Succulent Garden Box Project

Before I met my husband, I was never one for gardening. My mom and I are actually notorious for killing everything that we try to plant and nurture. Plants, vegetable gardens, even the most low-maintenance greens die no matter what we do, and how much we take care of them. It's now become public knowledge and me and plants should only work together if I'm eating them!

Well, my husband on the other hand, has a green thumb. He loves gardening and landscaping and figuring out how to make things beautiful with plants, gardens, and God's creation. He's been wanting to add a garden box to our little patio area for a while, and last weekend, we finally got around to it! It was such a fun adventure, and it definitely made me want to garden more! Maybe with his help, I won't be such a plant-killer any longer!

We both love succulents, so we decided to go with a succulent box. It took a while to choose which ones we wanted to be a part of our garden box; there are SO many varieties of succulents! Finally, after about an hour, we decided on a few little, colorful plants. 

We also bought some rocks and soil. Succulents need well-drained soil, but we couldn't find a garden box that had a draining tray underneath. So one of the very helpful Home Depot staff members gave us the tip of lining the bottom of the box with rocks, then adding soil, as a way to "naturally" drain the soil. That was good enough for us!

Then, we added the soil!

I had the most fun with the soil. Patting it down and making sure all the plants were nice and snug in there was so fun for some reason!


AND the finished project!

I enjoyed this project more than I thought I would. At first, I was just going to let my hubby do this on his own, since it is his thing! But I am so happy I joined in on this garden project with him. I've realized lately that I miss my creative, artistic side. I am craving it. Growing up, I was so artistic. I painted and danced for years, enjoyed singing and was part of a vocal conservatory and my church worship team, and loved to write short stories for fun. Once I started college, I went into a very science-focused major, and while I LOVE nutrition, food science, and everything it entails, my artistic side sort of got washed away, and I've been missing it. This project really brought that pleasure out in me again, and I can't wait to see what other arts and crafts my husband and I will adventure in together!

Lesson learned: be a well rounded person. Don't give up on things you once loved and enjoyed, and don't be afraid to go back to them even if it's been 8-9 years since you've participated in that particular activity. Life is too short! So do the things you love, and do them often! :) 

Summertime Meal & Fitness Plan: June 8-12

I MISS YOU ALL! I really miss blogging, I need to be better about it and have it as a priority! Life has been so busy with parties and graduations and my new job, but I need to put my hobbies first! So, here we  meal and fitness plan for the week!


I've only planned lunches and dinners this week. Usually breakfast has been shakeology, banana with peanut butter, or some toast as I rush out the door since my new job requires me to be there by 6:30/7:00 in the morning! So, here are our tentative lunches and dinners for the week!


Lunch: leftover kebab with tzatziki sauce

Dinner: Turkey burger with curry veggie quinoa (recipe coming soon!)



Lunch: leftover quinoa, hard boiled eggs

Dinner: Chicken fajita night!



Lunch: salad, hard boiled eggs

Dinner: leftover quinoa OR out with the family!



Lunch: chicken sausage and potatoes

Dinner: out with the family! 



Lunch: Chicken sausage and potatoes

Dinner: Salmon w/rice and steamed vegetables 


There are LOTS of graduations and family events this week, but I'm going to try to keep it as healthy and clean as possible. I am also trying to follow the 21 day fix container system along with the workouts. I LOVE this portion control system! It really helps me see how much more I was eating of some foods, and less of others. And plus, the containers are SO CUTE!

For example: 2 eggs equal one red container (protein), and this is a serving of blueberries which fits into the purple container for fruit! 

For example: 2 eggs equal one red container (protein), and this is a serving of blueberries which fits into the purple container for fruit! 

As many of you know, I am NUTS for nuts!!! But, this little blue container helped me see how I was way overeating these, and then complaining of tummy aches. Hmmm I wonder why? ;) 

As many of you know, I am NUTS for nuts!!! But, this little blue container helped me see how I was way overeating these, and then complaining of tummy aches. Hmmm I wonder why? ;) 

My fitness/workout plan is as follows! 

