Southwest Quinoa Salad

January is the month of resolutions and goals, right? Well, this year, my hubby and I have resolved to spend less money. A tempting place for me to spend way more that I need to is on groceries. So, we are going on a "grocery diet." Of course we all need to eat, but I tend to get a little too excited at grocery stores and spend wayyyy more than I ever intended to spend. I am determined to use up all we have at home before entering the tempting arena of Trader Joe's. SO, that's meant a lot more creativity on my end to put meals together! Last night, I whipped up this easy southwest quinoa salad in under 30 minutes and it turned out delicious and was even husband-approved!

I try to keep some staples on hand at all times such as: quinoa, beans, veggies, rice, and hummus. If you have these things...anything can go down in the kitchen. Here is the recipe, and there is also a cooking video at the bottom so you can watch how it's done! 

 See? Super easy, healthy, and delicious! I hope you guys enjoy the recipe! Stayed tuned for more easy and affordable meal ideas coming your way! 

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