Healthy & Light Shepherd's Pie

Funny story: I went to the grocery store on Wednesday to stock up after our vacation. My husband was craving shepherd's pie, and I had never made it before! But determined to make it for him, yummy and healthy, I went to the store. It was about 102 degrees outside. 

As I was checking out, the worker asked me what I was planning on cooking at night. I said "shepherd's pie!" Her eyes probably got to twice the size that they were, and she exclaimed "WHAT?!! IN THIS HEAT??" Umm, yes? I told her my husband wanted it, and she said she was impressed I was going to make it for him in this heat, and that we must not have kids yet. I just thought this was hilarious! Everyone tells me things will change when we have kids, and I expect it will! But right now, I love making the dishes my husband likes, in as healthy a way as possible. I figure, why not take advantage of this time now for me to cook and be a little home maker before kids get into the mix? Even in 102 degrees heat? I say yes to that! :) 

So, here is my healthier version of shepherd's pie. My first attempt at this dish and we both loved it! Here you go! 

And there you go! This meal was absolutely delicious, a total comfort food meal, and is still healthier than it's traditional version! We enjoyed it so much, even with the heat! :) 

I hope you all get to try this recipe; if not now, maybe in the winter! Have a happy weekend everyone!

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