Inflammation is NOT my friend

Wow, I cannot believe how long it has been since I've written a post! I am SO sorry! I've been crazy busy this past week nursing my poor hip/knee, which has appeared to have gotten worse, as well as studying for my RD exam. It's been really tough not being able to workout the way I am used to, especially because running is not about burning calories for me anymore. It's become something I look forward to every  morning when I wake up. It's become a way for me to think, pray, and relieve my stress before the day begins. Which is why I am determined to have this pain figured out! I have not run for 3 weeks now, and it is really starting to get on my nerves! I went to the doctor this week, who ordered x-rays, and a possible MRI if the x-rays come out clean. Since I'm pretty sure I have no broken bones, I'm hoping the MRI will be the next step to make sure I haven't torn any muscles or ligaments. I'm certain this pain is inflammatory and is caused by overuse, and possibly the need for new running shoes (which I wish were cheaper)!

In the meantime, I've been trying to do as much as I can to alleviate the stress on my hip and knee, while still working out and maintaining my endurance and active lifestyle. For example, this morning, I did 3 miles on the elliptical, with no incline and minimal resistance (between 1-3)...

photo 2

Even though I definitely don't get the endorphins I am used to on the elliptical, I am trying to be positive and focus on the fact that I can still do SOMETHING to move my legs and stay active! After my workouts, I typically come home and ice my hip and knee while having a light snack...check out these jumpo grapes from a few days ago!

photo 1


I've also been dabbling in a "paleo" type of lifestyle this week, since these foods are anti-inflammatory, and I'm hoping they may help my pain! I haven't been too strict on this, and might see better results if I am more strict; but for now, I am trying to focus on being grain and dairy free, icing my hip and knee, and stretching as much as possible.

Today, I had a lovely sausage and veggie omelet for lunch, and got a surprise double-yolk from one of my eggs! These grain and dairy free meals have been helping me in the staying-full and having-energy department, so I am very much hoping they will help my pain as well!

photo 3

I'm hoping to be back and running again very soon. My plan is to wait on my doctor for the results of my x-ray, and for a possible MRI. I am also going to continue my elliptical regimen with icing and stretching afterwards. I am going to try my best to stay grain and dairy free for a short while to see if that impacts my pain. I am also going to check out a running store soon to see if I need new or different shoes. Hopefully these things will help me heal soon, as I am SO ready to get back to my running!

I hope you all are having a fantastic Thursday and I hope to be writing again soon! :)

Injury Update & Workout Schedule! 10/21-10/27

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. I had a very restful weekend mixed with good people and good food. I tried out an amazing Indian restaurant on Saturday night and had lamb, which is NOT a usual food for me, and loved it!! I had to provide a picture below! :) photo 1

I also went to a fun pumpkin patch yesterday, which made it finally feel like Fall, minus the hot weather we are experiencing here. Overall, it was a great weekend!

photo 2

Injury Update:

My hip and knee have been healing nicely ever since I have been taking it easy activity-wise. My hip pain is 90% gone, but seems to have moved on to my knee. Thankfully, this pain is subsiding as well. My cousin gave me some great icing and stretching tips, which have been working out great! I have also been doing the elliptical for about 30 minutes a day, which helps me get my cardio in without being too strenuous on my hips and knees. Since my pain has been getting better, I am hoping to fit in a short run later on this week, depending on how things go! Here is my tentative workout plan for the week!

**I also decided to provide the machines/exercises I typically do for my toning work instead of just the body parts I work. I hope this helps! I plan to get more and more detailed as I go along with my workouts and schedules, and once I have more time after I take my RD exam!


Monday 10/21

I did 35 minutes on the elliptical this morning, followed by chest and back work.

Tuesday 10/22

Elliptical 40 minutes, biceps, push-ups

Wednesday 10/23

Elliptical 30 minutes, triceps, shoulders

Thursday 10/24

If my hip and knee are feeling better, today is the day I am going to TRY a 1 mile run, along with 20-30 minutes on the elliptical, chest, biceps

Friday 10/25

30 minutes elliptical, back, triceps

Saturday 10/26

1-1.5 mile run, 20-30 minutes elliptical, shoulders, biceps

Sunday 10/27

2 mile run, 10 minutes elliptical, chest, triceps



Chest: chest press machine

Back: Lat pull down, mid row machine

Biceps: seated bicep curl machine, seated bicep curls with dumbbells

Triceps: tricep extension machine, tricep dips on seat

Shoulders: Shoulder press machine, shoulder press with dumbbells, and I also LOVE the TIU shoulder routine! Found here :)


And that is the plan for a week! I am feeling optimistic and hoping that I can actually run my intended 2 miles by the end of this week. I hope you all make this week a great one!

