Why I hope to fail in 2016

Yep, you read that right! This year, one of my goals is to fail...fail forward that is. As many of you know, I'm an online wellness coach, and one of my favorite things about  coaching is that it has taught me how to take action on my dreams, whatever they may be. But, I still find myself stuck in fear and paralyzed when trying to do what scares me. Well,  I just read John Maxwell's book entitled"Failing Forward," and my mind exploded. Where had that book been my whole life? Why hadn't I picked it up till now?? It's changed everything about how I view my goals, accomplishments, and failures, and I am definitely implementing failure into my 2016 goals and intentions. 

The concept of failing is so difficult for most of us. We want to do everything in our power to prevent ourselves from failing. We tend to let our fear keep us in our safe, small bubble. I often underestimate my abilities and set low standards for myself that I KNOW I will reach, just so I don't fail. Well, enough is enough!

Maxwell discusses failure and mistakes in this book, but takes it one step further. He challenges us to think about what we do AFTER the failure.

Maxwell states, "the only way to break the cycle is to face your fear and take action, even though it may seem small or insignificant." The "cycle" he is referring to is the cycle of being paralyzed after a failure. We all fail, but it is what we do right after the failure that develops are character, strengthens us, and helps us fail forward, instead of stay stagnant or go backwards. We can vow to never fail again and become inactive in our lives, or we can choose to take the next step, grow, and continue on this journey called life.

This year, I'm choosing to keep failing. I want to do the next thing, not just wallow in my mistakes. Like the following quote says, I want to go on to the next challenge each and every time I fail...

"Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It's ok to fail. If you're not failing, you're not growing."  -H. Stanley Judd

And that my friends is precisely why I plan on failing this year. I want to grow. I don't want to stay stuck in a cycle of fear, not reaching my full potential. I was made for more than that, and I know God has given me many gifts and talents to be used for HIS glory. So why should I be afraid? I want to take the risks necessary to move forward, no matter how scary they may be. 

If you want to take your 2016 to the next level, I strongly recommend this book. If you have always felt a tension between your dreams and abilities, pick up this book and read it. Absorb it, take it in, and apply it to your life.

This isn't just a warm and fuzzy, confidence-boosting book that will leave you smiling and comfortable. It will take you out of your comfort zone, redefine how you view fear, and give you the tools to get out of your own way and face your fears.

I have big goals and big dreams for 2016, and I plan on failing my way to each and every one of them! 

"Failure is either your friend or your enemy- and you are the one who chooses which it is." - John Maxwell

Daily Manna: it's Christmas!

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope you all are having a great week and are gearing up for Christmas! I am OH so excited about Christmas this year! We are spending Christmas Eve with my husband's side of the family, and Christmas Day with my side of the family. I can't wait to celebrate the birth of our Savior with family, good food, and my favorite Christmas movies!

I thought I'd do another Daily Manna post this week, holiday style! I've been keeping up with my workouts and it's become such a regular part of my routine, which I am grateful for! And the 21 day fix workouts make it so easy because they are only 30 minutes and VERY easy to fit in to my busy day! 

Yesterday morning, I did the upper fix extreme and then downed my Shakeology! It was sooo yummy! 1 scoop vegan chocolate blended with coconut milk, ice, and a handful of spinach!


I also had some extra time in the morning and decided to make spelt blueberry banana pancakes with PB smeared on top and strawbs on the side! These turned out SO fluffy and delicious! I'll have to post the recipe soon!


There were SO many treats at work yesterday, so I indulged in a dark chocolate coconut cashew bite. SO good with my coffee!


And of course, my daily baby carrots!


Along with 6000 pounds of chocolate, one of my patients also got me this beautiful necklace as a Christmas gift! It was so sweet! I love being a part of these peoples' lives and helping them get through a difficult time. Working as an online wellness coach, as well as a dietitian at a dialysis center, has put me in a position where God can use me to positively impact others. All of the treats and the beautiful gifts yesterday were just yet another confirmation that God can even use someone like me who is broken, but redeemed, to love on others. I know He has me where He wants me in this season of life, and for that I am grateful. 


Lunch was a HUGE salad with cilantro dressing and some chunky veggie marinara with chickpea fritters! These fritters didn't turn out quite as great as I wanted, so I will keep testing it out and share a recipe soon hopefully!


In the afternoon, I also had an apple and nuts but forgot to snap a pic! I had to work later than usual yesterday and knew I would need an extra snack to get me through the afternoon! When I got home, I vegged on the couch for a bit, and then got to cooking! My hubby and I snacked on these veggie and flaxseed chips with some hummus while we cooked!


