February Goals & Intentions

We are one month DOWN in 2017...isn't that nuts?! Life goes by so fast, and this year isn't going to be any different. Being pregnant, I feel like I am more conscious of each week that passes by as we get closer and closer to our due date. I'm excited because we can't wait to meet our little girl, but I'm also anxious! I'm such a planner and this is a situation where I just have to trust God and can't plan out much since there's really no telling when she's going to make her appearance or how life will look once Baby Girl enters our world! We are so excited to meet her and my heart just bursts when I think about finally seeing her face! It's been such an exciting time for hubby and I, and we keep praying that everything goes smoothly and that God continues to bless us with a healthy baby girl! 

Since it's the beginning of a new month, my habit is to set goals and intentions to give myself direction and focus for the month ahead! I have a lot of big goals and big dreams, and these small, monthly goals help me take the baby steps required to reach my bigger goals. I love goal setting and that feeling after you CRUSH a goal and can check off that box. I blame my type-A personality! We dietitians are all type-A...so it is what it is! After brainstorming, prayer, and reflection, here are my goals for February 2017! 

1. Workout 6x/week. I am loving being able to workout again during this pregnancy! My doctor told me that I can walk, dance, and do any low impact workouts that typical pregnant women would do. No running or sprinting obviously, and I am listening to my body, but I have just been so much happier and have less anxiety since I've begun to workout again! I am in week 3 of Country Heat, an awesome line dancing program I started, and have begun adding some of the Active Maternity workouts on Beachbody on Demand (BOD) into my routine. If you don't know what this is, BOD is basically like netflix for workouts! Beachbody streams their programs online and actually has an all-access pass right now that give you access to every single program Beachbody has ever made, plus the 3 new programs they are coming out with this year! BOD has given me SO much flexibility with my workouts! I've been able to follow along with the Country Heat program, plus add some BOD exclusives, such as the Active Maternity workout series! I am loving being able to workout, so my goal is to continue to workout 6x/week! 

2. Follow the 21 day fix container system. I've been following the 21 day fix container system to actually help me eat MORE during this pregnancy (I am following the highest calorie bracket because....pregnancy) and it's been helping me balance out my plate and eat more nourishing foods! I've had a lot of food aversions during this pregnancy, and following this meal plan has helped me eat more variety and actually get over some of the aversions I've been having. I am going to continue on with my meal plan, especially since my challenge group is starting tomorrow and the accountability will make things even easier! 

3. Figure out how to use our fancy camera. While we were on our honeymoon, my husband and I splurged and got ourselves a Canon SLR camera. We took pictures with it in Hawaii, and since then it has just been sitting in a drawer in our bedroom. I want to take my picture taking skills up a notch and start playing around with this camera this month! This goal has been a long time coming, but now that I've written it out publicly, I HAVE to follow through, right? So expect to see some higher-quality pictures soon, folks! 

4. Practice gratitude every day. This is something I KNOW I need more of in my life. Counting our complaints is so much easier than counting our blessings, isn't it? I have found that, with the complications we have with our pregnancy, getting used to a new job, and the typical stresses of everyday life, I've stopped feeling grateful and really thanking God for His blessings. But if you stop to think about it, God's blessings are always overflowing! We should be thanking Him daily for His grace, mercy, and provisions. Which is why I want to start practicing gratitude on a regular basis by keeping a journal next to my bed and jotting down three things I am thankful for each and every day. By doing this, my mind will focus on the good in my life, and not the countless worries and anxieties I could conjure up at a moment's notice! 

5. Track my spending. Ok guys, this one is a biggy. Considering my OCD personality and my love of tracking things, you would THINK I would have this concept under wraps. But, I don't. Each month, I start tracking my spending, only to stop by the 5th or 6th and then wonder where all the money went! Well, this month I am going to REALLY track every dollar spent and evaluate where I am spending my money, which in turn shows where my priorities lie. My hope is to be able to better budget my money and be a good steward of the blessings God has given me! 

If you'd like to join in with me on any of these goals, please comment below and let me know! I'd love to have the accountability and buddies to check in with! Goal setting and following through gives us such a sense of accomplishment and direction, so I hope that you will join along this month! And if these goals don't jive with you, set some of your own based on how you want your life to be! And above all, trust the Lord with all of your desires. We make plans, but God knows which path we should take and He will lead us in HIs way if we let Him, because His way is the best way! 