Training with an Injury

Today marks about 5 weeks until my half-marathon! It also marks that time that I had shooting pain down my back/hip/bottom while running and almost fell off the treadmill :( I have been trying to do 2-3 mile runs ever since my hip decided to grace me with its painful presence last week. I was doing well until this morning. The minute I hit mile 3, I had the worst pain shoot down my left hip/bottom, which is crazy because it is my RIGHT hip that always gives me trouble! I decided, or rather, was forced, to get off the treadmill immediately and do some stretches in order to be able to just walk out of the gym! After stretching I did some arm work and was definitely done with my workout. I immediately got to work on my half-marathon training plan, taking my injury into account. I know that rest, icing, and the lovely smelling icy-hot are going to be the only things that will help my pain and allow me to successfully run my half-marathon in 5 weeks! As hard as it is for me to rest, I have been reminding myself that resting now means better success later. After reading up on my pain online and seeing that rest for a few days up to a week is necessary, I have tweaked my plan and am going to hopefully be running again in a few days! Here is my tentative plan for training with an injury this week:

10/14 (today): Cardio: 3 mile run. Toning: biceps, triceps, back

10/15: Cardio: rest from cardio! Toning: shoulder routine

10/16: Cardio: rest OR try a cardio barre class. This workout could either stretch out my hips and help the pain, OR make the pain worse...I will definitely be listening to my body with this one! Toning: chest, triceps, push ups

10/17: Cardio: 2 mile run OR rest. Toning: shoulder routine, back

10/18: Cardio: 2 mile run OR 20 minutes ellipitcal. Toning: Frisky fall toning routine (minus lunges/squats) from a fall challenge group I am a part of with Tone it Up! (

10/19: Cardio: I am being positive and planning to run 2 miles today! Toning: biceps, triceps, push ups

10/20: Busy day planned out so this will probably be a rest day overall! Maybe some quick toning work in the morning :)

Stretching will also be HUGE as I try to overcome this injury. I have never been a good stretcher, which I know is probably why I get injured like this! Not only will I try to get better at stretching, but will also continue to stretch even after my pain is gone in order to prevent future injuries! Hopefully I can be pain-free in a few days and pick up my running and training for my half-marathon!

Gluten, Grains, and Paleo, Oh My!

I am writing this post sitting in Starbucks at the moment and am SO tempted to get one (or a few) of their baked goods. But I'm not going to, as hard as it may be, because this morning, I posted on my Instagram (name change! @fitfoodie_tveen) that I wanted to try to eat as grain-free as possible for a while. Truth be told, I LOVE BREAD. Seriously, I used to love going to restaurants with unlimited bread baskets, warm rolls, or fresh baked pita bread. I love dipping bread in soups, sauces, and, of course, oil and vinegar. Growing up, I have always had some...shall we say..."tummy issues," but never figured that they could have been caused by things like breads and grains. I was allergic to milk as an infant and had to rely on soy-milk, until I just simply stopped drinking milk altogether. I loved grains and relied on these foods when feeling sick (toast, crackers, rice, etc). But then again, I followed this type of lifestyle, and still had tummy issues throughout my whole life. And I was always so grateful that I didn't have Celiac's disease or gluten intolerance because, I told myself, I could NEVER follow a lifestyle without bread! Until...last summer, when my tummy issues escalated. I had been following a predominantly vegetarian diet since the winter before, while training for a half-marathon. This meant that my meals consisted of wheat-rich whole grain bagels, pita breads, and waffles. I felt uncomfortable, bloated, and in pain CONSTANTLY. I was miserable all the time and stayed home most nights because I did not want to go out feeling so uncomfortable and in so much pain. I finally went to the doctor at the beginning of the summer in 2012, and she said she was absolutely sure I had Celiac's disease and was going to send me for blood work just to be sure. I was upset but also relieved to have some REASON behind my discomfort. I mean, I am a nutritionist/almost RD! I eat healthy and I did not understand why all these things were happening. To my disappointment (weird, right?) I tested negative for Celiac's disease. However, my doctor still diagnosed me with gluten intolerance and told me to avoid gluten. Once I cut out gluten, something amazing happened. I was no longer bloated or in pain after eating! It was an amazing/weird feeling that I was not used to, since, for 23+ years, I had always experienced this type of discomfort after eating and truly thought it was normal. I followed a strict gluten free diet, and didn't mind the restrictions, for a few months. However, at the beginning of this year (2013), I really started to miss bread. I mean, REALLY started to miss it. Around this time, I also ironically discovered the Paleo diet and read the book "It Starts with Food" by Dallas and Melissa Hartwig. If you haven't heard of the Paleo diet, I suggest researching it. But, in a nutshell, this diet cuts out grains, legumes, dairy, soy, and added sugars and focuses on wholesome foods our ancestors ate. On the Paleo diet, you could have meat, chicken, fish, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats. I wanted to try this 30-day clean paleo diet challenge (called "Whole 30") because it really seemed to focus on wholesome foods that heal your gut, while helping you get over your "carb cravings" by allowing your body to get used to foods it was meant to live off of. I also read that some people with gluten intolerance were able to return to eating grains "once in a while" because of healing their gut through the Whole 30. I decided to try a "whole 30" and see how my body reacted, in the hopes of possibly being able to eat grains again!

