Pregnancy Update! Weeks 31-33
I can't believe we are in the 30s as far as my weeks of pregnancy! This whole shabang FLEW by and we are getting so close to meeting our baby girl! Here's the latest update and how Mama and Emma are doing!
Our baby shower was last week and we got the cutest clothes and blankets! It was so fun washing everything and getting ready for our baby girl!
How far along are you?
33 weeks and 4 days!
How big is the baby?
She is a cauliflower blossom this week!
Total weight gain:
I am 12 lbs up from my pre-pregnancy weight! I'm finally gaining and as weird as it is to see the scale go up, I know it's for the best reason ever!
How am I feeling?
I am feeling a little more tired lately, but still have pretty good energy considering! Sleep has been so-so, heartburn has kept me up most nights but that is getting better too as baby is slowly dropping!
Maternity clothes?
All day every day! I am loving all the stretchy pants and leggings, it's going to be so hard to go back to real clothes!
Favorite workouts:
I have been doing Core de Force, which is Beachbody's MMA fighting/kickboxing program. I am loving it! I am going to start incorporating more walks and get back to my Country Heat workouts too. My type A personality loves following programs from beginning to end, and you best believe I will be doing that post baby (I already have the programs I want to do lined up once I am cleared!) But for now, I am so thankful I have access to all the Beachbody on Demand workouts and can jump back and forth with what my body feels best doing!
Stretch marks:
None and I hope it stays that way! I’ve been using bio oil and some Cocoa butter too! My belly is itchy so I just keep moisturizing!
PIZZA. Lately, all I want is pizza. I could eat it for each meal. Actually I just realized I had some last night, and have leftovers today for lunch, and will be having some tonight at church. Oops. Oh well! I am balancing out all the pizza with lots of vegetables and fruits and healthy fats! Oh and protein, which the doctors want me to focus on to support Emma's growth!
Not too great with all the heartburn and now frequent trips to the bathroom. But oh well, I am used to having sleep problems (I didn't sleep through the night till 4th grade apparently) so it's not a big deal to me.
What I miss:
Working out as intensely as I used to. With all the anxiety that comes along with pregnancy, I miss my intense workouts and my runs. But I know I will get back to those things eventually! For now, I am just grateful that I am still able to be active in some capacity! I also miss having more than 1 cup of coffee a day, even though I only used to drink one, it would be nice to have the option of two...or three...
What I am looking forward to:
I am looking forward to packing our hospital bag (gotta get on that soon) and being on MATERNITY LEAVE! I am ready to just be home and prepare for our baby! The doctor wants me off work between 35 and 36 weeks, and that is so soon!
Thank you all for your prayers as we move along in this pregnancy. We appreciate it more than you know! We feel very loved and I know Baby Emma feels loved too!
Hope you all have a great weekend!