Food, Fitness, and Wedding!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope it was a great weekend for all of you. I thought I would write a post just as an update of my life, eats, and workouts lately! I love to write so I figure, why not? :) Life has been busy but wonderful at the same time. I have found a groove and lifestyle that I love regarding work, friends, family, and health. Not that I don't have my challenges, because trust me I do! But then I realize God is with me through it all, and there is no other hand I would rather be in than His!

I have been meal planning and cooking like crazy lately! My meals last week were delicious and not in anyway boring. I made a huge batch of turkey marinara to take to work this week, consisting of some ground turkey, marinara, and bell peppers!


I also made a batch of grass fed beef, and some pumpkin protein squares to have some emergency protein and pre/post workout snacks on hand!



And yes, I am eating my beef with a little mermaid spoon....and proud of it!

As many of you know, my fiancé and I are also in the midst of crazy wedding planning stress. We have been busy planning photo shoots, the honey moon, managing the guest list, and a million other things that are on our list. We had a Starbucks date this week to discuss a few things...and I think I tired him out a bit!


My workouts have also been consistent lately. I am really seeing progress in my abilities to lift heavier weights! I also started the Frisky Fall challenge at Tone it Up which has served as great motivation! Their online community, workouts, and overall vibes are all fantastic! They have a "100 miles by Halloween" challenge, and I have already reached 22 of them! They post daily toning workouts and inspiration, which always gets you in the mood to workout! I highly recommend checking out their site,

I am also keeping up with my personal training sessions, and am actually on my way to one soon! Having my pre-workout nuts to power me through!


This week, I have two vacation days which I plan to fill up with fun adventures, cooking, working out, relaxing, and just enjoying some time to myself. I cannot believe we are already halfway through's crazy how fast time is flying!!

Anyways, I am off to get a good workout in before my day begins!! I love kicking off a new week with a workout, which sets the tone for a healthy week to come! I hope you all have an awesome Monday!

It's FALL! September Goals

Happy September everyone!! It's finally (almost) fall!! I am beyond excited! 1.) I love fall fashion! Boots and flannel and sweaters and everything!2.) It's my birthday month! I'm not the biggest fan of celebrating, but I am trying to be!! 3.) September is just one step closer to CHRISTMAS!!! My favorite time of the year!

And of course, with every new month, I like to reflect on my previous month and my goals, as well as think of new goals for the new month! I spent some time Monday morning coming up with some goals. I wanted to write about them to get my thoughts straight, as well as to stay accountable in accomplishing them!


1. Start scrapbooking. Yea, I had this goal last month, but never got around to it! I did print pictures, but I never got around to actually scrapbooking. This used to be one of my biggest hobbies and was so relaxing for me. I really hope to get back into it this month!

2. Sketch more. A lot of people don't know this about me, but I am an artist. I sketched and painted for over half of my life before adulthood took over and life got in the way. I miss having that creative outlet so much. I really want to make time this month to sketch at least once a week.

3. Gratitude list. I think the art of being thankful is definitely something that comes with practice. Even Paul states that he has "learned to be content in all circumstances" (Philippians 4:12). I want to spend time every day in the presence of God and tell Him how awesome He is and thank Him for all of His blessings!

4. Lean, clean, and green meals. As I've mentioned in previous posts, I have found my grove the past couple months with my workouts and nutrition. I have tried to remain as consistent as possible, while indulging in life's pleasures from time to time (hence, beignets on our 2 year anniversary!) But I have noticed a huge difference in my performance in the gym and my body composition when I eat healthy proteins and vegetables throughout the day!! I want to keep up my lean, clean, and green habits in September as well.

5. Run 5 miles, once per week. I am so happy that I have been able to run longer and faster lately! I want to run 5 miles at least once a week this month!

