Black bean & veggie enchiladas

Well, we are finally moved in, unpacked, and settled in our new home. We are so excited to be here. God has blessed us so so much this past year, and we are excited to have a new home to enjoy with each other and with friends and family!

Last night, I cooked our first real dinner in the new house. I have been missing my kitchen so much! I whipped up a black bean and veggie enchilada recipe that was so easy and SO tasty! It was also a treat because we actually have a dining room table to eat dinner on now instead of just plopping down in front of the TV like we did in our one-bedroom apartment. Ohhhh the joys of sharing dinner and chatting about our days on an actual table! :)

Anyways, back to the food...these turned out so delicious and flavorful, so I just had to share the recipe! Enjoy!

Makes 7-8 enchiladas depending on how much you stuff 'em!

These were so easy to put together, and we had plenty left over for dinner tonight. Plus, you won't even miss the animal protein, because this meal is packed with vegetables and legumes, which provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and plant protein as well (yep, plants have protein too). And it was also approved by my meat-loving hubby, so it's a WIN in my book!

I hope you all enjoy this recipe and are able to try it out soon! Have a happy Tuesday! :)

Banana Coconut Loaf (gluten free)

It's FRIDAY!!! Man oh man, am I happy this week has come to an end! It's been long, and HOT, and stressful at work, so all in all I'd say I am ready for the weekend!

This week was my first week of skipping morning workouts (minus Monday) and only working out once since then (yesterday). I have to admit, it feels great to sleep in an extra 1-1.5 hours in the morning, especially since I work at a dialysis center and have to be at work by 7am most mornings. Waking up at 4 or 4:30am for my workouts was exhausting me, even though I miss my morning routine like crazy! I love the quiet of the morning, working out, and starting my day off with some activity. But, I feel chronically sleep deprived, and sleep is so important for our well being!

This week felt like a recharge, since I got about 7-8 hours of sleep every night, and am feeling much more rested. Moving forward though, I am contemplating doing some morning workouts on days that I don't have to get into work too early, but mostly doing afternoon workouts. Almost like proving to myself that I CAN workout in the PM, since I've always functioned better in the AM. It's a trial and error type thing for me. Being active is a really important part of my life, so I want to make sure I schedule it in and prioritize this time. My motivations to workout have changed. have changed. I do it now for the release of anxiety and the overflow of endorphins that it gives me. Plus I am so grateful to God for a body that can move, so why not move it, ya know?

But enough about that, and onto zee food! Last night, I felt like baking (even though it's been over 100 degrees here in so-cal!) I spotted 2 almost black bananas on our counter, and found some shredded coconut that I hadn't used in forever, and got to work. I made a banana bread loaf with some shredded coconut mixed into the batter, and it turned out better than I thought! And the best part, it is gluten free, contains healthy amounts of coconut (so good for us), and tasted awesome with a smear of PB on top this morning! Here is the recipe!

My husband came home and had a late-night slice, and immediately wanted another. I can tell this bread is going to go fast! This recipe is such a feel-good treat that won't weigh you down while also hitting the spot! I hope you get to try it soon, or at least when the weather cools down. But for now, I'll still be baking! :)

Spelt flour waffles!

Here is a delicious waffle recipe that is perfect to make in the mornings! It's full of fiber and protein from the spelt flour, plus you can make this large batch and eat them all week long! Much better than frozen waffles from the store! ;) here is the recipe...enjoy! 


Enjoy with syrup, peanut butter, or microwaved frozen berries like I did above!  


Healthy White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies


Today, I have for you a healthified cookie recipe which I went nuts over (pun intended). My husband also loved them and when they are hubby-approved, you know you’ve created a sensation! These cookies turned out so gooey with the perfect amount of chocolate and nut, which let’s be honest, is the best combo! Enjoy these as an afternoon snack or as a complement to any meal! Here is the recipe for healthified white chocolate macadamia nut cookies!

Chocolate Chip & Almond Cookies

Whoa, that title is a mouthful, but I can't help but include all the yummy deliciousness that went into these cookies! I don't know about you, but I believe fresh baked cookies are good for the soul...and they have my RD approval for sure. Especially when they are made with wholesome, good-for-you ingredients like these cookies right here! These got made and baked in 20 mins flat and they were so easy, so I just had to share! Step right up for the recipe!