My body LOVED eating paleo. My body LOVED the whole 30. I was sleeping better, my run times were improving, and I lost weight even though I was eating more than I ever had before in my life! However, my brain felt VERY restricted. All I could think about was how much I missed bread, dairy, and my beloved hummus. Once I completed the whole 30, I started to slowly reintroduce my go-to grainy foods that I had missed so much. I started eating my whole grain bagels, tortillas, and pita breads, with the original intention of eating them "once in a while." I started incorporating dairy to my diet again. I starting having my hummus with pita bread. And I was NOT feeling sick! It was an amazing feeling. I continued to still eat a balanced and "healthy" diet of meat and grains, with healthy amounts of fruits, veggies, legumes, and healthy fats. I was so excited that I was not being sick. My gluten intolerance was cured! I couldn't be more ecstatic.

Which brings me to my post this morning on Instagram. The past few weeks, I have been having some tummy trouble again. I realized that I was eating grains ALL the time, not just "once in a while" as I had originally intended. I would have a peanut butter tortilla wrap in the mornings, turkey sandwiches at lunch, and rice and meat for dinner, all in the same day. I was reflecting this morning at 3am (my sleeping has declined again as well!) and I realized how much better my body felt eating gluten and grain-free, even though I felt very restricted. I decided that I would follow my own kind of "grain-free" diet that works for me. Because, in reality, for every study done proving a food or diet is "healthy," there is a study done showing that it may cause cancer, diabetes, and be "unhealthy." For example, you read a study that oats lower cholesterol! And then you find another study that grains (including oats) raise cholesterol. There is a very confusing world of scientific research out there (trust me! I had to do a TON of research these past 6 years completing my undergraduate/graduate degrees in nutrition and dietetics!) Therefore, I decided that I need to follow a lifestyle that works for me and my body. And this lifestyle happens to be a mostly grain and gluten-free one. This isn't to say that I am never ever going to eat grains again, but I am going to do my best to follow this type of lifestyle 80% of the time, while leaving room for real life events (such as my birthday in 4 days!) to eat the foods that are worth it to me to splurge on. This week will serve as a trial run since I have two Disneyland trips planned and my 25th birthday party on Friday! I plan to still make healthy choices along the way, but don't want to stress myself out with the rules. It's a celebratory week! Yay! But anyways, here are my general guidelines:

1.) I will be cutting out all gluten and grains. Exceptions may include special occasions when the gluten/grain options are worth it to me (wonder bread vs. my birthday dessert for my 25th birthday this Friday? Birthday dessert wins, wonder bread can wait...probably forever). I've promised myself that I will give in only when I really really want the food and only if it is worth it to me! And I have promised myself to keep my portions in check. If I want to give in, 1-2 bites should be enough to get my fill of these foods.

Another exception will be when I bake. I love to bake! I love creating healthy version of foods that I love. I always bake gluten free, but the mix I use has rice flour in it, which is a grain. I am going to make an exception for this because, again, I LOVE TO BAKE! I think that life is too short to cut out things that we enjoy to do. Baking is a hobby of mine, and I will continue to bake in a gluten-free and healthy way that works for me! :)

2.) I will be eating dairy (cheeses only, I always avoid milk!) and legumes and will be following an "in-between gluten-free and paleo" type of plan with these food groups. I will incorporate foods such as peanuts, hummus, and low-fat string cheese, and not be too strict on myself. Low fat dairy products (such as cheeses) and legumes (hummus, beans, etc) have never effected my body negatively, so I do not want to cut these out and be overly restrictive! Remember, the more you restrict certain foods, the more your body, or brain rather, will want these foods!