Monday: I just completed the 21 day fix total body cardio workout! I was good!

Tuesday: 21 day fix upper body workout, 30 min walk/run 

Wednesday: 21 day fix lower body workout

Thursday: 21 day fix dirty 30, 30 min walk/run

Friday: 21 day fix cardio fix

Saturday: 21 day fix total body cardio, 30 min walk/run


The 21 day fix workouts are only 30 minutes in length so they have been perfect to fit into my busy days. I've also been loving going on walks (sometimes runs) lately, so I want to incorporate those as well on the days I have time! We will see how this week plays out, but I've been feeling pretty motivated! 

I am also hosting a 21 day fix challenge group starting on June 22nd! It will be a private Facebook accountability group for those wanting to take on the 21 day fix this summer! The package includes the program, nutrition guide, 30 day supply of the superfood shakeology (OBSESSED!), and accountability with me and the rest of the group as we embark on the program together! The deadline to order is MONDAY, JUNE 15th! If you have any questions, please contact me through the "contact" button on this website, or email me at for more info! 

Ok, I'm off to start cooking dinner for the hubby and I! Have an awesome Monday night everyone!

The Habit of Fear

The famous Franklin Roosevelt once said "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself." This quote has been heard many times and has been requoted, or retweeted nowadays I guess, over the years. Fear is one of the strongest emotions we can experience. It can be paralyzing or exhilarating, it can move us forward or keep us back, or it can actually be a game changer for us and push us to reach our goals. Yes, fear can be motivating, if we decide to make it so. 

I've realized over the past few months that I have an INCREDIBLE amount of fear. It's become a habit for me to look for things that I am afraid of. It makes me sad, but it's so true. On my way to work, I'll be afraid of what the day will look like and if I'll have any difficult clients. When I pay bills, I'm afraid that the money won't actually go through and I'll be late on my payments (which is why I pay things off about 3 weeks before the due date). When I'm talking to someone about nutrition, I'm afraid that they won't care what I have to say and will think I'm silly for encouraging us to eat more vegetables. It's almost natural for me to fear something and have anxiety about a situation. And let me tell you, that is NOT a good habit to have! I've become so used to it, and have embraced it as who I am. It's held me back in the past, but starting now, I am deciding to let it propel me forward instead. I'm deciding to use that fear and let it light a fire under me to prove the fear wrong, push forward, and be the best me I can be. 

Really though, what would you do if you weren't afraid? Would you finally start that business? Would you try that hobby or craft that you've always wanted? Would you pursue that relationship? Would you finally lose the weight? There are so many aspects of our life that we could grow in if fear wasn't stopping us. I refuse to let it hold me back anymore. I was not created to live in fear, so why let it win?

After talking to an amazing friend and mentor yesterday, I've realized that fear is always there, it's always been a part of my life, but now I am deciding to use it as my motivation instead of my detriment. I plan on pursuing my business goals and building what I've always dreamed of. I've decided to not be afraid of what it feels like to actually take care of my body and maintain that kind of health and nourishment. Even if I experience self doubt, and those all too familiar feelings that I actually CAN't build my business and CAN'T pursue my goals, I'm not going to absorb that into my personality. A fearful person is not who I am, and it's not who God created me to be. Now when I feel the fear, I'm not going to become the fear, but rather push passed it, and choose courage instead.


What would you do if you weren't afraid of anything? Comment below! 

Where are you found?

"More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith..." Philippians 3:8-9

During one of my quiet times this week, these few verses got highlighted in my brain. I found myself asking myself, "where am I found?" over and over again throughout the week. It was a question that intrigued me, unsettled me, and caused me to rethink many aspects of my life and thoughts. Paul's words are cutting, convicting, and truly depict the biblical reality that the word of God is the sword of Spirit (Eph. 6:17). It makes us think and reevaluate the position we give Jesus in our lives. Paul makes his view very clear; he considers everything to be worthless compared to the value he places on knowing Christ, his Savior and Redeemer. Wow. Instead of just skimming past those verses, let them really sink in. Read them over again. Pray. Now read them one more time. 

