Mommyland Joy

Emma is almost 20 weeks old! I can't believe how fast the time is going. Make it stop!! I already miss the weeks she used to sleep on my chest. But, I do love all the smiles and snuggles that she gives us now. I love that when she's crying and I hold her, she snuggles against my neck and stops. I love that when she sees my hubby and I in the morning, she's so excited her arms and legs can't take it! I love that she loves to sleep snuggled on our arms.




Motherhood has been an amazing journey so far and I know that it's only just begun! I think being a mom has been the most amazing and hardest thing that I've ever done. It's so hard to feel guilty for practically everything. And I know that only other moms get what I mean. 

Emma got her first cold from daycare. Emma is teething. Emma has a stuffy nose. Emma has gas. Emma is crying and we don't know why, and somehow, it feels like everything is my fault!  

Deep down I know it's not, but sometimes I need my mom or my husband to remind me of that. 

But the best parts for me are the days it's Emma and I at home. I am blessed to be home with her twice a week and I enjoy those days to the utmost. We snuggle, I feed her, I bathe her, we sing and read, and enjoy my sweet girl so much! And no; showers typically don't happen on these days. But who cares?? 


It's been hard on my mommy-heart to go back to work, but this morning I kept telling myself "this is the day that the Lord has made, I WILL rejoice and be glad in it." I'm making it through and I know Emma is being taken care of. 

I absolutely love being a mom. I dreamed about being a mom my entire life and I feel incredibly blessed that God fulfilled my dreams! We thank God each day for baby Emma! She brings us so much joy and we love watching her grow and discover new things. 

Mommyhood has been the most joyful time of my life. Thank you all for reading and following and enjoying baby Emma along with us!  

