Nutrition can be Confusing

There is a buzz going around the internet about the documentary "What the Health." So yesterday, since my hubby and I were lazily recovering from my cousin's wedding on Saturday, and we decided to watch some of it during Emma's nap. I like keeping up to date with these types of things since I AM a dietitian, a food nerd, and like to make my own opinions based on my knowledge, research, and experience. 

And basically, what we felt about the documentary was confusion. Confusion about what to eat, what science is actually telling us about food, what really causes obesity/diabetes/heart disease, and basically what to have for dinner. 

Nutrition can be SO confusing, and if you don't have a firm grip on what works for YOU, it can be easy to be tossed around from one diet/lifestyle to another in order to find your saving grace in regards to your health, weight, and happiness. I've done this and am guilty of it. I have moments where I believe a paleo diet, a gluten free diet, a vegan diet, or some other strict way of eating will save me from my food issues, help me lose weight, and bring me happiness. And that is just not the case! 

"What the Health" is a documentary promoting a vegan lifestyle. It makes some statements that sugar is not inflammatory (false) and that fat is what is causing the obesity epidemic (false). Science shows time and time again that sugar IS inflammatory and that fats (the right kinds) are beneficial to our health.  But, many of the points that the documentary made were spot on, such as the importance of fruits and vegetables and plant based eating. 

So what are we left with? We have one end of the spectrum saying carbs are the devil and to avoid them at all costs, while eating more bacon, red meat, and eggs. And we have the other end saying animal protein is the devil and we must eat more carbs and less fat in order to be healthy. My viewpoint is to look at the common denominator for both of these philosophies: 

What all health philosophies agree on is the importance of PLANTS. Things that are grown from the earth. Things that aren't tampered with in a factory or a farm. As Michael Pollan so simply puts: "eat food, not too much, mostly plants."

This is my philophoshy as well. Instead of focusing on what we "shouldn't have" whether it is sugar, meat, eggs, or carbs, focus on what we SHOULD have more of: green leafy vegetables, carrots, bell peppers, potatoes, berries, apples, etc. Real, whole foods. Plants. They are pretty awesome for our health. 

The more we fill up on these nourishing foods, the less room we will have for the treats, whether your treat is a cheeseburger or a brownie. But, that doesn't mean you don't ever have the treat. You have the treat, and then move on back to your plants. Your plants is where the majority of your diet lies. Which is what being "plant-based" is all about. 

The documentary DID remind me of how awesome I felt eating a more plant-based diet. Being a nursing mama, lately my meals have been "what's easy to grab and eat" which makes for some healthy choices and some not so healthy choices. While I am still following my portion-control meal plan, some meals are not the healthiest. So I did appreciate that aspect of the documentary and plan on leaning more towards a plant based diet because of how awesome it made me feel mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

But, I didn't agree with the fact that the documentary made sugar out to be a friend and totally fine to consume. While I am a big fan of sugar and do consume it, I think it is important to be mindful of our sugar intake, and especially our processed sugar intake. From the research I've done and the science I've studies, sugar DOES contribute to diabetes and heart disease and IS inflammatory. So be aware of this when you are treating yourself, and treat in moderation. 

And this is even more of a reason I am so grateful for the meal plan that I follow. Being able to balance out all the food groups is key to vitality and good health. Having a balance of protein (whether plant based or animal based), vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats is important, and all in the correct portions. So my meal plan serves me in this respect. 

The bottom line is to not confuse yourself too much on what you shouldn't eat. Focus on how to nourish yourself and what you SHOULD eat more of, which is what my accountability groups focus on. Don't focus on deprivation, but more so on how you can fill your plate with as many good, wholesome, nutrient dense foods as possible.  

If you need some help learning how to eat this way, I don't blame you! It can be confusing, but my job as a dietitian and wellness coach is to guide you towards nourishing your body and your soul. If you'd like to apply for my next accountability group and start focusing on how to eat MORE of the nourishing stuff, click on the link below and apply! The deadline for my next group is July 16th, so apply fast to reserve your spot! 

Hope you all have a fabulous Monday!

The Joyfully Fit Community!

Are you tired of endless dieting, boring workouts, and just feeling like you are stuck in a cycle of defeat?

Are you craving BALANCE in your health journey, a steady flow of nourishing your body, moving and being active, and knowing when to treat yo'self in a FREEING way? 

Are you constantly feeling tired, low energy, and that you just can't muster up the strength to do all the things you need to do in a day?

Girl, I've BEEN there, I've found a way out, and now I'm grabbing you to come along with me!

As a dietitian and health & wellness coach, I have been running online monthly fitness accountability group, which I call my Joyfully Fit Bootcamp! For months, I ran these groups and helped women get from where they were to where they wanted to be. My clients lost weight, gained confidence, reached new fitness heights, and finally lived the healthy lifestyles they always wanted.

Now, we are taking it up a notch and forming a COMMUNITY of women! Once you become a member of the Joyfully Fit Community, you have lifetime access, which means you will ALWAYS have a tribe behind you, encouraging you, and motivating you along your journey!

We all know what we should be doing: eat more vegetables, eat less sugar, stop drinking soda, and the list goes on and on. But what stops us from going from where we are to where we want to be? What makes us terrified of failure and feeling like we are stuck in our unhealthy ways?
For me in my journey, it was lack of support and accountability. For years, I tried to do it all on my own. I struggled through binge eating, over-restriction, obsessively exercising, and self-sabotage every time I got close to my goals. Once I found a community of women just like me, striving for health and balance, I felt free. I had a group of people behind me that were cheering me on and motivating me to be the best version of the person God created me to be.

You can have this too. You don't have to live in defeat. You were made for SO much more than a life of guilt, shame, and regret. You are worth a healthy mind, a strong body, and a nourished soul. And with my Joyfully Fit Bootcamps, I will help you get there!


So, what do you GET from this community membership??

  • An easy to follow at home workout plan that is only 30 minutes and so easy to fit into your busy lifestyle

  • A dietitian-approved portion control meal plan that makes healthy eating SO easy and fool-proof and that won’t leave you feeling deprived one bit!

  • A dense superfood shake that will give you all the nutrients you need in whole-food form

  • a community of rockstart women that have your back and will always be there for you!

  • ME as your person! I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and help you get from where you’ve always been to where you are destined to be; living your healthiest and fullest life!


If this sounds like the type of accountability and community you have been waiting for, let’s chat! I can pair you with the perfect program that best suits your lifestyle and goals and we can get started from there! Packages (that contain everything listed above!!) start at $160: just a one-time fee to join in on a lifetime of fun, motivation, accountability, and SUCCESS! Our community will officially kick off in April, but I will be accepting new clients to start every Friday! It'll be an ongoing space for all of us to share our journeys together!


If you are interested in joining, fill out the form below and let's get started!