6. Lastly, I want to keep up with my toning workouts. I am seeing such great results working with my trainer and doing my own toning workouts from my log book. I have never liked lifting weights and am definitely a cardio queen, but seeing the results makes me want to lift and tone even more! I hope to keep up with my toning workouts 3 days per week, and possibly start lifting heavier.

Well, those are my goals for this lovely new month! I hope to be able to reach them all and, most importantly, enjoy the journey! Happy Tuesday, all!

Friday Night Picnic Date

Last Friday night, I decided to plan a little surprise date for my fiancé and I. He has been working so hard for the past few weeks, staying at work late and going in early. I wanted to do something special and nice for him that would be personal but also relaxing so we could enjoy a nice Friday night together. We only see each other during the weekends, so we try to make the most of that time. I was brainstorming ideas and finally decided that I would plan a nice picnic with all of our favorite foods. The weather has been beautiful lately, so a picnic worked out perfectly! I got to work on the menu earlier in the week and made sure I made a list of all the ingredients I needed. I also carved out Thursday night as my night to cook and bake so I would be well prepared before Friday! This was the menu that I planned out:



Milton's gluten free crackers



Mediterranean Meatballs from Picket Fence Paleo (

Salads in Mason jars

Hawaiian bread rolls




Carrot cake muffins (recipe coming soon!)


I wanted something yummy and light as an appetizer or something to snack on at the park during our picnic. We love hummus and I have recently been on a Milton's gluten free crackers kick, so I thought that would be perfect as a snack food. We also dipped the meatballs in the hummus, which...YUM!!!!!

photo 5

I decided to make Mediterranean-style meatballs. I used the Picket Fence Paleo recipe, but omitted the olives and apricots. These meatballs turned out absolutely delicious! I highly recommend them. I also bought some Hawaiian bread rolls so my fiancé could make meatball sandwiches. He loves this bread, it is always so fluffy and yummy! So I thought I would treat him with that option. My mason jar salads also complimented the meatballs nicely! I used a red wine vinaigrette on the bottom, then loaded all the veggies in!

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The carrot cake muffins were also baked on Thursday night. I had to try a few versions of various recipes before I came up with one that I was pleased with! I will be sharing this recipe soon! I packed a few muffins along with some green grapes...Vasken's favorite!

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I had such a nice relaxing time together. Thank you to my friend Jessica for the cute strawberry blanket for our picnic!!!!


I'm so glad with how this evening turned out. The food was delicious and it was such a cute, fun, and relaxing way to start the weekend together! Take advantage of this beautiful summer weather, and plan a healthy and fun picnic for your loved ones as well!!! Have a great day everyone!





How to Ensure Your Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day!

Yes, you read that right! Merely just having breakfast does not ensure a healthy day. You have to have the RIGHT KIND of breakfast. The right foods, right amounts, and right flavors. When I have a satisfying breakfast that is high in protein, I have more energy throughout the day, less cravings, and am an overall happier person! However, if I have a quick bowl of oats without any fat or protein, a piece of fruit, or just some gluten free toast, I am hungry a few short hours later and am usually fighting off cravings and low energy all day long! I did some research on this breakfast phenomenon and found a great article on the subject! The article is entitled: "A randomized crossover, pilot studying examining the effects of a normal protein vs. high protein breakfast on food cravings and reward signals in overweight/obese "breakfast skipping" late-adolescen girls."

Phew! Long title! Here is the citation if anyone is interested in looking it up!

Hoertel, Heather A., Matthew J. Will, and Heather J. Leidy. "A randomized crossover, pilot study examining the effects of a normal protein vs. high protein breakfast on food cravings and reward signals in overweight/obese." Nutrition Journal 13.1 (2014): 80.




This study was not complicated to understand, but had profound implications on the types of breakfasts we should be consuming, as well as the breakfast foods I should be promoting to my clients and people I educate about nutrition! The study was done on 19-20 year old girls who normally skip breakfast. They were put into three groups: no breakfast, normal protein (NP) breakfast, and high protein (HP) breakfast. The NP breakfast consisted of 13 grams of protein, while the HP breakfast had 35 grams of protein. The subjects were told to continue these breakfasts for 6 consecutive days, then were tested on day 7. They were questioned on their food cravings 4 hours after breakfast. Researchers also collected blood samples from the subjects to test HVA blood concentrations, which is a strong indicator of dopamine's activity in our body.