I find myself being "found" in so many different parts of my life and grasping at anything and everything around me for identity, value, and peace. Whether it is being the best dietitian I can be, a loving new wifey, a worthy daughter, a selfless friend, and a "good Christian" (whatever that means), there are so many ways I can make myself feel that I am falling short as a person. I can measure and compare myself to others and find areas where I am not working hard enough, loving hard enough, or just plain BEING enough. But why am I finding my worth in these things? Why am I FOUND in these things? Paul sure wasn't. He was found in Christ through his faith, and calls us all to do the same. He calls us to count everything worthless compared to knowing Christ. 

Every time I've read these verses in the past, they've seemed so distant to vague. I often wish someone would just flat out give me a checklist of how to fulfill so many things that we are called to do in the Bible and the type of people we are created to be in Christ. I wonder what my life would look like if I were truly found in Christ the way Paul was, instead of my being found in my career, looks, health, wealth, and every other idol we as humans create for ourselves. 

After journaling and praying about these verses, I realized that being found in Christ, for ME, would mean that the loss of any of those above things wouldn't matter, because I would be found in Him, I would KNOW HIM, and that joy and satisfaction would surpass any other worldly achievement I reached. It would mean more to me than a pay raise, a pat on the back, or another pound lost on the scale. Those things wouldn't match up to the value and worth of knowing Jesus Christ more and more every day. 

And how do I go about knowing Jesus more intimately? By really and truly dedicating time in my day to spend with Him. And not only time, but dedicating my mind, body, spirit, and every sense to HIM. Yes, I have a daily quiet time, but to be honest, I often forget what I read in the Bible or which short devotional I skimmed through before rushing off to work. My brain gets bombarded by so many other worries, stresses, and even joys, that I often put that quiet time I spent with Jesus on the back burner instead of keeping it at the forefront of my mind all day long. I go through the actions, read, pray, but my mind wanders off to my to-do list, to my worries, and to all the things that I could be doing instead. But God doesn't deserve that. 

My prayer and desire is that God brings to my mind all the things that He has taught me. I pray that I can find a way to remember and cherish the glimmers and gifts that He bestows me with. I want things to STICK, you know what I mean? I want to learn and absorb and find myself not being able to get enough of Jesus.

Lord, help me desire YOU more than anything else. Help me to be FOUND IN YOU, and YOU alone, no matter what distractions come my way. When I feel overwhelemd, overworked, and like I am not enough, I pray that I find You in the midst of those thoughts. Help me refocus on You, and to remember who YOU say that I am and not who the world or even I am telling myself that I am. Strengthen my brain and mind to absorb and remember all You teach me, and to be truly present in my time with You. Help me believe your truths, and may everything else count as "rubbish" compared to the surpassing value and worth of knowing You, Jesus. Amen. 

Mr. & Mrs. Verano and Mini Muffin recipe!


Wow...I don't even know where to begin this post. Except that life has been a crazy wonderful dream lately. On April 19th, I married the love of my life and went on the most amazing two-week honeymoon to Hawaii. And now, we are setting up our new apartment and enjoying this new married life that God has blessed us with. It's been absolutely wonderful! 


Hand engraved vase from the sweetest man in Kauai! 

Hand engraved vase from the sweetest man in Kauai! 


I love having my own apartment and kitchen to decorate and set up. The housewife has totally come out in me! Our internet isn't set up yet, which is actually great because that means we have time to unpack, get settled, and not be glued to our phones or computers. However, I am looking forward to being able to blog and conducting my nutrition consulting business from a computer and not just my phone! 

And of course, what better way to break in a new kitchen than to BAKE?? I made these yummy mini muffins on Sunday morning before church, and the hubby liked them so much he asked me to make them for his work breakfast this week! They were oh so easy to whip up, so I thought I'd quickly share the recipe and get back into the blogging groove! 

