Hammer & Chisel Updates and a Healthy Recipe Group!
Oh hello there! I hope you all are having a terrific week so far. I thought I'd write a little post about what I've been up to lately and how life has been. I'm currently in week 6 of Hammer & Chisel and loving every minute of it! I'm challenging myself with my weights (I'm using mostly 12's, 15's, and 20's!!!) and I've stuck to the program consistently. This program is seriously my soulmate workout (other than running, which will always be my love!) but I am loving seeing the results and progress that I've made! But truth me told, I can't wait to get my tan on in the summmaaaaaa #whiteassnow #amiright
My favorite workouts lately have been Total Body Hammer and Chisel Cardio. Both of them leave me shaking and energetic all at the same time! I feel on top of the world when I do them! It's crazy that I used to hateeee weight lifting, and now I look forward to it! My body is changing and toning up, and I feel so strong! What's awesome is that all of us coaches are doing it together, and we all feel the same and love having the accountability and support with each other!! If your goals are to tone up and challenge yourself, this program is for you! Contact me for more info and I can share with you how to get started and plug you into one of my accountability groups!
Meals have been good, but not as "healthy" as I'd like. As I mentioned last week, I've had so much food freedom lately, and I'm loving it! But I am also treating my body well and practicing an 80/20 or 90/10 rule when it comes to treats! Last week I enjoyed some Chinese food, pizza, and cookies. This week, I'm craving more plants and veggies! It all balances out because when your body is used to mostly vegetables and superfoods; you will eventually crave those too! Overall, I'm feeling good, lean, and strong! Here's a glimpse into my meals last week!
Chickpea and veggie green curry!
I'm obsessed with Larabars!
Shakeology has been happening EVERY DAY, and I'm always so sads when it's done! So delicious!
Free accountability group: February 15-19
I've been thinking lately about how healthy eating can become mundane and repetitive for some of us. Chicken, broccoli, and brown rice can get boooooring, as yummy as it is! SO next week, I am planning on hosting a FREE 5-day group all about making healthy recipes fun and exciting so we don't get bored and we stick to our meal plans! The group will be run via facebook and will include meal ideas, recipes, and accountability! Fill out the form below if you would like more information! Have a great Tuesday, everyone!