Hello MARCH!
I can't believe that MARCH is in the title of my post. It's already March you guys. Where is 2017 going??? In 2 months, we will be meeting our sweet baby girl, and that seriously blows my mind. I feel like after May, I can't imagine what life is going to be like. All I know is that we are so in love with this baby already, so I feel like our hearts are just going to explode when we meet her!
Since it's a new month, I am setting some new goals! I'll be continuing some from last month and making some new ones for this month too! I share these monthly because they keep ME accountable, plus I hope to inspire some of you to set some goals as well! I love setting goals and that feeling of accomplishment when I reach them! I highly encourage it if you feel like you are feeling a bit directionless and want to focus your efforts more on things that matter to YOU!
1. Continue tracking my spending. I tracked my spending last month and...you guys...I'm embarrassed to admit but I spent $300 LESS in February compared to January! Just from tracking and holding myself accountable! A lot of times, I wouldn't buy something because I didn't want to have to open my app and write down what I spent haha hey it worked! So I'm definitely going to continue this habit!
2. Sell our fancy camera. Last month I wanted to learn how to use it, but my husband and I decided that it isn't realistic for us to have a Canon SLR camera at this point in our life. It's in perfect condition (we only used it for about a week on our honeymoon!) so we will be selling it. If anyone is interested, let me know!
3. Workout 6x/week. I finished Country Heat last month, so this month I am doing 21 day fix with my March Bootcamp group! I will be subbing out some of the workouts with Core de Force and Active maternity, two other programs that I have access to a la Beachbody on Demand! Love being able to stream all their workouts! Since the weather will start getting nicer too, I hope to go on some more walks with my husband as well! And as always, listening to my body for those rest days!
4. Keep following 21 day fix portion containers. These containers have been a lifesaver for me during this pregnancy! So I'm going to keep following them in order to balance out my meals and make sure I'm eating enough for me and for baby Emma!
5. Finish "Entrusted" Bible study. I have been doing this Beth Moore Bible Study for months and I am committed to finishing it this month! I love spending that quiet time with Jesus in the morning, and I know I need to make it more of a priority!
6. Print pictures to frame up in our home! I have been wanting to do this for TWO YEARS you guys. So this is the month that I am going to get this done. My husband and I want to have some pictures up in our home from our wedding, honeymoon, and vacations, and I have just been lazy about it! So here is my accountability!
7. Follow a cleaning schedule. I am usually a very clean and tidy person, OCD-style. BUT this pregnancy has changed things for me and my energy in the afternoons is just LOW. So I am going to make a cleaning schedule and stay on top of housework before it gets out of hand!
AND as always, I will be sharing my journey with all of these on social media. Social media has been a great way for me to stay accountable to my goals by just sharing my life and journey and inviting others to join in! If you'd like to follow along, my Instagram is @tveenverano_RD and my Facebook page is "Tveen Verano RD." I do a ton of live videos on my Facebook page too, so check it out!
If you have some goals for the month that you want accountability for, let me know! Share them in the comments below or contact me...we can help each other stay on track! Accountability is the key to success, so let's be buddies and help each other out!
Have a great Wednesday you guys, and happy almost-SPRING!!!