June Goals & Intentions


The freshness of a new month is my absolute favorite. And it always fills me with a dose of motivation and inspiration to dream big, fill up my heart and soul, and pay it forward to as many people as possible. SO! I'm treating this June like my January, because May was hard y'all, and I'm in need of the freshest of all fresh starts :) so...onto my goals/intentions!

* Spend more time outside! Whether that means morning walks or afternoon strolls, I intend to spend as much time outdoors as possible!

* Complete Insanity Max 30! I'm starting a new program on Monday and I have all kinds of butterflies in my belly! I'm super excited but also nervous! I'm relieved to have my Bootcamp ladies for extra support (wanna join our group? Comment below!)

* Fill up on nourishing foods! I'm all about the treats, but in May, I did NOT treat my body as well as I deserved. I'm focusing on using food for my GOOD and not for me detriment this month! (and obviously always haha)

* Expand my private practice and coaching business! No more excuses, I will give my dreams the time and energy they deserve, and so should you! ;)

* Limit screen time. Grey's anatomy has taken over my life you guys. Gotta reel in the hours I clock in watching Netflix!

* Stay sane during the changes of the season! Some things are changing up for us this month (Stay tuned, and nope not preggers!) and my intention is to still treat myself well and stay calm and cool among the stress! God's got this, so I have nothing worry about :)

* Keep sharing my journey as personal accountability and inspiration! Enough said, and thanks to each and every one of you who follow and support me! 💖

I'd love to hear what your goals are and if there is anyway I can cheer you on along the way!

💌 tveen.verano@gmail.com