Blueberry Mini-muffins (makes 24-30)

1 cup multigrain pancake mix 

1 cup rolled oats 

1 egg 

1/2 cup egg whites 

2 small bananas, mashed 

1/3 cup applesauce 

1 cup stevia (cup for cup measurement) 

1/2 cup blueberries 

1/2 t cinnamon 

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix all of the ingredients except for the blueberries in a mixer. I just got this wonderful kitchen aid and am in LOVE with it!! 




Lastly, fold the blueberries in my hand so they don't get mushed, unless you're into that sorta thing! 

Place a dollop of batter into each mini muffin tin, then bake for about 15 mins or until a toothpick comes out clean. 


Warm blueberries are LIFE!  

Warm blueberries are LIFE!  

Hope you enjoy this recipe! And I hope to get back into the blogging groove very very soon!  

PiYo Review: Sticking to something till the end!


I have been filled with such an incredible sense of accomplishment these past couple days. Yesterday I completed the two month PiYo program. I have never ever completed a workout program from start to finish. Even though there were ups and downs throughout the past two months, I did each workout every day and completed the program! 





I am so grateful to God that, even though these past two months have been nuts, He gave me the motivation and determination to finish this program!! I am definitely going to incorporate PiYo into my weekly workout schedules because it has been the best thing I have ever done for my mind, soul, and my body. 

Let me first say that I used to hate anything low impact, and I especially did not enjoy yoga or Pilates. This program completely changed that for me! I looked forward to pressing play every single day, and I felt amazing during PiYo. So if you think you are not a yoga person, you should try this program because you may surprise yourself!  

I also got great results! The left photo is from week 3, and the right is from my final week, week 8! 





I have never had definition in my abs, let alone the confidence to post my abs! This workout gave me confidence in so many aspects of my life. I finally completed a program in its entirety, which is such a huge confidence boost! I also became a beach body coach in the process, because I wanted to be able to coach others through this program so they can experience what I have. Now, I feel like I can do anything I set my mind too! 

To close, I know you all are interested in details. So here is it. I lost 10-12 lbs during PiYo, I stuck with the workout calendar, and I also added about 2-3 cardio days consisting of slow run/walks ranging from 20-40 mins. Most importantly, I stuck to a mostly clean eating lifestyle. I never starved myself, I did indulge on Easter and a few other occasions, and for about 80% of the 8 weeks, I ate whole, real foods, lean proteins, tons of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and a good amount of healthy fats. Nutrition is the most important part of the entire equation! We cannot workout enough to outweigh a poor diet...that's for sure! 

If you would like me to coach you through this fitness program and help you get on your way to living a healthier lifestyle, please contact me! I have a passion for helping people reach their health and fitness goals and would love to work with you. Email me at to get started! 

Paleo vs. Vegan: Which one?

There are many hot debates in nutrition nowadays, and one of the major ones that I come across often is whether to adopt a caveman, or paleo diet, or a more plant based, vegetarian, or vegan diet. I've written about paleo before, and I've dabbled in both lifestyles. I'd like to share my thoughts on these dietary dogmas and hope to shed some light or clarity to anyone who gets overwhelmed and confused about the nutrition news out there! FullSizeRender 3

I went to Loma Linda University for graduate school, which is a Seventh-Day Adventist school and a vegetarian campus. Even though I am not Seventh-Day Adventist, I started to adopt a more vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. It was pretty easy since most people stayed away from animal products on campus. I have also always been a big bread lover, and would much rather skip meat and eat more bread! So I started eating more bread, cheese, vegetables, fruit, bread, beans, tofu, crackers, and the like. I lost a good amount of weight (I was being careful with calories too), and felt pretty healthy and confident.

However, about six months into my vegetarian endeavors, I started to notice a drop in energy. My hair was falling out in handfuls, I felt tired, and my monthly you-know-whats had completely stopped. I also started having horrible digestion issues. I've always had digestion problems, but these were painful enough to keep me home from classes or hanging out with my friends. I would be too embarrassed to go out or be with others. I knew something was wrong.