Happy February, y'all! 

4 tips on How to Follow Through and Reach your Goals

How many times have you started off a new week, month, or year with a list of goals and intentions for your health, only to fall off the wagon in a few weeks? It's so easy to start programs isn't it? And yet it is the hardest thing to finish them and follow through.  I went through years and years of not finishing what I start, and still do from time to time! I'm the queen of self-sabotage, doubt, and fear. But I also know there is a strong woman inside of me that is capabale and determined! I believe all of us have these two sides and we have to pick every single day which version of ourselves we want to be. And for me? I want to be a person of integrity, strength, and determination. Over the years, here are some ways I've been able to stick to my goals and follow through on what I say I am going to do! Because we are what we do, not what we SAY we are going to do! ;) 



1. Accountability!

I never was someone who finished what she started until I became a Beachbody coach and started finishing workout programs from start to finish. I had never done that before!! But the motivation to stick with it, plus the inspiration from the team of coaches I am a part of, helped me follow through with what I was doing. Heck, that's one of the main reasons I joined back as a coach! I wanted the accountability for myself and the motivation I felt as part of this community! Plus, paying it forward to my clients is basically the best feeling in the world! If you need accountability, I'm your gal and host monthly accountability groups JUST to help others gain the confidence to stay on track! Click on the "work with me" button above for more info! 


2. Be aware of your excuses.

Most of the time, the reasons we tell ourselves that we "can't" workout or "can't" eat healthy are just excuses. Be aware of when you have legitimate reasons to not stick to your plan, or when you are making excuses and sabotaging your progress. If you are sick with the flu or have an injury, by all means, take care of yourself! But you CAN still put nourishing foods in your body, you don't have to throw in the towel completely! If you really want what you are working towards, you will find a way to make it happen. Wake up earlier to get your workout in, pack snacks with you instead of stopping at a drive-thru or bakery...plan ahead so you don't have a reason or excuse to fall off plan! 


3. Break up your goals! 

If you need to lose 50-75 lbs, that may seem overwhelming! Start small and break up your goals. For example, set a goal to lose 10 lbs in the first month instead of 50 lbs in 6 months.  If you want to workout in the mornings, start small by making it a goal to set your workout clothes out the night before. Plan your meals 3x/week instead of starting to cook gourmet dinners all of a sudden. These small baby steps will reap big rewards, and small positive actions will lead to bigger lasting change! 


4. Celebrate victories!

Celebrate every victory you experience on your journey! If you worked out before your family got up, give yourself a pat on the back! If weight loss is your goal and you lost weight, no matter how much, celebrate that. I'm a firm believer in celebrating our wins. You can even reward yourself with a mani/pedi or new outfit, but please don't reward yourself with food! You don't "deserve" a donut or junk food, you deserve to feel nourished and healthy! Rewarding with food will just set you back, but celebrating your wins will give you more confidence to keep pushing towards your goals! 


As we enter the second month of the year, stay strong with your resolutions and intentions for 2017! I hope these tips and tricks will help you realize that you CAN follow through on your goals and live a healthier, happier life! 

Weekly Meal Plan: January 23-29

Happy Monday everyone! It's been quite the weekend here in SoCal with all the rain we've had. But I love it! I'm not a fan of driving in the rain, but when I'm warm in my bed hearing the pitter-patter, I'm in heaven! 

Last week was an amazing week for me! I felt like I was finally on track with my meals and workouts since before getting pregnant! Having a healthy pregnancy has always been important to me, but morning sickness + the curveballs that have been thrown at us during this pregnancy have made it difficult. But low impact workouts and nutritious foods are making a comeback!

I wrote last week about how I've been following the 21 day fix containers system again and it's been a lifesaver! It's made it SO easy to stay on track with my meals and make sure I'm getting ENOUGH food. I've gone up a few calorie brackets and added some containers based on how my body is responding. My goal is NOT to lose weight right now, which is why adjusting the meal plan is a-ok with me. But, if you are using this plan to lose weight, I'd say trust the plan and don't adjust things! See how your body feels and go from there! :) 


Here is my general break down of containers: 

6 green (vegetables) 

3 purple  (fruits) 

4 red (proteins)  

4 yellows (carbs)  

2 blue (healthy fats)  

1 orange (dressings)  

6 tsp (nut butters, oils, etc)  


I've been feeling so much more energized and nourished following this meal plan, and that's saying a lot since most of this pregnancy I've been pretty exhausted! Meals are delicious and satisfying, and I'm starting to crave healthier things...win-win!  

