A Day in the Life!

Hello there! Sorry for the lack of posts lately...I promise I'll try to get into some kind of routine again with blogging! Writing really is a passion of mine and I miss this space so much!  

Emma is going to be 8 weeks on Saturday (what?!) and I can't believe how fast the time is flying by. Each day is different with this little lady, so I thought I'd share a recent day in the life with Emma and I! 


Usually, Emma wakes up between 4:30/5am for a feeding. Sometimes she sleeps through till 6am, but this particular day was a 4:30am day. I fed her, went back to sleep, fed her again at 6am, then decided to get started on my day!


I took Emma down to the living room and drank some coffee while having quiet time. Emma usually falls back asleep after her morning feedings, so it was time to workout for me! I also had my fudgy shakeology chocolate bites with my coffee because I woke up hungry. Sometimes the coffee is enough, but other days I need some quick energy and these bites do the trick! I ate them too fast to snap a pic though...sad day.

Workouts lately have been Shaun Week on BOD (obsessed!!) but next week I am going to start alternating 21 day fix extreme and Shaun Week workouts as I prepare for Beachbody's newest program, SHIFT SHOP!! It launches in July and I canNOT wait! Want to do it with me? Comment on this post below and I'll send you info! Or contact me above ;) 

Anyways, the days I don't have my shakeology bites, I have my shakeo as a smoothie! This is vegan vanilla with peanut butter and banana. Literally tasted like cake batter froyo! If you'd like to try these superfoods, let me know! 


I've been making eggs for my husband in the mornings, so I've been scrambling up some extra for me! Eggs are a great protein source and full of good fats, plus they are great for nursing mamas like me!


Once Emma woke up, I fed her again and decided to go on a morning walk! We live really close to a small shopping center with a CVS and grocery store, so it's always convenient if I need to pick up a few things! We bought gripe water today (still trying to calm down Emma's colic at night!), plus some shampoo and conditioner for me, and some cotton balls. Random things but CVS always pulls through! Emma was such a happy baby on the ride over, then got a little cranky about 2 minutes from home. Needless to say, I power walked for those last few minutes! ;) 


Mid-morning snack included a whole lot of veggies! I love munching on raw vegetables as a way to get my green containers in, and they fill me up due to all that fiber! I am catching on on Grey's Anatomy (season 13 is finally up!) so I watched an episode while cleaning up the living room and while Emma took a *very* short nap!


Lunch time rolled around and I had some grape leaves stuffed with rice, as well as a turkey lettuce wrap, with some strawberries for dessert! We are running low on groceries but I am determined to use up whatever we have until next week. I've made it into a game to see how little we can spend on groceries and still eat healthy foods, and I'm pretty stubborn when it comes to spending money on food when we have food at home! Staying home has helped a lot with this because I can get more creative with my meals! I'm loving it :) 


After lunch, I gave Emma a bath and let me tell you, she LOVES when I bathe her, but the minute I start washing her hair she goes NUTS. She completely lost it after washing her hair which made for a very long nursing session after (human pacifier over here!) But I don't mind, I seriously love snuggling with my girl! 


The afternoon consisted of some mini naps for Emma, blogging, and working on an article for laintel.com that I am writing! Snacks were nuts and an apple with some PB! My hunger is always raging in the afternoons so I make sure to fuel up with healthy fats! 


My parents came over in the afternoon and we went for a walk up to Starbucks with Emma! It's been such a hot week but this afternoon the weather was a bit cooler which made for a good walk! 

And then, mom brain took over and I forgot to snap a picture of my delicious dinner! A chicken kebab wrap with some hummus and veggies! So good and it hit the spot!  

The evening consisted of some fussiness and crying, but we tried the gripe water and it definitely lessened the severity of Emma's colicky symptoms! Hoping for easier nights to come!  

This is what a typical day looks like for me as a new mom, but every day is so different with Emma! Some days she takes naps all day, other days she's up and alert from morning till night. Either way, I am absolutely loving being home with my baby girl!