Dinner was some roasted sweet potatoes with a one-pot-wonder I improvised: zucchini, eggplant, broccoli, kidney beans, and diced fire-roasted tomatoes, with some cumin, salt, and red pepper! Oh and garlic, always garlic!


The night ended with my husband and I getting sucked into yet another show: The Man in the High Castle! SO GOOD but so disturbing at the same time. I can't wait to keep watching and see what happens!

It was a rainy and relaxing day yesterday with some good, healthy eats as well as some treats mixed in there! I've been learning the art of balance this month, and it's been, without a doubt the healthiest thing I've ever done. More on this later as I am still processing and learning and journeying, but all I can say is God is SO good, Christmas is 2 days away, and I am so excited for what is in store for 2016!

What 10 months of coaching has taught me

Happy Friday all! I hope everyone had a glorious week...just one week left until Christmas and I couldn't be more excited! I can't wait to spend time with family and my husband on our first Christmas together! 

Today is actually a special day for me because it's been 10 months since I decided to take the plunge and become a wellness coach! On February 18th, right before church, I impulsively decided to sign up as a beach body coach because I was in LOVE with the program I was doing at the time (piyo!) and wanted to pay it forward. Little did I know that becoming a coach would completely change my life in the best possible way. I've learned so much these past 10 months and could probably gush about coaching and our team for HOURS, but for now, I thought I'd talk about a few things I've learned from my 10 months of coaching: 


1. I can do hard things. Since becoming a coach, I finished my first fitness program and went on to finish others. I've NEVER seen fitness programs through and for once, I held myself accountable and did what I said I would do! I used to self-saboatage myself into failure and stop programs mid-way, but becoming a coach helped me stay accountable to myself and the team of coaches I am a part of! Which brings me to #2...

2. I can just be me and be accepted for who I am. When you sign up as a coach, you typically join a team of coaches and have a mentor coach. I stumbled upon Team Inspire Joy and literally thank God every day that I am part of this particular team. These women empower me every day and accept me for who I am, flaws and all. This confidence has helped me be more real with others through this blog, Instagram, and just in my every day life in general. Who I am is good, and who God made me is beautiful. So I CAN just be me! :) 

3. I am a true entrepreneur. I've always wanted to have my own business and work from home, but I always thought, "that would never work for me." Well I'm here to tell you that it has! I'm officially an entrepreneur and am my own boss. I decide when and where to work on my coaching business, and I decide what kind of business I want to have. I am making a substantial side income and I can't wait to see where 2016 takes me on the business side of things! Full-time coaching here I come! 

4. I absolutely love supporting and empowering other women to take control of their health. This job seriously sets my soul on fire and I love being able to connect with people who have had the same struggles as I have, while helping them grow and reach their full potential. It's been amazing to see my Joyfully Fit Bootcamp ladies take charge, set goals, and then conquer them with the support of our awesome community! 

5. I love coaching coaches!   This part of the job has been such a rewarding aspect of coaching! I never saw myself as a leader, but now I am leading other coaches and helping them do what I do, all by strengthening them to be themselves, share their story, and grow their own coaching business. I'm growing a team of my own personally-mentored coaches called Team Joyfully Fit. They are a group of strong and confident women, and I could not be more proud of each and every one of these ladies! 


My heart is so full right now as I look back on these 10 months. God has blessed me with this opportunity and I am so excited to pay it forward, not only in my clients, but to my team of coaches as well! I can't wait to see where God takes this business.  I've grown so much as a woman and as a daughter of the King, and I have confidence in Him that this is what He has created me to do: to empower others to live vibrant, healthy, and confident lives. 


Interwsres in in doing what I do and joining our team? Email me at TveenRD@gmail.com for some info, or comment below with your email address and I will get in touch with you! 

Weekly Meal and Workout Recap!

Wow...is anyone else in complete shock that it's practically mid-December already? I can't believe how fast this month is buzzing by...which makes me sad because this is my absolute FAVORITE time of year! But I'm also looking forward to the second half of December because CHRISTMAS and we are going on a cruise for New Years!! AHHH, so many things to look forward to!

Last week was the first week that I felt like I was back on track regarding workouts! I got rundown the weekend after Thanksgiving and took a few days off of working out because my body NEEDED that. I was ready to come back full force last week with a special guest...my husband! He decided to join me on about 4 of my workouts and I couldn't have been happier! It was so fun to be working out with my best friend and pushing each other to be better!

Post-workout shakeology for the both of us!