So here are my meal ideas for this week! Most are simple and easy because I am not about complicating healthy eating! The simpler you make it, the more likely you'll follow through! 



Spinach scrambles with some type of carb: granola, pancakes, toast  



Oats with berries and peanut butter 

Greek yogurt parfaits (I really can't stand Greek yogurt and it usually gives me tummy aches, but I want to see if I can handle a little bit of the non-fat kind in the mornings for some extra protein!) 



Turkey taco meat w/rice and salad 

Leftovers from... 



Whole wheat spaghetti w/turkey meatballs & roasted broccoli  

Stuffed peppers w/beans and rice (recipe coming soon!) 

Tilapia w/stir fried veggies & potatoes  

**We also have some dinners out planned this week, but I still plan on sticking to my meal plan!  


Workout wise, I'm on week 2 of country heat and loving it! It's fun and low impact which is just what the doctor ordered. I'm going for a check up tomorrow and I'm going to ask if I can do some light strength training for my upper body too, just so I don't lose my muscle! I've found some seated arm workouts on you tube that seem doable, but I'll keep y'all posted! 

I'm ready for another successful week! Are you? If you have trouble making meal plans and following through, my door is always open! Click on the "contact me" button above to get in touch! I'm also currently taking clients for my February Faith & Fit challenge, which will focus on healthy eating, how God can help us with our healthy eating goals, and how we can honor God with our health and fitness journeys!  


Email me at coachtveen@gmail.com if you are interested in more info or want to join! I'd love to have you!  


Here's to a wonderful Monday and a great start to the week, friends! :) 

Why I returned to Beachbody Coaching!


I am bursting at the seams (literally since I'm pregnant haha) to share with you all that I am BACK to being a Beachbody coach as of last week!  This decision was a LONG time coming, and I'm so happy I was brave enough to join back into the community that I love so much. 

As many of you know, I became a Beachbody coach back in 2015 and loved it! I was helping people lose weight, get healthy, and find the strength within themselves to finally live the healthy life they've always wanted. But by summer of 2016, I let life and other stresses get in the way. I also wanted to focus more on my private practice as a dietitian (which I'm still doing!) so I decided to step back from Beachbody. Within a month, I immediately regretted that decision! There is just something about the community I am a part of (shout out to Team Inspire Joy!) that I loved and missed. Those ladies strove to be better people, and encouraged me to a be a better person as well. ​We were all still friends outside of coaching, but I missed doing Beachbody life with them (i.e. workouts, shakeology, motivational talks, inspiring books, and business trainings). 

I thought long and hard for MONTHS about joining back, and then got pregnant (wooo!) and has a rough first trimester of pregnancy. My hubby and I made a deal that I'd wait till I was feeling better to make a final decision. And on January 4th, 2017, I rejoined my teamof  Beachbody coaches and am officially ​open for business again! 

Being back in the beach body world has taught me two things: one, that I have so much potential inside me that I should not waste. God has gifted us all with special abilities and I firmly believe that my career as a dietitian plus my passion for health and fitness have brought me to the very place. I won't let fear or anything else hold me back from my bigger purpose! 

Two: being a part of a community of women that are striving to make themselves better physically, spiritually, and emotionally is what I need. I needed that boost of motivation to choose healthier foods for me and my baby, to work hard at my business, and to surround myself with women that I know will empower me to just be BETTER...to be ME. Life is short and we only get one, so why not do the things that make us happy? 

So what ​does life look like right now for me? Well; I am still taking private clients through my practice as a dietitian (see above for more info!) BUT I will also be starting up my free accountability groups and longer challenge groups (my bootcamps!) that I ranmonthly  as a Beachbody coach! To kick off my business, I am hosting a FREE 5 day healthy eating challenge staring next Monday, the 16th! This is what it entails and all you will receive, for free! 




If you are interested in joining; or have any questions on how you can work with me, fill out the form below and I'll get back to you! I'm planning on making 2017 an amazing year and I'm hoping you will do the same! Don't sell yourself short on what you are capable of or what you are worth! Fill out the form below and we can start brainstorming ways to help you reach your goals and get healthier and happier! 

Merry Christmas & a Life Update!

