Consistency is the Secret Sauce
Consistency is a theme that has been rolling around in my head for a while now. Consistency is key to success, and I've been seeing this in my life a LOT these past few months! Most people start a new venture with gumption and dedication...but find themselves low on motivation a few weeks later. This could relate to a fitness program, weight loss, writing a book, doing a home project, etc. Any change of habits or push towards a goal requires consistent, daily actions in order to reach those goals.
The quote above is one of my favorite quotes. It just goes to show that the secret to any lasting change is a consistent, daily decision to keep doing what you need to do in order to reach those goals and hit big milestones. We have to change our daily routine. The secret sauce to success is focusing on what we do on a consistent basis.
What are some goals you've had for a while? Are they losing weight? Getting stronger? Developing more patience? Saving some money? Whatever your goals may be, finding a daily action that will add to that goal will help you reach that goal so much faster.
I've realized that change happens when we can consistently duplicate something day in and day out. And most of us know how to reach our goals and what actions we need to take. BUT, often times, we fail to take those actions. It seems too hard in the moment and we just give up trying. We know a salad will help us reach our goals faster than a burger, but the burger becomes our choice. We know we don't need an extra dress, but we think what the heck, it's only $30, and we put it in our cart. I've done this SO many times and have tricked myself into thinking these small decisions don't matter.
What I've learned in the past year, and especially since becoming an entrepreneur and beach body coach, is that my daily actions MATTER. We are what we do every day, not what we do once a month or once a week. If we run once a month and call it a workout, that won't get us anywhere. If we work on our dreams and our business goals once a week, but ignore it the other 6 days, that won't get us anywhere either.
I've noticed consistency in my life lately and it's been really rewarding. In regards to fitness, I'm on week 6 of Hammer and Chisel and have seen such a difference in my body, strength, and overall mindset. I've never had such incredible results from a program before! I feel strong, toned, lean, and fit. I've also been practicing intuitively eating while using the Hamer and Chisel meal plan containers, and I've never felt so much freedom when it comes to my food choices!
Week 1 and end of Week 6!
But I've been doing these things daily, not just once in a while. I workout DAILY. I nourish my body DAILY. I drink my shakeology DAILY. It isn't a once in a while thing, it's a daily commitment to reach my goals.
What are some goals you've had for a while but continue to fall short of? We are human, and it happens. TRUST ME, I've experienced more failures than successes in my lifetime, but it is what we do AFTER those failures that matter. This past November, I did not take care of my body well and binged horribly on Thanksgiving week/weekend. The following week, I was determined to use that failure as motivation to get back on track, and thank God I've been on track ever since! That doesn't mean treats haven't been involved, because they have! But I haven't fallen back into that deep dark binging pit, and I really think THAT is why I've been able to see such incredible results in my body and in my mind! All glory to God, because I know I would not be able to conquer my binge eating issues without HIS strength.
Consistency is not something that just happens overnight. I work with clients on a daily basis, and consistency is the main thing that we all struggle with. That is why it is SO important to have accountability when trying to reach any goals, especially health and fitness ones! Which is why I love running my monthly Bootcamp groups and empowering the women in these groups to stop assuming that they will keep failing. Failing is a part of life of course, but success IS possible through consistent, daily actions.
So this is me, giving you the go-ahead to reach your goals once and for all. Believe in yourself and that you CAN do it. Don't doubt yourself or how capable you are, because you deserve success and you deserve health! If you need some extra accountability and motivation to help you find a consistent groove in your life, feel free to contact me here! I love coaching and guiding women to reach their goals. You CAN go from where you are to where you WANT to be, it is possible, and I SO believe in you! :)