Wait, what's dopamine? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in our brain that regulates our pleasure and reward system. Our appetite and food cravings are strongly reward-driven, and it has been found that people with low dopamine levels often suffer from sugar cravings and tendencies to overeat. Dopamine's activity has been seen to be blunted in those who are overweight or obese. Therefore, high dopamine levels indicate less cravings and a greater ability to have a normal appetite and eating pattern.

SO back to the study! After testing these girls in the different groups, the researchers found that those who consumed the NP and HP breakfasts experienced a decline in sweet cravings compared to those who skipped breakfast. However, what was more interesting is that only HP breakfast significantly increased levels of HVA in the blood, indicating an increase in dopamine! This means that these subjects, who were 19-20 year old overweight and obese women, actually were able to increase their dopamine levels and thus, have a greater ability to control their food cravings and appetite.

This is what makes breakfast the most important meal of the day! Not just having it, but also the quality of your breakfast. The fact that these subjects were able to increase their dopamine levels just by having a high protein breakfast has many implications as to what type of breakfast we should be consuming. Most people consume breakfast foods that are obviously not healthy, such as donuts, high sugar coffee drinks, pastries, and drive-through processed meals. However, there are some meals that seem healthy, but don't elicit the same fullness cues and protection against cravings as a high protein breakfast would. These seemingly healthy breakfasts include cereal, bagels, crackers, granola, fruit bowls, or even whole grain toast and bread products. These foods may not be bad or unhealthy, but they still turn into sugar in your body (even if they are labeled "low sugar," carbohydrates turn into sugar in our body, independent of how much sugar is added to these products). So that bowl of cereal will not produce the same fullness as a couple of scrambled eggs and vegetables would. A typical cup of breakfast cereal contains 25-30 g carbs and 2-4 g protein. 30g carbs is the equivalent of about 7 tsp of sugar entering your system, and the 2g of protein is nothing compared to the 35g that was tested in this study!

If this all seems technical to you, let me boil it down to what I believe is a healthy way to approach breakfast. I don't think this study is saying to not have cereal or oats or even bagels. We need carbohydrates, protein, and fat. I think what this research shows is that organizing meals and making sure you have protein, fat, and carbohydrates at each meal is crucial to appetite regulation. There are several ways to go about this while still enjoying your favorite foods:

- 1/2 bagel, hard boiled eggs or egg whites, spinach, and sliced avocado for an open-faced bagel breakfast sandwich! By cutting out half of the bagel, you have room for protein and fat that will help keep you full and send those lovely signals to your brain to not crave sugar later in the day!

-2 scrambled eggs with veggies cooked in olive or coconut oil, 1/2 cup roasted sweet potato. This meal has the right balance of protein, carbs, and fats from all whole food sources, so you can't go wrong!

-1/2 cup cooked oats with nuts sprinkled on top, side of breakfast sausage or eggs

-Big baked egg frittata with bowl of fruit topped with a few nuts

-Protein pancakes or waffles made with whey protein, topped with nut butter

- Leftover protein of any kind with vegetables and avocado (who says breakfast food has to be only "breakfast food?")


The possibilities are endless when you view breakfast, and essentially each meal, as a balance of protein, carbohydrate, and fat. The amount of protein you would need at each meal will vary based on gender, size, activity level, weight, and goals. Experiment and find what works for you! If you have one or two eggs and find yourself hungry an hour or two after, you probably need to add another egg or some sausage to the meal! Try to include vegetables in your meals and snacks whenever possible. These fill us up while still allowing us to eat large volumes of food (and who doesn't like that?)