3.) I will not obsessively worry about the type of oils foods are cooked in. This is something that majorly stressed me out while I was doing the Whole 30. I tend to be a stickler for rules and would obsessively call restaurants and research menus to make sure foods were "whole 30 approved," but I realized this type of worry about my food was not healthy, nor was it glorifying to God. God gives us food to make us healthy, strong, and for us to enjoy. Food shouldn't cause unhealthy stresses on our lives! I've realized that the time I spent worrying if foods were whole 30 approved at restaurants or not could have been spent doing other more God-glorifying things. Therefore, I will just pick foods that are protein and vegetable based from restaurants, that are gluten-free, and not be annoying to the restaurant staff :)

4.) I will pay attention to my running, sleeping, tummy issues, and overall mood. I will see how eating real, healthy, wholesome foods effects all aspects of my life!

I am excited to start/continue this journey and return to this type of eating. I am hoping my story inspires some of you who suffer from these issues as well to figure out what foods bother your body. If anyone wants to follow along in my journey, I will be posted pictures on Instagram (again @fitfoodie_tveen).

Have a wonderful, healthy, and happy day everyone!

Slow and Steady! Workout Plan: 9/8-9/14

Happy weekend everyone! I have been wanting to write a new workout post for a while, but I got very sick this week with a bad sinus infection and, thanks to antibiotics, am finally feeling a little better today! Needless to say, my workouts have suffered and I have mostly just done the elliptical with a few weight machines this week. However, I have been able to keep up with my plank challenge! Today was a hard one at 1:35, but I was able to pull through thank the Lord :) With that said, this week's plan is going to start out little slow. I have not been able to work out at the intensity I would like to, and I am very low energy as I try to get over this infection, so I am going to start with a short mileage and work my way up. Here is my tentative plan for the week:

9/8/13: 2 mile run, 20 mins elliptical HIIT, plank

Chest press, Tricep dip, and Tricep press

9/9/13: 3 mile run, plank

Nike Training Club class (this is strengthening and toning class for basically the entire body! I love these classes!)

9/10/13: 4 mile run, plank, swimming

Shoulder press, Lateral raises, Bicep curls

9/11/13: 5 mile run, plank, push ups

Leg press machine

9/12/13: 6 mile run, plank

Mid-row machine, Lat pull-down, Inner/outer thigh machine

9/13/13: 4 mile run, plank

Nike Training Club class

9/14/13: 6 mile run, plank, push ups

Chest press and Tricep dips

I am hoping that I can actually start on the right foot tomorrow morning with my 2 mile run. I have missed running SO much this week since I have been sick. Again, this is a tentative schedule. I may change things around this week depending on my health, schedule, and what is sore! However, I am hoping to stick to this plan! I will keep you posted using my Daily Manna posts on the days I have time to post :)

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Big Breakfast Club: Daily Manna 8/26

Today was such an up and down day with work, energy, and my overall mood. All I wanted to do ALL day was just go back to my bed. It was humid and rainy today, so that will be my excuse. Even if it isn't cold outside, the fact that it is rainy automatically makes me want to cuddle up in bed with a good book. Which is precisely what I plan on doing after writing this post! I woke up this morning, did my quiet time (I started a new Bible study on John and it is incredible so far!) and got ready for my workout. I ate my flat out bread (100 calories and high protein!) with a smear of peanut butter.

photo 1

And yes, I pinterest at 4am. Don't judge :)

I had a great workout this morning! I ran 6 miles and it was really easy at the beginning and the end, with just a little difficulty sprinkled in the middle. I like to change the incline on my runs since I run on the treadmill (the air quality is AWFUL where I live at the moment), so I think my body is resisting that a bit! But that's okay, I'll just have to keep pushing! After my run, I did some strength training, working on my chest and triceps! Plus a plank :)

photo 2

I really want to get better at my planks. I used to be able to do 2-3 minute ones last year! Oh grad it ruins you. Maybe I will make my own Plank Challenge plan to help me out a bit...hmmmm...