Post-workout shakeology for the both of us!

Last week was my first week of my 3rd round of the 21 day fix extreme program! I want to get one more good round in before our cruise, and before starting Hammer and Chisel in January! Except that I got impatient and tried out a H&C workout the other day and am officially in love! Sagi hit every single muscle group in about 23 minutes and I am SO sore right now! It felt amazing to focus on strength and toning and push myself farther than I ever have...soooo looking forward to this program! If you want to join my exclusive test group for Hammer & Chisel that starts January 4th, please email me (TveenRD@gmail.com) or send me a form via the contact button! 

I was also proud of myself for going on an afternoon run last week! I am a morning runner and usually lose steam by 3pm, but I was able to run on Wednesday afternoon and it made me SO happy! I love running and am excited to start slowly incorporating it back into my routine as I start training for my 4th half-marathon! More info on that coming soon...

Meals were also beautiful and balanced! I ate mostly plant-based (mostly veggies and fruits and things from the ground!) all week and filled every plate with fruits and veggies! I feel amazing when I eat real, whole foods. I've also been practicing intuitive eating and am surprised at how much of the HEALTHY foods I am craving....

Now don't get me wrong...we had 4 holiday parties last week, and I definitely indulged! But I ate what I wanted and stopped when I was satisfied, instead of obsessing or feeling guilty, or restricting myself all together. I was mindful, which feels amazing because I was actually present with the people around me, while thoroughly enjoying my time at these parties without hyper-focusing on food! But I definitely enjoyed some cookies, pizookie, cake, and pumpkin bread...YUMMAAAAY!

Overall, I'm proud of myself for sticking to my workout routine during the week and sticking to plant-based eating 80-90% of the time, because that is what I have been intuitively wanting. I'm eating in a way that makes me feel good, and the fact that I am getting SO many plants kinds of balances out the cake and cookies...right? :) When we fill up with the healthy stuff, there is room in our health for the treats! Focus on the foods that make you feel GOOD, and then mix in a small amount of treats if desired! 

So for this week, my goals include: 

  • the 21 day fix extreme workout plan
  • run!
  • try another Hammer and Chisel workout...seriously no patience with this one! I want to do little bits of it here and there because I am just SO excited!
  • stick to foods that make me feel good, healthy, and vibrant
  • continue my "Seamless" Bible study (by Angie Smith...I'm loving it!)
  • read and find cozy time in my day

I hope you all have a great Monday night and a good week up ahead! 

The Ups and Downs of Life: An Update

It's been a truth universally known (in my life...and P&P reference for you Jane Austen fans) that life seems to go fantastically for me when I am taking care of myself, and life seems to fall apart when I am not. It seems like a profound "duh" kind of realization, but I have always experienced this phenomenon, and it continues to be true in my life up till this day. My last post was about my amazing one-month Insanity results, and I was pretty much on the highest high. And after that, life seemed to take a downward spiral. It's been a rollercoaster really, and I'm learning to ride the ups and downs while trying to stay as positive as possible, and while trusting God through it all. 

To say that I've had food issues throughout my life would be an understatement. I mean, it's really why I became a dietitian in the first place; to help people have a healthy relationship with food because mine was far from healthy. As I've written before, I've been through extreme restriction and extreme overeating my entire life. I've binged my way through entire workout programs with zero results to show for it, and I've also been able to lose 15 lbs in two weeks by obsessively counting calories and chewing gum to curb my hunger. I've always had a love-hate relationship with food, and have spent years, not only as an adolescent, but even as an adult, trying to rectify this relationship. I've always wanted to use food for my good and not my detriment, which is something I believe I have slowly learned over the years.  

But we all have seasons of life, especially when we have a tendency to allow negative thought patterns and behaviors to take over. For the past 2 weeks, I have been fighting these negative thoughts, which have turned into unwanted behaviors. I've been feeling quite low, moody, and just plain DOWN. Blame it on hormones or on being a woman, or on turning 27 this past weekend (which was WAY harder than I anticipated lemme tell ya!) but I have just not been myself. And food has been my very best friend and worst enemy throughout these two weeks.

I've gained some weight back and I've undone some of my insanity progress. But at the same time, I've learned yet again how important it is to choose what I think about. To purposefully think about what is good and noble and thought-worthy as the Bible says. Because our thoughts can become habitual, which can manifest into actions, which in turn become habitual and very hard to break. 