In conclusion, I think this article shows that having breakfast is an important part of a healthy life. But we need to realize that it isn't just merely having "a" breakfast that makes us healthy. It's having the right breakfast with the right amount of protein that will help keep us full, avoid sugar cravings, and will increase our dopamine production in our brain!

I hope this article was as interesting to you as it was to me! Have a great Thursday everyone!



Mega Meal-Prep Sunday!

Good morning everyone and happy Sunday! I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. Mine has been great, except for the fact that I seem to have injured my foot from my run yesterday...


I know I know...I am always injured somewhere! I'm quite frustrated with the whole thing, but I am trying to focus on what I can do, and even feel that this was God's way of helping me take it easy on myself. As much as I love working out, I have been feeling worn down lately. I also feel that it was my new shoes, which I am beginning to think are a size too small, that put extra pressure on my foot during my outdoor run yesterday. In any case, I did NOT work out this morning, and I meal prepped instead! I want to be extra prepared and on top of my eating this I made about 5-6 different dishes I can eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! As well as snacks!


The first thing I did was chop up some sweet and Yukon gold potatoes and baked them. I also made my Cajun chicken dish, but instead of rice, I wanted to use the sweet potatoes as my starch. The Cajun chicken recipe can be found on my blog...just search it! :)



I used ready made lemon pepper chicken and spicy jalapeño chicken sausage to add a kick to this dish, as well as Whole Food's Cajun seasoning! Yum!

I also made tzatziki dip with plain, nonfat Greek yogurt, cucumbers, mint, garlic, and lemon juice. This dip is so tasty and is extremely high in protein, which is perfect as a midday snack to hold you over until your next meal.


For some ready protein, I made some grass fed ground taco beef as an emergency protein source to have on hand. I always like to have some kind of healthy protein at home to rely on...because you never know!


Lastly, I made a frittata! I just used 8 eggs, 1/2 cup almond milk, kale, peppers, and tomatoes. I wanted a quick and easy breakfast I could eat at home or pack for work, as I've been doing a lot of morning overtime lately and need to get a healthy breakfast in before heading out the door!


OH! And the BEST part of the morning was seeing on Instagram that Trader Joe's now carries cashew butter! I ran out and bought some and had it with a banana while I cooked. It. Was. Amazing!!!



Woooo! What a morning! And it's not even 10am! Now it's time for church! Have a great day everyone!

Special: 3-day Low Grain Meal Plan

Hello everyone! We made it over the hump and now it's officially almost the weekend! I thought I would share a special 3-day, jump start meal plan with you all. It's a low-grain plan which is a perfect way to start on your healthy eating journey, lose some bloat, and have more energy. I shared a more extensive version of this plan with one of my clients, but I thought I would just share a small portion of it on my blog as well! If anyone is interested in some nutrition, weight loss, or healthy eating counseling, I would be more than happy to be of service to you! Just email me at and we can get started! I'm not on a strict, restrictive diet myself, but I do know that when I feel the bloat coming on, I have to watch the amount of grain-y, gluten-y products I am eating. Grains ferment in our bodies, causing gas and bloating, which explains that stuffed feeling after downing a bowl of pasta that I am sure we have all experienced! I put together this plan and I believe it is pretty flexible compared to some of the other, stricter plans out there. Deprivation is not my friend, physically or emotionally, so I don't want anyone I am trying to help to feel deprived either! This is a low-grain, not NO grain plan (you will notice some oats and 1/2 pieces of bread in the plan), but you can tweak it to your dietary comfort level. The main message of this plan is to fill up on vegetables instead of grains, eat plenty of proteins and healthy fats, and limit grain/bread products to every other day maximum, or even once  week, as needed.

I hope this 3-day plan it is helpful to someone out there! If you click on the link on the link below, it should take you to a PDF version of my plan.


3day Jump Start


Have a great, happy, and healthy Thursday everyone!