Finally, after a conversation with my cousin and my mom, I decided to add animal products back into my diet. I started with fish, then chicken, then red meat. I felt a lot better eating more animal protein! I realized that, as a vegetarian, I wasn't really eating a plant-based diet. More of a bread and cheese based diet. I cut back on the bread and cheese and felt a lot better eating whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and protein.

However, shortly after I started incorporating animal products into my diet, I went to my doctor to figure out why my digestion was still horrible. She recommended that I get tested for celiac disease and cut out gluten. I tested negative for celiac, but felt so much better after cutting gluten out of my diet. She stated that I most likely had a gluten sensitivity, so I decided to go gluten-free. My digestion calmed down, and I finally started feeling more energetic and like myself.

Fast forward about 6 months. I had gained some weight and started eating more gluten-free processed foods, such as gluten-free cookies, crackers, cakes, and popcorn. I was desperate to lose the weight and de-bloat, because yes, even gluten free foods can bloat us up! I came across the book "It Starts with Food." This book is about a 30-day challenge cutting out all grains, dairy, soy, legumes, sugars, and seed oils. It is basically paleo, but stricter. It cuts out "healthified" treats, such as brownies or pancakes made with approved paleo ingredients. I decided to try this challenge out, desperate for an "answer" to my increased snacking and junk food intake.

I completed my Whole 30 feeling better than ever and decided to continue on with the Paleo lifestyle. I became strict about what I ate and advocated Paleo to the world. However, I felt conflicted at the same time. I would be mostly Paleo, then have a weekend where I just couldn't take the deprivation anymore, and I would have all the gluten and dairy and sugar I could lay my hands on. Even though my family was saying this was a depriving diet, I wouldn't listen, and would continue on.

Now, I know Paleo has some wonderful health benefits. I fully stand by their recommendation to eat whole foods and limit processed foods, to eat mostly vegetables, and to limit our intake of processed carbohydrates. But I realized that after a year of doing mostly paleo, my symptoms from my vegetarian days had returned. My hair was thinning out, I felt tired all the time, I was not being able to fall asleep even with sleep aids, and my monthly you-know-whats had stopped again. My digestion problems had even started back up, even though I wasn't eating gluten, dairy, or any other problematic foods. Even though I was eating lots of vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats, I felt like something was missing from my diet. And not only physically, but emotionally.

I was so tired. Tired of always worrying what food I would be eating if we were going to a friend's house, or if I was staying at work late. Tired of not sleeping through the night and always being restless. Tired of always having food on me just in case I got hungry. Tired of not knowing what to do with my thinning hair. Tired of always feeling deprived, and like I couldn't have foods that used to be "healthy" choices for me. I knew this was normal. The Whole 30 website and authors even state that, if you have a history of disordered eating or over-restriction, to consult with a doctor before starting something like the Whole 30. But I decided to do it on my own, thinking the deprivation was just what I needed to snap out of my unhealthy snacking habits. I felt so restricted, and for someone who has had a troubled relationship with food in the past, restrictive diets are not a good idea. They can send you spiraling down a deep dark hole of isolation and utter confusion.

So, even though Paleo made me feel great for a time, I decided to not consider myself Paleo anymore. I've written many posts on this in the past, one of them called "Labeling Life." Currently, I still try to stick to a mostly gluten free diet, but I do eat grains, legumes, and dairy. I bake my healthified treats and enjoy them to the fullest.

I also love having more vegetarian and vegan meals from time to time. I don't consider myself in any food camp, and that decision has brought so much freedom to my food choices. I realize now that the benefit of both these diets is not necessarily what they OMIT, but what they INCLUDE, which is a lot of whole, plant based, fruits and vegetables. We need to start viewing our healthy lifestyles in a different light, not in the light of restriction, but through the lens of what we can add into our lives.