photo 3

I made breakfast at home before heading out for my hour-long drive to work. I had some fresh watermelon my mom had given me over the weekend which tasted like candy! YUM! As I have mentioned before, I've been struggling with getting hunger pangs midmorning. My shift at my internship is 7am-3:30pm, which means breakfast is eaten extremely early. I decided that, today, I would have a large breakfast. And this one was LARGE for me! I scrambled 2 whole eggs, 3/4 cup egg whites and a yellow bell pepper and placed it all on a tortilla with some salsa on top. My hope was that the fat from the two whole eggs plus the protein from all the eggs in general would help me stay full till 11/11:30. And my plan worked! My breakfast kept me so full that I was able to happily wait to take my lunch at 11:45am instead of having a grumbling stomach at 9:30am! I am happy to report that I am now a part of the Big Breakfast Club, and will not fear getting so many calories in that early in the morning!

photo 4

For lunch, I made my usual salad, got my chicken breast, and meandered around the cafeteria for a little bit. At the sandwich bar, they had a side salad of broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, bell peppers, and red onions tossed in a light Italian dressing. Bingo! I knew this side salad atop my regular salad would taste so good! It was the perfect variation to my typical lunch and helped me not get caught in my salad rut :)

photo 5

Around 3:30pm, I had my 100 calorie pack of cinnamon roast almonds and a plum. This plum was so juicy and red inside. Plums are definitely one of my favorite fruits so I thoroughly enjoyed my snack!

By the time I ran my errands after work (gas, picking up quest bars, etc), I was ready for dinner. I stopped by the grocery store and got a garlic rotisserie chicken. Once I got home, I picked out the white breast meat, saved the rest for tomorrow, and created my quick and simple basic food groups meal:

photo 2


This meal filled me up, tasted great, and got the job done. And I have more of it left for tomorrow's dinner! Win-win :) As I've mentioned before, I am moving back home at the end of this week and trying to eat as simple as possible so I won't have any access food :) I can't wait to get back home to my own kitchen and cook all of my favorite meals!!!

Before ending this post, I want to share a quote I had posted on my Instagram a while back (@thejoyfulharvest if you want to follow!) I have been reflecting on it all day today...

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I don't know about you, but I tend to focus on my past and the mistakes/victories I have had. I dwell on the former things whether they are the positive or negative aspects of my life. I try to think about what made me do the things I did in the past. However, today, I was reminded of this verse while reading the Socrates quote:

Isaiah 43: 18-19

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."

I love the excitement of this verse! "See, I am doing a new thing! you not perceive it?" It's almost like God is standing with us, holding us tight, pointing off to something in the distance, and saying with excitement "there it is, right there! Don't you see it?!" God has a plan for us, and He is excited about it! What is the point of dwelling on the former things, when God's plans are alive and active and always moving us forward? I hope that these verses help us focus on the "new" thing instead of the old. Let us put our hopes and energies into what is coming instead of getting caught in what has already passed.


Have a lovely night everyone!

Meal Plan and Workouts: 8/26-8/31

I cannot believe this is the last week of my internship! I thought this summer would go by so slow but it was actually a whirlwind and I can't believe it's almost over. I enjoyed my internship, but I can't wait to finally be back home! Since I packed up my kitchen stuff in my apartment a couple weeks ago, cooking has not been very possible. I've had to do more "assemble and serve" type meals, so I CAN'T wait to finally be home in a nice kitchen and be able to cook! Here is my tentative workout/meal plan for this week. I will only be planning dinners since most of my other meals/snacks are provided for at the hosptal:

8/26: Ran 6 miles, chest, triceps.

Dinner: Rotisserie chicken wraps with carrots and hummus!

8/27: 6 mile run, back, biceps

Dinner: leftovers from night before

8/28: 7-8 mile run (depending on how sore I am/how much sleep I get!), push ups and plank

Dinner: tuna sandwich on fold out bread, carrots, hummus OR out with family!

8/29: 4 mile run, shoulders and legs. I would also LOVE to go to a Body Pump class at the gym this night if I feel up to it...but I'm going to give myself grace with this since I will have packing to do as well!

Dinner: tuna sandwich on fold out bread, carrots, hummus

8/30: 6 mile run, chest, triceps

Dinner: on a mini vacation with my cousin woooo! So who knows! :)

8/31: 4 mile run (the hotel has a gym!), planks, push ups

Dinner: Finally home with my family!!!!