30 days of Consistency

Good morning everyone! I can't believe it is already August...this summer is just speeding by! Before we know it, it will be Fall again, and then...CHRISTMAS! Am I getting ahead of myself? Oh well, I love Christmas and everything about wintertime. So I really can't wait! :) I thought I would write a little update post on my workouts since I haven't done a post on fitness for a while. July was a really consistent month for me in regards to both fitness and nutrition (yay!) and, not shockingly, I have seen the most changes in my body and physical abilities because of this. Consistency is key, and I have really seen the difference that consistent healthy eating and workouts can bring.

I workout about 5-6 days a week, doing cardio almost every day, and doing toning work and strength training 3-4 days a week. I work with a personal trainer every Monday morning, and then work out of a log book for the rest of the week.

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Each workout lasts about 50 minutes-1 hour, including both cardio and strength training.

*My cardio consists of running 3-4 miles, walking, or doing the elliptical machine for 30-40 minutes.

*I alternate my strength training days between legs/abs, chest/triceps, back/biceps, and shoulders/abs.

I have been upping my weights this month and have been amazed at what I am capable of! When I began being more consistent with my strength training in May, I started my bicep curls with 5lb dumbbells, and now 10lb dumbbells are getting easy! I could only do 6 male (aka the real kind) push ups when I first started, and now I can do 15. I'm seeing more definition in my arms and I am really liking the results I am experiencing! The picture below shows the first day I actually spotted a baby bicep! :)

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Of course, it isn't just about workouts. We can workout all we want, but our goals are a direct results of our nutrition. Whether we want to lose weight, tone up, or grow bigger, nutrition is 80% of the equation! For months, I was working out consistently, but was not consistent with my eating. This month, I have been pretty consistent (not perfect mind you, just making healthy choices more than unhealthy ones!) and have really seen the difference that healthy and balanced eating can make in my fitness and physical appearance. It's been exciting for me to see changes and I can't wait to see what the next few months bring!

My typical meals include:

Pre workout meals of HB eggs, banana, nuts, or a gluten-free baked good of mine (search the blog for tons...and I mean TONS of recipes!)

Post workout meals are mostly eggs, sausage, veggies, sweet potatoes, or some kind of fruit. I focus on protein and carbs for my post workout, which helps with recovery and my energy levels! Below is me thoroughly enjoying my scrambled eggs and spiraled sweet potatoes after a workout! :)

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Lunches and dinners have included protein, vegetables, lots of vegetables, more vegetables, and healthy fats! I love vegetables, if you can't tell. When I go out, I also try to make healthy choices whether it is a salad, or this beautiful plate below. You can never go wrong with chicken and vegetables, but make sure to not get bored of it as well. Sometimes, I will include rice or some kind of grain to my meals. But I always make sure to have them in the correct portion and not overdo these foods. I would hate to have less vegetables because I filled up on rice!

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**Make sure to follow me on Instagram (@tveen_rd) for a day-by-day account of my eats and workouts!**

I don't follow a strict diet mentality. I just make sure to eat whole, nutritious foods. It took me a while to get to this point. But I have found that the more freedom I give myself in my food choices, the more naturally I gravitate towards the healthier options. I love how eating healthy makes me feel, and I always feel better after a meal that nourishes me. But, life is not about labels (as I have written about before...see Labeling Life post from January), and I feel that God is constantly teaching me this through my healthy eating and fitness journey.

As a Registered Dietitian, I am bombarded with nutrition news, research, and diets that always overwhelm and confuse the public, as well as myself from time to time! I try to focus on the healthy side of each diet philosophy, even though I may not agree with 100% of what some advocate. So whether my meals are paleo, gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, or a random hodgepodge of food, I try to make the healthy choice, while leaving some wiggle room for whatever may come my way! :)

It's been exactly 30 days of consistency for me, and I am loving the way I feel and the changes I am seeing. I can't wait to see what these next 30 days will bring me!


1 Corinthians 10:31: "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."


One Day Vacation and True Shabu!