So, being at both end of the spectrum, I've learned the following principles:

1. When your monthly you-know-whats stop as a woman, there is a problem.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables, mostly vegetables, and add color. This is without a doubt the best foundation from which to build your diet.

3. Vary your proteins, whether they are chicken, lentils, beans, grass-fed beef, or fish.

4. Don't fear food. You are stronger than you think. There are so many healthy choices out there. Be aware of your choices, and pick the healthy choice 80-90% of the time.

5. The best diet is the one you will stick to. So if Paleo is easy for you, then do it. If being Vegan works for you, then be Vegan. You don't have to answer to anyone but yourself.



Here are some other helpful resources in case you want more information on this topic!

It's Finally APRIL!!!

I CAN'T BELIEVE APRIL IS HERE!!! And yes, that statement deserves all caps because April is the month that I am getting married! In 18 days, I will be Mrs. Verano, and I seriously can't wait. Literally, I am having trouble waiting. I'm just so excited, nervous, stressed, tired, energetic, and every possible spectrum of emotion right now. For me, a new month means new goals. I've gotten into the habit of setting daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals after reading "PUSH" by Chalene Johnson (I highly recommend this book!) and this morning, I got a chance to reflect on March and set some goals for April. March was a big month for me. I became a Beach Body coach at the end of February, so March was my first full month with Beach Body. It's been such a growing experience, and I am loving everything I am doing! I also launched my own private nutrition counseling business! I am currently running my first free clean eating challenge through Facebook with a group of AWESOME women. I am so excited for all of these blessings and opportunities and pray that God uses all of these endeavors as a way to glorify HIM and show others His love. I am just so very blessed.

With that said, April goals may seem a little different than my typical goals. Since I get married on April 19th, I will be on my honeymoon for the last 2 weeks of April (PRAISE THE LORD!) But, I still want to make April an awesome month for myself, my personal goals, and my overall health!


1. Obviously, my most important goal is to get married. Can't forget that. Nope. I am beyond excited for this day, and for our marriage afterwards!

2-3. I am in my 7th week of the 8-week PiYo program through Beach Body. I have also been drinking their superfood Shakeology drink daily and have noticed a HUGE improvement in my health, energy, skin, ahem "movements," and cravings. My goal is to continue with PiYo to the end (something I have NEVER done with any other fitness program) and continue drinking Shakeology everyday! If anyone is interested in purchasing PiYo or Shakeology, or any other Beach Body program for that matter, please email me at You can order the programs through me and I will be your personal coach and support you as you go on your healthy lifestyle journey! I would love to partner with you in this process and am so passionate about these products! So please don't hesitate to email me, and I'll help you get started!

4. I am a Tone it Up girl for life. I love their workouts, recipes, and the Instagram community. These past few months have been SO busy that I haven't been able to be as involved with the awesome resources and community that Tone it Up has to offer. I plan on incorporating more of this lifestyle into my daily life, workouts, and food plans!

5. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Or should I say, CONTINUE eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. I have been a fruits and veggie machine lately, and I am loving the way these foods make me feel. They are so filling and yet low in calories. They are overflowing with nutrients. They are superfoods and we should be eating SO many of them throughout the day!

6. Lastly, I need to learn to stay calm. With everything going on right now with the wedding, work, my side business endeavors, and overall life, it's been SO easy to get anxious and worried. I need to daily, hourly, and even by the minute, give all of my burdens to the Lord. I wasn't meant to carry these burdens on my own. Jesus says His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30). I encourage us all to surrender our cares to Jesus every day, and He will strengthen us and pull us through!


That's all for my April goals. I am SO excited for this month! Have you had time to write out some goals for April yet? Write one thing you want to accomplish this month in the comments!

What is Clean Eating?


What is Clean Eating? As a dietitian, I often get asked this question. I realized that I really do have my own definition of clean eating that may not match most of the definitions out there. I thought it would be beneficial to me, as well as my readers, to talk about what clean eating means to me, and how I incorporate it into my healthy lifestyle. The following is a list of the 5 principles that comprise clean eating for me. Hopefully it helps some of you figure out what clean eating means to you and how you can clean up your diet to live a happier and healthy lifestyle!

