did a LITTLE...but this pizza definitely takes the prize of one that is similar to usual thin-crust pizza while actually tasting like bread. I would definitely try this place again and know that I would feel like I was eating normal, delicious, savory pizza. Thanks, Pieology!


New Year, New Goals: 2015

Happy New Year everyone!!! It's January 1st, which is a dream come true for someone like me. I am the girl that loves Mondays, the beginning of a month or week, and the 1st day of anything! I woke up to one of my favorite verses this morning, which made me even more excited about the newness of this day and time of year: "For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭19‬

I mean OBVIOUSLY God can do anything new at anytime He so chooses. He's GOD after all. But there is just something about the freshness and newness of a new year that gets me excited and motivated to grow and reflect on what my life has been over the past year, what aspects to keep, and what to transform into something better.

I am someone who loves making goals and resolutions. Whether I stick to them or not is a different story, and most of the time I do. But sometimes life gets in the way, and things get left behind. I still believe that making goals is essential to growth, even if you may not meet all of them.

I've realized lately that many times, the reason why I don't reach a goal is because my list looks a little something like this:


Too many things, too many scattered thoughts, and no direction!!! This year, I decided to do something different with my goals. I made a list of short term and long term goals. The short term is within the next 3 months, and the long term is throughout the year. This way, there is a time frame for my goals and they are a little more organized! So here they 2015 goals!

Short term: less than 3 months

*Run my 10K in February in under 60 mins *Play piano at least 4 times/week *Plug into a ministry more consistently *Try keeping a paper planner/calendar *Finally start my secret project

Long term: all throughout the year

*Keep a consistent prayer journal and staying in God's Word *Read more books *Re-learn how to ride a bike (yes I forgot) *Feed my body healthy and whole foods and find freedom from my destructive habits *Be more available to people, pour into others * Go on a missions trip of some kind *Stop stressing and worrying so much! *Get married (can't forget that one!)

It's going to be such a big and exciting year, I just know it! God is always up to something, and I want to be used by Him and for Him for His purposes. I give all of these goals to Him and pray that His will be done!

Rest for the Weary: Recap and Weekly Plan 12/22-12/28


"Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. I am gentle and humble in heart. And you will find rest for your soul." Matthew 11:28

This past week was my second week of my 10K training plan. Things didn't go the way I had planned, but I am accepting it. I tend to be a perfectionist and if I mess up, it gets me down, which leads to more mess ups, more let down....well, you get the pattern. This week was a tough week for me. I felt EXHAUSTED. Usually, I wake up feeling energetic and ready to work out. This week, it was definitely a struggle. I still got two runs in, but also took some rest days and walking days. The fact that I had less-intense workouts isn't what really got me down. What got me down this week was the massive amount of sugary treats all over the place!!! And my lack of self control around them.

I tried to think through which treats were worth it to me, as I discussed in last week's post. Which treats did I want to have in SMALL amounts and only if they were worth it? But I truly believe that my exhaustion impaired my judgement. I tended to "eat all the things" if you will. I didn't go crazy, but I definitely didn't make wise choices.

I'm not perfect, and I think my strive for perfection actually leads me to make poorer choices instead of coming to Jesus, laying it ALL at His feet, accepting His love and rest, and finding my peace in Him verses other routes I have created for myself. I have a history of over restrictive and over indulgent eating, and when those habits rear their ugly heads again, I know something is off with me. Not just physically, but spiritually as well.

The verse at the top of this post has meant a lot to me this past week. I have definitely felt weary and in need of rest. Instead of finding my rest and relaxation in sugar (which always backfires, let me tell you!) I need to turn to Jesus and rest in Him. I need to look to him for fulfillment and comfort in times when I feel like I can't do it, whatever IT is. I also need to trust my instincts when I actually need rest!!! What is the point of waking up at 4:30 in the morning to workout and work hard, only to end up giving into sugary treats and sweets a few hours later because I am just too tired to care? And for me, usually and especially if I am tired, one treat turns into 10 which turns into a whole day of a "what the heck" mentality. Which never ends well.

I am not perfect. And I am not a food robot, as Melissa Hartwig from the Whole 30 program and the author of "It Starts with Food" reminded me this week. I'm not perfect and I'm tempted just like any of you. It's hard to stick to a healthy eating plan! But after our tough weeks, we just have to get up, brush it off, and do the next best thing.

And for me, after a week of rest and reflection, the next best thing for me to do is to eat something healthy and head to the gym this morning before church. To fill myself up with time with Jesus, good food, and to move my body a bit.