Yesterday I had a random, wonderful vacation day...and I definitely made the most of it! It was an odd Tuesday to have off, but I used it to my advantage and got so much done and saw so many people! All in all, it was a great day! My day started off with, of course, a workout! I had a preworkout meal of my high protein, gluten free pumpkin bread before heading to the gym for my run.



I had a really great 4 mile run!! I've been keeping my miles under 10 mins each, and then cooling down for a few minutes after. It feels great to be running again!

After my run, I had my post workout meal, then ran some errands!


I had a scramble, gluten free Milton's crackers (these are so yum!) and a plumicot which is apparently a plum-apricot hybrid, and soooo good! It was blood red and juicy inside!


Alllllll morning, I ran some errands, then headed home for a quick lunch. I had some leftover chicken so I decided to make some cauliflower rice with that. I usually just sauté the "riced" cauliflower with some onions and olive oil, but I decided to add some garlic and parsley to the mix and it turned out so good!


The rest of my day was spent in one of my favorite places...Orange County! I drove out there to visit my cousins and fiancé. I had such a great time! I bought a new purse (on sale wooo!) and had some wonderful quality time with my cousins!



As you can see, I also had some of my favorite nuts. I love making my own nut mix and mixed macadamia nuts, almonds, and cashews! Yum!

Probably the highlight of the night was going to True Shabu for dinner. My fiancé met my cousin and I there, and I was so excited for him to try this restaurant for the first time! True Shabu is an incredibly delicious and healthy place to eat! My cousin opened up this place with his friends a few months ago, and it's the perfect place to go if you want good quality foods and ingredients! You also get to cook your own food, which is pretty much a winner in my book!


They have grass fed meats and organic vegetables. The meat has such amazing flavor and doesn't need anything extra to make it taste better! I got the grass fed rib eye, with a huge plate of veggies and some miracle, carb free noodles (I love that they offer these!) The chef also makes two amazing sauces that are made from scratch with no MSG or gluten!




If anyone is in the LA/OC area, I highly recommend trying out True Shabu!! The food, service, and entire ambiance is incredible and you have such a great experience cooking up your delicious and healthy food!!

True Shabu was a great way to end my one day vacation! Now back to work today! Happy Wednesday everyone!

Healthy Hostess Night!

I have made some two wonderful friends from my job I started just six short months ago. I honestly feel like I have been friends with these two girls for a lifetime! We just seem to "get" each other, not only when it comes to work but when it comes to everyday life. We have been alternating hanging out at each other's homes the past few weeks, and finally it was my turn to hostess last week! I love hostessing and would much rather cook a meal for my friends than go out and spend tons of money. Going out can be fun, but there is just something about sharing a meal at home that makes time with loved ones even better. I decided to make a healthy and delicious meal, and it was definitely a hit!! I thought I would share a few of my tips for healthy hostessing to hopefully inspire some of you to have a nice dinner party with your friends in a healthy and fun way. 1. Appetizers!

First things first, I knew that I wouldn't get home from work in time to cook everything before my friends came over. Appetizers are key in this situation! However I also didn't want the appetizers to be too heavy and filling. We all know how that is, right? We stuff ourselves with bread or chips and then don't even want to look at the food when it comes time to eat. My friends and I are obsessed with hummus, so I decided to go with some hummus, carrots, gluten free crackers, and salsa!


This provided the perfect light snack for us to munch on while I cooked the rest of the food.

2. Make something fun!

I knew what I had planned on the menu: chicken kebab, salad, and sweet potatoes. But I also wanted to make something fun. I decided to spiral the sweet potatoes with the spiralizer my fiancé bought me. This little gadget is SO much fun!! You can spiralize basically anything. It can make any dish stand out and be different!


What's also great about spiralizing is that it doubles the portion of what you make! So basically you feel like you are eating a ton of sweet potatoes when really, you aren't! Portion control without even feeling deprived!