1. Eating TONS of fruits and vegetables.

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And by tons, I mean at least 7-10 servings/day. These foods are nutritional powerhouses and are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, anti-cancer properties, and antioxidants. They are what should make up the most of our daily food intake. Adding variety to your fruits and vegetables helps you not get bored. These foods are also so versatile, with all the seasonings and toppings you can add. Vegetables can be used in salads, stir fry meals, casseroles, omelets...the possibilities are endless! You can eat fruit on its own or add it to salads, smoothies, or on top of oats. And with the internet resources available nowadays, you can ALWAYS find new recipes (on my blog or others!) in order to spice up your fruits and veggies and never get bored. So when you look down at your plate, at least half of it should be fruits and vegetables!  

2. Limiting processed and packaged carbohydrate and high fat foods.

This one is pretty obvious, but cakes, cookies, sweets, candy bars, and even some "energy" bars out there are not considered clean eating for me. It's best to do without these foods since there is really no nuritional benefit in them. I also limit my intake of breads and pastas because there are so many more nutrient dense foods we could eat...such as those lovely fruits and vegetables I just talked about! 

3. Having a balance of protein, carbs, and fats at every meal. When I look down at my plate, I always try to have some kind of protein, carb, and healthy fat. Protein can come from many sources, whether animal or plant based. What most people don't know is that fruits and vegetables count as carbohydrates too, and are the healthiest kind! For example, today my lunch was a veggie and quinoa stir fry. 


Protein: quinoa (it's a complete protein!)

Carb: quinoa and veggies 

Fat: all sautéed in olive oil 

You can do chicken, rice, and veggies. Or soups with beans and vegetables with some avocado on top. Get creative! 

4. Drink water throughout the day. I know we don't technically "eat" water, but staying hydrated greatly effects our health and eating habits. Many times, cravings that we get (especially afternoon craving) are our bodies way of telling us that we need hydration! Instead, we reach for a candy bar or some chips, or even Gatorade (which is mostly sugar and not the best choice) when our body actually wants plain, refreshing water. 

5. Make sure to get healthy fats into your diet! Not all fat is bad. Avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, and even egg yolks are all healthy fats that our body needs to function. Fats also helps keep us full and satisfied after our meals. Having about 1/4 cup servings of whole food fats (nuts, avocado) with a meal, or 1/2-1 tablespoon servings of oils with a meal, increases our fullness and is actually healthier for us! 

Lastly, remember that heathy and clean eating is about a lifestyle. Occasional splurges are a delicious part of our lives! But if our diet is 80-90% clean most of the time, the treats that come and go won't make much of a difference in our overall health. 

If you are interested in some one-on-one nutrition counseling to start eating clean and getting healthier, please do not hesitate to email me at! I would love to encourage and support you on your healthy eating journey! 

Have a happy Friday everyone! 

Playing Catch-Up! 

Wow, I feel like it's been years since I last posted! Really it's only been a week or so, but still. It feels like forever! This past week was such a whirlwind but in the best way possible! Last Saturday was my Bachelorette party which was SO fun and perfect! Then Sunday I left on a work trip and just got back last night! We went up to San Francisco which was beautiful; I am so in love with that city! We attended some great nutrition talks, ate good food, and had a wonderful time! 



I drank my Shakeology every morning, did my PiYo workouts, ate delicious but still healthy foods, and enjoyed a sunrise 5K! 

However, I am glad to be back to normal routine! So many exciting things are happening. My wedding is 24 days away (mini heart attack) and I am so nervous, excited, stressed, joyful, and a million other emotions! I am also hosting my first free clean eating challenge group next week! I'm so excited for this challenge, and to motivate and encourage everyone in the group! 

Just a short and sweet post for today! Hopefully I'll get back into the blogging routine soon! Have a great Thursday everyone!