With that said, here is my tentative food plan this week! It's a short week at work, which I am very excited about! I only have 2.5 days and then it's CHRISTMAS! I want to try and use up the food we have at home before I go on a grocery shopping spree. Here is my food/fitness plan:

Pre workout: - banana w/PB - hard boiled eggs - nuts

Breakfast: - scrambles - sausage with taters - quest bar if in a hurry

Lunch/Dinner: - grass fed taco meat - turkey burgers - tuna salads - salads in general!

Workouts: I am going to try to do a couple evening workouts and see how that goes. I am morning person through and through, but I want to try something different this week.

Monday: 2 mile run (fast), Personal training session, Hanna circuits

Tuesday: 5 mile long run

Wednesday: TIU workouts (I have to take advantage of the tone it up workouts!!! I am a part of the TIU community and these are great, at home workouts to do when you are short on time!

Thursday (Christmas!): Run 4 miles (moderate pace)

Friday: Lateral elliptical, log book workout from trainer

Saturday: Run 3 miles (moderate pace), log book workout from trainer

Sunday: Walk, lateral elliptical, or rest day

And there we have it. I am so excited for this week! Christmas is my all time favorite season and I definitely don't want to ruin it by being too tired, too sluggish, or too high off of sugar! :) God is our strength at all times, and He wants us to come to Him. I don't know why I even try any other way! :)

I hope you all have a great, restful, and healthy week!

Food & Fitness Plan: 12/15-12/21

Good morning everyone and Happy Monday!!! I just love the beginning of the new week; it is filled with freshness and possibility. No matter was has happened, Monday is a chance to start brand new. Leave it all behind and move forward with this new week ahead. I know that is what I need to do! I had a great weekend sprinkled with some not so great moments. But God is good and His mercies are new every morning. EVERY SINGLE MORNING! How awesome is that. Thank you, Jesus. Food Plan:

I did some heavy duty meal prep yesterday, so I am very excited about my meals this week!! I have leftover kebab for today, but tonight, I get to enjoy my Eggplant Spaghetti Squash Lasagna (recipe coming soon!)


I also made a huge batch of Parmesan sweet potatoes (I use the white sweet potatoes because they aren't as sweet as yams, while still having high amounts of vitamin A and other nutrients!)


Here are my meal options for the week:

Pre workout: - Gluten free seeded bread w/nut butter - Hard boiled egg with nuts - Banana with nuts or nut butter - Pumpkin protein bread (if I have time to bake!)

Breakfast: - Scrambles w/veggies and avocado - Protein waffles/pancakes - Quest bar (if rushed, like today!)

Lunch/Dinner - Eggplant Spaghetti Squash Lasagna - Chicken meatballs w/sweet taters - Salads - Tuna w/plantain chips

Snacks: - Carrots w/hummus or guacamole - Nuts - Larabar - Quest bar (I want to slowly step away from these, as I feel that they may be causing some digestive discomfort! I may just use up what we have and phase them out haha stay tuned)


Here is my plan for the week! My 10K training is embedded in here as well:

Monday: I ran 2 miles at my "fast" speed (18:48) which wasn't as fast as I wanted, but I'm tired and it's Monday. Then I had my personal training session, working on chest, triceps, and shoulders. Tonight, I have circuits with my friend Hanna!

Tuesday: 5 mile long run + abs

Wednesday: 2 miles elliptical, plyometrics, logbook leg workout from trainer

Thursday: 4 mile run (moderate speed), personal training (probably back and biceps), Hanna workout

Friday: 3 mile run moderate, plyometrics

Saturday: TIU workout + abs

Sunday: easy elliptical, toning

I'm so ready for the week! I'm feeling super motivated this morning and have a set of goals for myself apart from food and fitness to work on as well:

1. Work on special project 2. Sketch 3. Play piano 4. Take make up off every night (this may sound silly, but I am so horrible at skin care, and need to get on top of this ASAP!)

I am hoping for a productive, fun, and restful week! Have you set your goals yet? Make a plan and try your best to stick to'll be happy you did!

Week 1: 10K Recap

Well, my first week of training came to an end yesterday! Even though it wasn't exactly how I wanted it to be, I am still pleased with my performance and my times! I wasn't able to get my long run in, or my second plyometrics workout, but other than that, it was a great week!


I ran a total of 12 miles this week. I did plyometrics on my 4 mile run day. I had planned on doing it on another day in between runs, but just couldn't fit it in! I'll have to plan more carefully for next week!

On my long run day (the 5 miles which turned into 3 miles), I only made it to 3 miles. I was tired, not feeling well, and my legs were extremely sore from leg day! I'm disappointed that I couldn't do the 5 miles, but there is always this week to try again!

I'm happy with how training has been going so far and can't wait to see what this week will bring! Stay tuned for my food and fitness plan post coming soon!