Move more and sit less
Wow, I can't believe it's been over a MONTH since I posted on my blog! This blog is something near and dear to my heart, and I don't plan on disappearing again for this long! But I have needed a break from social media/the internet lately, and the first things to suffer were my Instagram account and my blog. But don't worry, I'm back! Sometimes it's nice to unplug, and then plug right back in when you are rested and ready.
I've been reading so many articles lately about how detrimental sitting can be for our health. I know for me, even as a registered dietitian and health professional, my job consists of a LOT of sitting. I sit with my patients when reviewing their lab work and meal plans, I sit at my desk while I chart and do paper work, and then most of the time, I come home from work, so tired from sitting, that I just sit some more! My energy levels have been dropping, and I've realized that the more I sit, the more tired I get, and the more I want to sit some more. It's a vicious, vicious cycle (and please tell me I'm not alone)!
Yep, already 2pm on this particular day and only had 2000 steps!
But a big motivation to move is current research that shows that the more you sit, the more likely you are to develop heart disease and diabetes. And trust me, you do NOT want those diseases. Diabetes is a huge contributing factor to renal (kidney) failure, and as a renal dietitian who works with patients daily who have failed kidneys and are on dialysis, diabetes is the number one thing my patients wish they prevented or taken more care of early on in life. Diabetes can cause problems with eye sight, with nerve/feeling in your extremities, and can cause renal failure. Patients with renal failure eventually end up on dialysis which is a treatment that comes along with a complete lifestyle overhaul: dialysis 3 days a week, limits on how much fluid you can drink, and a very restrictive diet that cuts out even the "healthiest" of foods, such as avocados, potatoes, bananas, and nuts, which become detrimental to someone with kidney failure.
We all know that a healthy diet is crucial to health and longevity. Limiting refined carbohydrates and sweets is important. We should be choosing whole foods most of time, such as a variety of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, legumes, and healthy fats. But, where does activity factor in to the mix?
Being active can be hard in our fast paced society. When I work with my private practice clients and suggest them adding activity into their day, I often get "I don't have time" and "I'm just so tired" as the top excuses. What we often fail to understand is that exercise gives us MORE energy than we could ever think of! The supply of oxygen that floods through our bodies as we get our heart rate up gives us an extra jolt, feel-good endorphins, and naturally gives us more energy for the rest of our day.
Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day has been shown to be wildly beneficial for overall health. That can be as easy to fit in as a 30 minute sitcom. Setting your alarm 30 minutes earlier in the morning to powerwalk, or heading to the gym for 30 minutes after work is not only doable, but will make you a healthier and more vibrant person in your everyday life at work, with friends, and with family. Heck, even going on walks during your breaks at work can make a big difference!
What are some ways you can see yourself being more active throughout the day? Make yourself a priority and schedule in your workouts. You wouldn't miss a work meeting, right? So why would you miss the most important meeting of your day; taking care of yourself and your health!?
So, nourish yourself well, move some more, sit less, and see how your energy levels will skyrocket and your health will improve! If you need a little more one-on-one work on how to get started on your healthy living journey, my door is always open! Contact me and we can get started putting a plan together for you!