My 2016 Intentions
Ohhh it's that time of year again isn't it? The New Year just crept up on me this year. Usually I am in full anticipation mode from Thanksgiving until New Years of the freshness and newness of the upcoming year. This year, I feel like life has been out of control and all of a sudden, January is almost here! How did that happen?
I'm fully convinced that it's because I don't have a "Thanksgiving" or "Christmas" break anymore since I am now a working woman. There is no time to just sit and relax and absorb this time of year. Oh well...#adultprobs
Anyways! This year, I have a lot of goals and intentions. I am a pretty ambitious person and I dream big, but I get terrified at failing anything I set out to do, which makes me stay in my safe space and not attempt many new things. But, as I reflect on 2015, I am realizing that I did a lot of new things this year!
1. Got married. Yep, never had done that one before!
2. Became an entrepreneur and became a wellness coach!
3. Moved out of Pasadena, where I've grown up for 26 years!
4. Changed jobs and am now an RD at a dialysis center!
5. Read a TON of growth books and realized that there is freedom in self forgetfulness and focusing on others instead.
Yep, lots of new stuff going on in my world. But I also have learned so many things along the way. I've realized that new things don't have to be so scary, and that it is totally acceptable to put yourself out there, be brave, and grow. Actually, those are the words I am focusing on this month:
********Brave, Bold, Confident, Vibrant, and Free
Based on those emotions, I've made a list of intentions that I have for 2016 that make me feel good and align with the kind of woman that I believe God has created me to be. I thought I'd share them in my little blog world for accountability, as well as motivating some of you to think outside the box when it pertains to your vision for the next year!
My 2016 Intentions:
1. Say "YES" to more things, even if they scare me.
2. Be more patient and don't just react! As my mama says, count to 5, then speak :) and as the book of James says, "be slow to speak, slow to become angry, and quick to listen."
3. Spend more time getting ready. Because showing up to work with wet hair ain't cute in your late 20s..
4. Nourish and move my body in a way that makes me feel vibrant! Lately this has meant lifting heavy weights (SO excited for my new strength training program in January), running, and eating a ton of plants as well as some treats.
5. Paint/write/reconnect with the creative little girl I used to be. Have more creative "dates" with myself without a phone, TV, or technology in general.
6. Run my half marathon in May! EEEEK! This will be my 5th one and I'm so excited!
7. Start an email newsletter for all your lovely blog people! (Make sure to subscribe with the button on top for updates!)
Well, that's it for my vision for 2016! For once, I feel like my intentions and goals are not just appearance/weight focused, but focused more on who I want to be as a person. And I like that...a lot! :)
I'm off to pack and get ready for our New Years Cruise this weekend! So I will see you all next year! Make sure to keep an eye out for some fun new things happening with me and my biz in 2016! :)