Hello world! Boy, I feel like it's been years since I've blogged! I had all these intentions of doing so much this week and getting tons done, but hubby got food poisoning on Tuesday and it delayed us quite a bit from our errands and last minute Christmas shopping! Poor guy :( but thank God he is better and we are ready to celebrate Christmas in style! 

A cute holiday mug from one of my coworkers!  

A cute holiday mug from one of my coworkers!  

Pregnancy wise, things are going great! I'm feeling a lot better nausea-wise, just a few bouts here and there but nothing as bad as the first trimester. I got struck with some terrible sciatica pain but I started seeing a prenatal chiropractor and she has worked wonders on my back and hips! I'm 19 weeks so next week we will find out the gender of our little one! So excited! We are praying that God continues to bless us with a healthy baby and healthy pregnancy! 

As I've mentioned before, I've taken a break from working out this past month. At my last appointment, my placenta appeared to be a little low...not placenta previa. Just a tad lower than my OB would like. He did say that it would most likely move, but we didn't want to take any risks so for now my activity has consisted of walking at the mall. Nothing is worth harming my baby! I am hoping to do some light weights for my arms and get into prenatal yoga to help prevent the sciatica from returning (with doctor approval of course!) But for now, I am perfectly content laying low, taking it easy, and doing whatever my OB recommends! I do hope that, at my next ultrasound, we can see that my placenta has moved up! Prayers would be appreciated ;) 


To be honest, it's been hard to not workout and not eat the way I used to. I am eating healthier now that I am able to stomach vegetables. But I feel SO unlike myself! Just goes to show how crazy pregnancy can be! Im starting to be ok with these changes though, because I am already so in love with this baby! And it's all worth it! This time has been a season of giving myself grace and thanking God for the amazing gift of carrying a child. 

I am feeling so incredibly blessed as this year comes to an end and a new one begins. Our family is growing, my business is booming (I'm taking clients for the new year and would love to have you! Click on "work with me" above for more info!) and I'm excited to see what is in store for 2017!  


I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy this coming weekend!  

Food & Fitness Plan: December 12-18

Hello there! Is it just me, or is December flying by? I feel like we are going to blink and 2017 will be here! There are so many "new" things happening soon, a new year, new life as a mama in May 2017, and a new job starting tomorrow! I'm so excited for this new phase of my life! God is so so good :)  

With that said, I don't really know what this week will look like. My hours will be later than usual, which means slower mornings but less free time in the evenings. I'll be training for about 2 weeks and I'm not sure what my exact schedule will be! But I'm hoping that my meals will still stay on point and I'll be able to balance it all out. I know I'll be more tired come dinner time, so I'm going to try to make it as easy on us as possible to have quick and easy meals on hand! 


So, on to the menu for this week!  


* Eggs: I've been digging eggs lately, so my plan is to scramble up eggs every morning to start the day off with protein!  

* Oatmeal: warm oats have been hitting the spot on cold mornings so I may have my eggs with a side of oats or wrapped up in a tortilla. My favorite way to eat eggs! 



* Veggie & hummus sandwiches: I've been craving some good hummus sammies so I plan on making sandwiches for lunch with some cheese, veggies, and hummus! 

* leftovers from dinner...which brings us to...



* Roast: my mom made us a delicious roast lunch after church so we will be having the leftovers of that! Thanks Mama! 


* Spicy peanut chicken, brown rice, broccoli: this will just be chicken marinated in the Spicy peanut dressing from TJ's! 

* Chicken tortilla roll ups: recipe coming soon!  

* Tilapia, potatoes, broccoli: our go-to easy dinner!  

 * I'm hoping to also pair most of these meals with some broccoli to get my veggies in! 


Snacks will consist of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and crackers!  


Yum, I am SO excited for all these eats! I strongly encourage you to pick foods and meals you love for the week so you get excited about following your meal plan. That way you actually stick to it! And as always, if you need help making a healthy meal plan for you or your family, my door is always open! Click on "work with me" above to see how we can start working together to make your life healthier and happier! 


Have a fantastic week everyone!  


Food & Fitness Plan: 12/5-12/11

My motto for life has always been, fail to plan and you plan to fail. Maybe that is control-freaky of me, but I love having a plan of attack and knowing what to expect in my day, week, or even month. Granted, I know life throws curve balls and we have to be flexible with our plans, but having a plan just sets my mind at ease and helps me go about my day with some structure? Anyone else? 

