Merry Christmas & a Life Update!
Hello world! Boy, I feel like it's been years since I've blogged! I had all these intentions of doing so much this week and getting tons done, but hubby got food poisoning on Tuesday and it delayed us quite a bit from our errands and last minute Christmas shopping! Poor guy :( but thank God he is better and we are ready to celebrate Christmas in style!
A cute holiday mug from one of my coworkers!
Pregnancy wise, things are going great! I'm feeling a lot better nausea-wise, just a few bouts here and there but nothing as bad as the first trimester. I got struck with some terrible sciatica pain but I started seeing a prenatal chiropractor and she has worked wonders on my back and hips! I'm 19 weeks so next week we will find out the gender of our little one! So excited! We are praying that God continues to bless us with a healthy baby and healthy pregnancy!
As I've mentioned before, I've taken a break from working out this past month. At my last appointment, my placenta appeared to be a little low...not placenta previa. Just a tad lower than my OB would like. He did say that it would most likely move, but we didn't want to take any risks so for now my activity has consisted of walking at the mall. Nothing is worth harming my baby! I am hoping to do some light weights for my arms and get into prenatal yoga to help prevent the sciatica from returning (with doctor approval of course!) But for now, I am perfectly content laying low, taking it easy, and doing whatever my OB recommends! I do hope that, at my next ultrasound, we can see that my placenta has moved up! Prayers would be appreciated ;)
To be honest, it's been hard to not workout and not eat the way I used to. I am eating healthier now that I am able to stomach vegetables. But I feel SO unlike myself! Just goes to show how crazy pregnancy can be! Im starting to be ok with these changes though, because I am already so in love with this baby! And it's all worth it! This time has been a season of giving myself grace and thanking God for the amazing gift of carrying a child.
I am feeling so incredibly blessed as this year comes to an end and a new one begins. Our family is growing, my business is booming (I'm taking clients for the new year and would love to have you! Click on "work with me" above for more info!) and I'm excited to see what is in store for 2017!
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy this coming weekend!