That's the plan! Hoping I can stick to it! I will definitely have to repeat the following verse over and over all week...praise the Lord for His strength!

Philippians 4:13 "I can do ALL things through Christ who STRENGTHENS me."

(emphasis mine)

Have a great Monday everyone!

Expect the Unexpected! Daily Manna 8/21

Yay for finally having the time to write a Daily Manna post! I am so ready for bed right now, but I figured writing would help me unwind a bit before I sleep! Today had a wonderful unexpected turn of events, but before the day got too busy, I made sure to get my morning workout in! I woke up early, did my quiet time, and had half a Larabar before heading to the gym.

photo 1



I had a good amount of energy this morning and was able to do a 4 mile run. I didn't have time to get my strength training in...but if you check out my post from earlier today about my workout schedule ( , I had planned to go to Kickboxing this afternoon for a little toning workout...

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I was wearing this shirt to the gym and for the first time, I wondered what people might think when they saw it. I was glad I wore it, but I also was convicted to think about whether or not I take God seriously. Gave me a lot to think and pray about, that's for sure! I want to be someone that takes God seriously at all times because, as our Lord and Savior, and the Creator of ALL things, He definitely deserves that much and more!

I got to work and had my usual veggie omelet, which was EXPLODING with vegetable goodness today!

photo 5


The morning went by super fast, with a 2.5 hour meeting that lasted up until lunch. I opted for my usual Chicken Salad with Pico de Gallo dressing!

photo 1 (1)


By the time the afternoon rolled around, I was ready for my snack! The cafeteria at the hospital I am interning at always has such a variety of fresh fruit! I grabbed a peach and ate it with my 100 calorie pack of almonds!

photo 2 (1)



Right before I got off work, I spoke with my mom, and she surprised me by saying that my grandma and her were on their way to have dinner with me! I was so excited! I didn't care that I couldn't go to my kickboxing class because I was so grateful to be able to spend the evening with my family. This is one of the main reasons why I always try to get my workouts done in the morning. Expect the unexpected! You never know what the day will bring, and ensuring that you get your workout done early will increase the chances that you will actually work out!

photo 3 (1)

We decided to go to Outback for dinner, and I got the Chicken on the Barbie (heart shaped!) with some Sweet potato fries. Unfortunately, these fries tasted horrible! So I had a few of my grandma's regular fries to make up for it :) We spent the evening packing up some of the stuff in my apartment as I prepare to finally move back home at the end of this month! I can't believe grad school and my time at my internship are almost over! It's all so exciting and I can't wait to finally move back home.

Before bed, I wanted to make sure I did some sort of toning workout, so I did 2 sets of 20 push ups and a 1 minute plank before bed. It felt so good to do a little quickie workout before bed! And I was glad I at least got some core work in.



As you can see, I still got to check SOMETHING off my list :) I just replaced kickboxing with push-ups (PU)/plank(P)!


Okay time for bed! Have a blessed evening, and make sure to always collect the manna that God provides every day :)

Coming Out of a Salad Rut!

photo 1 I love salads. No really. I do.

But I've been catching myself stuck in a food rut lately. Every single day at work, I go straight to the salad bar and make a salad. Now, don't get me wrong...I LOVE salads!!! But, I'm feeling myself getting sick of them. My salads are usually the same every day: romaine+tomatoes+olive oil. No fun.

Which brings me to...why we shouldn't get stuck in a food rut! I hope someone relates to me here. I tend to find a food I love, and then proceed to eat it every day for 20 days. Then, I get so sick of this food that I don't eat it again for a good long while! When it comes to peanut butter or tortilla chips, I can afford to get sick of these foods and stay away from them for a while. But I would hate to see this happen with salads! Which is why I've decided to brainstorm some reasons why I love salads and how to make them more exciting for myself!

1.) You can fit so many vegetables into a salad! Up to 4-5 servings!

2.) They are so colorful and pretty! All the different veggies have a unique crunch, taste, and texture that adds so much depth to your plate! And I've always been a sucker for pretty food :)

3.) You can make them spicy (sriacha dressing anyone?) or sweet (adding a chopped apple is my favorite!)

4.) You can smother them in guacamole instead of using dressing. Seriously, I do this all the time. Creamy avocado or a chunky guacamole can replace a salad's dressing any day in my book!