It's a little scary to get this all out there, but in all honesty, I still struggle with food. I struggle to not let it consume and control me. I struggle to eat enough, but at the same time to not eat the entire bag of oreos and chips and cookies...in one hour (oh yes, it's happened). I have a Wetzel's pretzels problem and am not ashamed to admit it...because HELLO, cinnamon sugar. 'Nuff said. 

But, I am also a lover of vegetables. I am a workout fiend. I love to motivate and inspire others. I love to plan my meals. I LOVE the way healthy eating makes me feel. I love to take care of myself, because I know that life seems to just be smoother when I am striving to be the best version of myself. I know that this version of me, is the me that I want to be at all times. Which is why it is so hard for me when these dark seasons happen. These seasons can happen for all of us, but it is important to focus on the things in our lives that help us be grateful, that put hard times in perspective, that that will bring pure awesomeness into this life. 

In conclusion, I messed up. I gained some weight. I had a birthday, and lots of parties and treats. I had many sleepless nights. And one too many down-in-the -dumps moments. But, I'm picking myself back up, and not letting the fear take over. I'm holding on to God because He is my hope through it all. I want to face these issues with the strength that God has given me and not let them take over who I was really and truly meant to be, a woman after God's own heart, and a woman who inspires others.

I want to be real with you all, because I am not perfect, I'm human, and I'm on this journey with you. I know that God is using what I am going through to make me stronger and that HE alone will help me face my fears and heal from the inside out. 

If you have gone through the same things I have, I would love for you to reach out to me! Feel free to send me a message via the "contact me" tab or email me at TveenRD@gmail.com. 

Craziest Month EVER: Month 1 Insanity Review

I can't believe it has been one month since I started the Insanity program! This is the program that I always told myself I couldn't do, and that I wasn't strong enough for, so the fact that I have followed it to a T for the past month is a HUGE accomplishment for me! It's been hard, sweaty, painful, and challenging, but I can honestly say that this program has been the most rewarding one I have done; not only for my body, but for my mental strength and endurance as well. 

First and foremost, here are my one month results!

I can't believe the results I am seeing. For the first time ever, I feel like my body is literally shedding all of that excess fluff and bloat. I'm seeing definition in my abs, and that is just SO exciting to me! This program is pushing me to my limits. After each and every workout, I feel a sense of accomplishment I have never felt before. 

Of course, it isn't just the workout that I should contribute my results to. As a dietitian, I know more than anyone that weight loss, getting in shape, toning up, and reaching your goals is 80% food and 20% exercise. I've overeaten my way through programs with zero results to show for it. SO, my nutrition during insanity has been imperative. I've been following the 21 day fix portion control system, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it is the BEST meal plan out there to help you reach your goals. 

Screen Shot 2015-09-06 at 7.29.18 AM.png
Screen Shot 2015-09-06 at 7.29.09 AM.png

I made sure to eat all my containers, drink water, and of course, have my Shakeology daily!

And I still had room to enjoy my favorites on this meal plan! Like Waffle Wednesday with the hubby! :) 

The most important thing to remember is to eat for your goals. My goals are to lean out a bit and tone up in the process, while not starving. This meal plan was PERFECT for that! It is so important to have a "plan."

If we call it a diet in our minds, it is only temporary. The plan needs to be one that we can follow for a lifetime, and I can see myself following this one for a lifetime! I felt energized, full, and excited for each meal! 

Overall, I am beyond thrilled with my results and how I am feeling! I can't wait to see what this next month will hold! Right now, I am in my "recovery" week between month 1 and month 2 for insanity. I am looking forward to the rest of this program, and will keep you all updated!!

This, and any program really, will work for you if you follow through and stick to it. Do you need some extra accountability? I can be your coach and coach you through the program that is best suited for YOU and YOUR goals! My September Joyfully Fit Bootcamp starts in a few weeks, and I would love to have you join! The accountability in this group is what has helped me get this far in my journey. The deadline to sign up in September 10th, so make sure to fill out the form below if you are interested!!! I can't wait to begin working with you!

Coming Forth as Gold

A few weeks ago, we were sitting in church, and our pastor made a statement that has stayed with me ever since. He said "God can use my problems to CHANGE ME." Sounds like such a simple statement, and yet, it really resonated with my soul and caused me to ruminate on it for a few weeks.

I've always dreaded the "problems" that I've had in my life, whether it was my perfectionism that caused me anxiety, my issues with food and weight, or my need to be liked by everyone. I've always viewed these problems as weaknesses, a thorn in my heel, and issues that I need to somehow manage in order to get by and live life as balanced as possible. I mean, don't we all try to do that? Pacify our problems so that they don't take over our lives? So we can still function normally, and at times even ignore that these problems exist? I've done this time and time again, and it has only resulted in anxiety, depression, emotional eating, and painful loneliness. 

