A Fresh September

I can't believe September is already here. Only a few months left in this year, which I can easily say has been the craziest year of my life! I got married, became a Beach Body coach (literally two life-changing events), moved to a whole new city, started a new job, and am living with a man for the first time in my life. WHAT? Life has been turned upside down, and I think it's good to sit back and reflect on it a bit. 


September has always been back to school mode for me. Both my parents are teachers, and back to school time was so exciting in our house! New office supplies, new teachers, new clothes, new books; a fresh start. For me, September still feels like the"beginning" of something, even though it isn't technically a new year. With that mindset, I've decided to treat this time like a fresh start. Because why not? This year has been so incredible for me, and I in no means am trying to run away from the past. But I love the idea of a new beginning and setting some awesome goals for this time of year! And with that said...


September Goals!

1. Continue on with the Insanity program, while adding some 21 day fix workouts during the week! My husband and I will be doing some 21 day fix workouts when he gets home from work in the evenings, so I'm really looking forward to doing both these programs and seeing some awesome results!

2. Continue with 21 day fix container system. I stopped counting calories (yet again) in August, but felt that I was relying on too many random food groups to get through the day (toast 3x/day, nuts 3x/day...you get the idea). Doing a program like Insanity (and especially now adding the fix) requires a LOT more fuel, and not just random, empty calories. So I am using the container system to track my food groups and loving it! However, even though I am supposed to be eating the lowest calorie bracket, I've decided to alternate between the first and second bracket since I am doing 2 workout programs. I am building muscle and getting hungrier, so sometimes I'll need the extra fuel! But above all, I will LISTEN to by body by not forcing myself to eat containers, and at the same time, not depriving myself if I need a bit more! :) 


3. Play around with our fancy camera! On our honeymoon, Vasken and I got a nice SLR camera to take pictures, and it's been in our drawer every since coming home from Hawaii...in May. I think it's time I upload the honeymoon pics and start carrying that thing around and enjoying it!


4. Bake more. I LOVE BAKING. There were even times in my life that a goal of mine was to bake LESS because I would bake every day. But this summer has been unfortunately bake-less since it's been SO hot and turning on the oven turns our cozy apartment into a sauna. Well, this month, I want to bake more! I always make my treats healthified (search for recipes on my Joyful Harvest Blog tab!!) and I can't wait to get back into this hobby I have missed. Get ready for pumpkin everything!


5. Plug into a Bible study! Our church offers so many, so I am excited to get back into weekly Bible studies and fellowship with other believers. 


6. Read at least 10 pages/day of a growth book. This new habit in my life has been huge. It's been so motivating to read books that have expanded my mind and built up my confidence. So I definitely want to keep this up! 


7. And lastly...grow out my bangs. Yup, I went there. Can't wait till they are grown and gone! 


What are some of your goals for September? Share in the comments below!