Would my future self be proud?

My ONE mindset hack that helped me stop stress eating: ⁣

...I started asking myself what would make my future self proud. ⁣

I stopped living in the moment and just reacting to life and its stressors. Instead, when the stress and desire to overeat hit, I would PAUSE and ask myself: ⁣

“Would my future self be proud? Would the Tveen that woke up tomorrow morning be proud that I ate an entire package of Oreos?”⁣

NOPE. She wouldn’t. And just focusing on my future self helped snap me back to reality, feel my feelings without numbing them, and be able to course correct from there.⁣

If you haven’t tried this yet, I highly recommend you pause and start asking yourself these powerful questions! Grab a pen and paper and journal the following questions:

  1. How would the ideal version of me live from the time I woke up to the time I sleep? What would she do? How would she treat herself and others?

  2. What would make my future self proud? What can I do today that would make the ME tomorrow proud?

  3. What habits can I add to my life to get one step closer to my ideal self?

  4. What are some obstacles I may face and how can I overcome them?

  5. What am I already doing now that I am proud of?

⁣I hope these questions help you start thinking less about the moment and more about the FUTURE you want for yourself and your life!