5.) You can use raw AND cooked veggies! I promise! Steamed broccoli or sauteed peppers and onions are so tasty on a bed of raw spinach or romaine. I even add some roasted sweet potatoes sometimes for a little mushy goodness! There are really no rules here...warm salads taste great and add variety to your meal!

6.) You can add different kinds of protein on them. The hospital I am interning at always has grilled chicken, but they also have carne asada, grilled tilapia, and teriyaki salmon that taste really great on a salad!

7.) Salads are filling. I don't care what anyone says, all that fiber in the veggies has to be good for something! Fiber keeps you full, so combined with the chicken, meat, or whatever protein source you add to your salad, plus a healthy fat like avocado, olives, or olive oil for dressing, you've got yourself a well-rounded meal that will be high in nutrients, taste, and will keep you full for a while!

These reasons just got me so excited to eat salad tomorrow at lunch! I think a salad is always a great option, whether it is on the side or the star of the meal. I think the best way I am going to get out of my salad rut is to try a different salad every day. No more romaine+tomatoes+olive oil for me! I have to spice things up and add variety if I want to stay excited to my meals and not get bored, which often leads to turning to other "fun" less nutritious choices.

This definitely helped me get out of my salad rut, and I hope it can help you too! And now for the best part...some pictures of salads I've had recently!

photo 2

Carne Asada salad with Pico de Gallo dressing

photo 4

Mediterreanean Chicken Salad with Roasted Eggplant, Squash, and Feta Cheese

photo 5

Scottish Salmon Salad with Mandarin Oranges

I hope this gives you a few more ideas on how to make salads more interesting and not to get bored of the-best-way-to-eat-veggies ever! :)

My Plan for the Week! 7/29-8/3

If you read my post from last week, I am determined to do a better job of planning out my meals and workouts this week! I am usually a great planner, but last week, I was so tired from my internship and not feeling well, so I did not make the best choices when it came to my nutrition! This week, I am motivated to get started on the right foot starting right now to set the tone for the rest of the week! This plan is obviously tentative as things could pop up last minute! But as long as I have some kind of plan or schedule, I should still be able to make good food and workout choices along the way!


Pre-workout: ½ quest bar

AM workout: I did a 45-minute elliptical workout this morning, felt so good!

Breakfast: I plan on having eggs and fruit at the hospital before work!

Lunch: Salad with some kind of protein on top. This will be my lunch all week! The cafeteria at the hospital has a nice salad bar and always has some healthy protein such as grilled tilapia or chicken.

Dinner: Armenian Beef and Broccoli (recipe coming soon) with baked sweet potato fries! I also plan on baking a new creation I have been working on…hot cocoa mini muffins (recipe coming soon too! If they turn out yummy...haha)

*Yoga or Tone It Up (TIU) workout (tentatively planned depending on how I feel tonight. My evening workouts are usually optional if I get to workout in the mornings)


Pre-workout: hot cocoa muffin or other ½ of my quest bar

AM workout: 3 mile run, 20 minutes elliptical. I need to incorporate some sort of strength training routine. I am still working on this and will post what I come up with soon!

Breakfast: veggie omelet with fruit

Lunch: Same as above!

Dinner: Leftover Armenian Beef and Broccoli with baked sweet potato fries

*Yoga or TIU workout


Pre-workout: cocoa muffin

AM workout: 5 mile run

Breakfast: hard boiled eggs, granola, fruit

Lunch: Same as above! Or I may take my leftover Beef and Broccoli dish if I still have some. Wouldn’t want it to go to waste!

Dinner: My grandma and aunt might visit me tonight for dinner! Woo! So I will probably go out with them! If not, I will do a curry chicken dish that I have all the ingredients for.


Pre-workout: Hard boiled egg

AM workout: 6 mile run, strength training TBD

Breakfast: veggie omelet with fruit

Lunch: Salad + protein at work!

Dinner: grilled chicken wraps with hummus and veggies

*Yoga or TIU workout


Pre-workout: Hard boiled egg

AM workout: 3 mile run, 20 minutes elliptical (my boyfriend and I are doing a 10K on the 3rd…so today will be my light day!)

Breakfast: hard boiled eggs, granola, fruit

Lunch: same as above!!

Dinner: I will be home Friday night for dinner! So this will most likely be a last minute decision!


10K day!!! Usually before my races, I eat a banana with a hard-boiled egg or some oatmeal. So we will see what I have that morning!

I will try to write more updates as the week goes on. I am hoping this plan will set a nice healthy tone for my week!