But ever since our pastor made that simple comment above, that God can use our problems to change us, I've had an entirely different view of my problems. I've even viewed them as blessings; avenues that God has allowed me to take in order to change me from the inside out.  I just keep thinking of Job 23:10, (even though Job went through WAY more than I have), and how God has seen my problems, "tried" me, and that I will come forth as gold. 

You might think that is being a bit too positive, but hear me out. All my life, I've tried to stay quiet about my problems and my issues. I've hidden my struggles with food for the past 14 years. I've told people one thing, and I've done another. I've isolated myself in depression and loneliness over not being liked, not having friends, and just never being "enough." I've wallowed in self pity for years, and I can honestly say that in this past year, God has done SO much work on my heart, has tried me, has loved me...and is refining me to the point that one day, by His grace, I will come forth as gold. These negative thoughts about myself have been replaced with empowering ones, and I know that God is doing a work in my life. 

Being open about my struggles with food and weight have actually turned into a blessing. Honesty has allowed me to CHANGE my habits, overcome the binge-restrict cycle that I have followed since I was 13; and, the best part, it has allowed me to reach out to dozens of people that have experienced the same struggles I have. I have had the opportunity to pour into other peoples' lives, share my vulnerabilities, and be a support to them, just as I have received support from those around me. 

I really believe that the problems I have experienced are being used by God. He is using me to grow me and change me, and in the process, to help and encourage others. I am beyond blessed to be doing what I do and a dietitian and a health and fitness coach, and to have such a loving Father that would allow me to be used in this way. If I hadn't gone through what I have, I wouldn't be half as relatable to those I serve. 

There are days I still struggle, get depressed, fight anxiety, and eat emotionally. But, I know that God is refining and pruning me, and for that I am grateful. He never gives up on us! We can never mess up TOO much for Him. We can't "out-sin" His forgiveness and grace. God is in the business of showing us the grace and mercy that we do NOT deserve. His love is simply amazing. 

This is why, I will continue to view my problems as a means of God changing and refining me. Of His transformative power working in my life. All the hardships in my life are for a purpose, and God will use them to glorify Him! 

"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10

Superfood Spotlight: Gogi Berries!

About a month ago, I started writing a series spotlighting various superfoods that are in Shakeology. I get questions daily about the benefits of this superfood drink that I drink! Ever since I started drinking Shakeology back in February, I have experienced such amazing health! I haven't gotten sick (I've had chronic sinus infections my whole life...chronic as in almost every other month), I have experienced more energy, better digestion, and I just feel BETTER overall. If you'd like to read a more in-depth recount of my experience with Shakeology, check out this blog post from a while back!




I decided to do a mini-series on the different superfoods that are in Shakeology, why they are good for you, and why Shakeology is really the best and cheapest way to get all the benefits of these superfoods! I wrote about Maca root and Camu-camu berries in July, and up next we have...Gogi Berries!


Gogi berries, like many berries, are chock full of nutrients, antioxidants, and provide numerous health benefits. Gogi berries are high in vitamin C and fiber, and low in calories, so they provide a great nutrient bang for your buck! They are high in nutrient density, which means that gogi berries provide you with the SO nutrition for a small amount of caloric impact. Surprisingly, a serving of gogi berries can also provide you with 10% of your protein needs for the day! Coming from berries, that's pretty impressive!


What's more exciting to me is that gogi berries have been studied and found to have the highest concentration of the antioxidant zeaxanthin. These antioxidants help against cell breakdown when they are exposed to the harmful things in our environment, such as smoke or radiation. 


It is also believed that Gogi berries can lower your risk of high blood pressure and help lower blood sugars. As always, if you do have diabetes or are on medications for diabetes and hypertension, I would check with your doctor first before you start consuming these, whether they are in the berry form or the shake form in Shakeology!

The power of superfoods is irrefutable. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and all of the other nutrient compounds found in these natural foods provide us with the nutrition we need to live healthier and happier lives. 

This is why I LOVE Shakeology and can't praise it enough. The creators and researchers behind Shakeology have done a beautiful thing. Gogi berries, and many other superfoods, are PRICEY on their own, but with just $4/day, you get a nutritional powerhouse of SO many different superfoods, all in a delicious shake! 

If you'd like to try Shakeology, please contact me through the "contact me" tab above! I would love to chat with you about it! 


Stay tuned for our next Superfood Spotlight in a few weeks!