3. Be realistic with what you can do.

So in all honesty, I used store bought, premarinated chicken kebab. I love marinating my own meats, but I also had to be realistic and accept the fact that I would have NO time to make the kebab from scratch. I got the meat from an Armenian market that makes their meat taste homemade and delicious. I trust them and their ingredients, so I went with their marinated chicken kebab! It was so flavorful...we couldn't get enough!

4. Always have a salad! I have been to so many dinner parties just waiting for some kind of salad or vegetable dish to be served. I always get so disappointed when I don't see anything colorful on the table. I've started to bring my own salads to parties, but also make sure to have some kind of salad whenever I am hostessing! I made a spinach salad with cucumbers, tomato, and with lite Italian dressing.


Salad is a great way to add color and beauty to your party, while also ensuring a nutritious option that people can load their plates with!

Here is the finished product!


This plate was very "My Plate" approved if I do say so myself! Half of the plate was veggies, a quarter protein with the chicken, and a quarter starch with the sweet potatoes (yes, they are a starch! But a nutrient-dense one with all that Vitamin A!)

I hope these tips provide some usefulness to anyone who is hoping to have a fun and healthy hostessing night soon! Now I am off to attack this Wednesday...I am working 10.5 hours and am going to need all the motivation I can get! Have a great day everyone and happy hostessing!

Weekend Recap and Meal Planning!

Hellooooo out there! I am fighting to keep my eyes open as I am recovering from my AMAZING weekend. Every bit of this tired feeling is worth it! :) We went to church family camp this weekend and it was SO much fun to fellowship with family and friends. The mountains were beautiful and being away for the weekend was exactly what I needed! God definitely spoke a word (as Beth Moore would say!) and I am again amazed at his awesomeness, love, and mercy on me. Here are a few pictures from the weekend! :) 20140719_143330


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It was a beautiful weekend that I will definitely never forget. But with every weekend...comes a Monday. And with a Monday, comes another work week. This week is going to be extra busy for me since I am going to be helping at VBS (Vacation Bible School) at church after work almost every night. What I have found is that the busier the week, the more careful I need to be about my meal plans. I don't want to be in a position where I have nothing to eat and am too short on time to make a healthy choice. SO! Even though I was pretty exhausted today, I went to the store and put together a plan for the week. Planning is key to a healthy lifestyle. Without planning, I feel like a chicken running around with no head. I don't know where that analogy came from, but I'll blame the sleepiness! Anyways, I thought I would share my plan so a) I would be held accountable and stick to it and b) I would remember it! I usually make a list of options for each meal, and switch them around depending on what I feel like and my assessment of leftovers! :)


Pre-workout options: 

- Hard boiled eggs with nuts

- Banana with nuts

- Larabars

- One of my healthy baked goods if I miraculously get a chance to bake this week!


Post workout breakfast options:

- Scrambles with veggies and/or sweet potato

- Hard boiled eggs

- Protein pancakes/waffles

- Taco meat with sweet potato


Lunch and Dinner options: I am going to have to eat a quick dinner before heading to church every evening, so I want to make sure to have extra food on hand!

- Leftover tri-tip

- Taco meat (I bought a pound of grass-fed beef from Trader Joe's today and it took about 10-15 minutes to prepare some taco meat! It was so quick and it is always so important to have emergency protein on hand!)

- Turkey burgers (I buy the frozen ones from Trader Joe's...they are so easy to whip up and extremely yummy!)

- Grilled chicken

- Spinach salads


Sides and snacks:

- Sweet potato (microwaving these has changed my lifeeee! So convenient!)

- Plantain chips

- Salads (obviously)

- Carrots w/hummus

- Larabars

- Nuts

- Fruits and veggies!


And that's my plan for the week! No gourmet cooking going on this week, but sometimes it is easier to just go back to your basics, plan some easy and healthy meals that are fool-proof, and attack that busy week like no other! Good luck with our Monday everyone!