With that sad, pregnancy has been a major curve ball for me! Going from working out daily and cooking fresh meals and posting new recipes, to being exhausted all the time and eating goldfish crackers for dinner is a BIG change from the old me. Last night, I went to bed thinking "who am I???" As hard as I try to stick to a healthy lifestyle, pregnancy has required some tweaks and changes. For example, I've been instructed to put my feet up and rest more, and only do light walking. So that has been a big change for me from what I am used to. But, baby is worth it! So as far as my "fitness" plan goes this week, I'm going to walk when I can (lunch, breaks, at the mall) and rest for the rest of the time. 

As far as my food goes, I am going to focus on veggies and fruits this week! I have been eating pretty unbalanced, which I know can happen during pregnancy. I'm taking my prenatals and showing myself grace, but I also know that I need to nourish my body fully. Growing a human is no small task! So with that said, here is my food plan for the week! 

Breakfast: egg wraps, oatmeal w/fruit and nut butter, toast w/nut butter

Lunch/Dinner: we are having some lunches provided for us at work this week, which is nice! Some other things I plan on making are: chicken tortilla roll-ups (recipe coming soon!), tilapia w/potatoes, and turkey burgers w/brown rice and broccoli. I usually lump lunch and dinner together when I plan, because hubby and I are big on leftovers and we usually pack them for the next day!

Snacks: veggies, string cheese, nuts, fruits, crackers, larabars

I feel like these foods will nourish me while still keeping them aversion-friendly and satisfying! As a dietitian, I know how important it is to nourish your body well, especially during pregnancy! So I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit frustrated with my lack of nutritious foods during this pregnancy! But I am feeling much better than the first trimester so I know things will just get better from here! 

If you have trouble planning your meals or figuring out how to stick to a plan to reach your goals, I'm only a click away! I work with my clients to help them reach their goals while developing menus and encouraging them to stick to their plans! Click here to review the services I offer and see what would be a good fit for you! I'd love to begin working with you! :) 

I hope you all have a fantastic week!


December Goals

Weeee it's December, friends! My favorite month of the year. I absolutely love Christmas time and the anticipation of a fresh, new year! Everything just seems more magically, cozy, and warm. Don't you agree? 


I am looking forward to lots of trips to the mall, listening to Christmas music, caroling, spending time with family, friends, and church peeps, and cuddling up watching our Christmas tree with Vasken. The weather has been cold here too! Which is so nice for us So Cal peeps...I'm really enjoying wearing some fall/winter clothing! 


As is my typical custom at the first of each month, I have some goals for the upcoming month. There are many areas of my life that I want to grow in, and why not start now instead of wait till 2017? December is the new January in my opinion. 


1. Eat at least 4 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit each day. The non-pregnant me would have had no trouble with this; I used to have over 12 servings a day of fruits and vegetables! But the pregnant me is having a really hard time with fruits and vegetables. I have a huge aversion to veggies and even fruits gross me out from time to time. Pregnancy is so funky! But I am going to try my best to find ways to sneak those veggies into my day because I know that they are good for me and my growing baby! 

2. Fitness-wise, my goal is to walk walk walk! Whether that's a short 20 min walk outside or a trip to the mall, I'm going to focus on walking and light movements!

3. Reading for fun! I read a ton of personal development and business books as I am building my own private practice, but I also want to read for fun! I have a few books on my list that I've been waiting to dive into, so that will be happening this month as well! 

4. Putting my phone on airplane mode before I get into bed. This one is HUGE for me. I used to do this all the time, but lately, I have gotten into bed and just scrolled the night away on articles or social media. So my goal is to put my phone on airplane mode BEFORE getting into bed, then read or just let myself doze off without the use of an electronic! I'm already nervous about how this will go, but I'm determined to try!

5. Entrusted Bible Study. I started Beth Moore's new study on 1 & 2 Timothy and have been slowly working my way through it. I want to be more diligent with this study and spend more intentional time with God. I have realized that since my morning sickness days, my quiet time got put on the back burner as I tried to muster up the strength to get up, not throw up, and get to work. Now that I am feeling better, I want to give that time back to God. 

I feel really good about my goals for this month! I hope that you have set some personal, wellness, and life goals for yourself as well! Setting goals is one of my favorite ways to motivate myself to do the things I always tell myself I want to do. And making them public helps even more with the accountability! If you'd like, share some of your goals in the comments below!