Thanksgiving Recap 2017
We celebrated Emma's first thanksgiving last week, and both my husband and I have been overwhelmed with how much we have to be grateful for. Emma is such a beautiful blessing to us from the Lord, and it was a perfect way to enter Thanksgiving week, first with her dedication on the 19th, and then celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday with our families!
We started off the day with a walk to the park to take Emma's 6 month pictures (even though she's almost 7 months....oh well). We had so much fun with her on the slides and swings! It was a beautiful sunny day in SoCal, but I am more than ready for some winter weather soon!
After our little photo session, we headed home and I made sweet potatoes before we headed out. I used the recipe from the "Celebrations" cookbook from Against All Grain, and they were a hit!
Then, we started to get ready for a pregame turkey at my mother in law's house, before the main event of the day! She makes a delicious turkey roast every year, so we go there early to have a mini-lunch before heading over to my husband's aunt's house for our Turkey dinner.
Emma got her first bib for her first was so cute! I also brought pureed sweet potato for her so she could join in on the Thanksgiving dinner! She is loving sweet potatoes, a banana/pumpkin mix, and mangoes so far! So far, she is not a fan of applesauce, bananas by themselves, or butternut squash. It's been fun to try new foods with her and see her reactions to them!
Our Thanksgiving meal was delicious! There were a variety of veggies to choose from, which made me so happy! Plus the turkey and the roast were delicious, as were my sweet potatoes if I do say so myself!
Towards the end of the night, we headed to my grandma's house for dessert. We've been using this system since we got married (I KNOW balancing holidays can be tough!) so we've been having dinner with one side of the family, and dessert with the other, and then alternating the following year. So when we got to my grandma's, I saw that my cousin and his wife had brought me a gluten free Sprinkles cupcake, so I definitely enjoyed that and it was delicious! I'm proud to say I stuck to my gluten free diet 100% and today actually marks 4 weeks that I've been entirely gluten free. I'm planning on a writing a post this week about how I've ben feeling and the changes I've noticed!
After some time at my grandma's, we headed home since Emma was getting sleepy, and so were we! It was such a special Thanksgiving, and my husband and I are so excited to celebrate Emma's first Christmas season too! I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving with your family and friends, too!