INSANITY: Week 1 Results & Review!
For the past few months, I've been jumping between a few Beach Body programs. I've done PiYo, 21 day fix, CIZE, and some Beach Body On Demand (basically Netflix for workouts) programs. In the back of my mind though, I've always wanted to do the program I never thought I COULD do, which is the Insanity program.
My cousin gave this program to me a few years ago, back before I was a Beach Body coach. I couldn't even get through the warm up and felt so discouraged, so I just gave up and went back to my usual hour on the elliptical workouts. But, becoming a Beach Body coach about 6 months ago has increased my confidence levels SO much. I finally decided, on an impulsive whim, to take on this program, full speed ahead. And boy, am I glad I did! I am one week into the Insanity program and cannot believe the changes I am seeing and feeling in my body!
August 10th vs. August 17th! I see little abs popping out!
Insanity is basically an INSANE workout of non-stop drills, plyometrics, and strength moves that use your body weight the entire time. No equipment necessary, and you get a total body, interval training workout. This means your heart rate goes up and down, which provides you with the maximum conditioning workout in a short amount of time. Doing this keeps your fitness levels high and your heart working hard and strong!
So far, I am loving how I am feeling and what I am seeing. I've lost a few pounds, feel less fluffy, and am seeing definition in my abs for the first time since my wedding about 4 months ago. But what I love MOST about this program is that I am doing something that has always terrified me. I am terrified of failure, and I still remember that day a few years ago when I couldn't' even get through the insanity warm up and just threw in the towel. Today, I am up and doing this workout daily, and even though I am not getting through all of it, I am pushing through the fear of failure that I have had for so long. I get to decide to use that fear to FUEL me, and not to hold me back. I can't wait to see what these 60 days will hold for me! And don't worry, I will keep you all in the loop as I progress in this program!
If you are looking for a workout program to conquer, I'd love to help you find one that is meant for you! We all have our soulmate workouts, and I firmly believe that any program will work, as long as you love it enough to stick to it from beginning to end! Shoot me a message through my Contact Me tab and we can get started on a free consultation to see which workout program would work best for you! DOn't let the fear hold you back, decide to USE that fear and show it who's boss! :)
How has fear held you back in the past? What do you think you can do TODAY to take the first step in using that fear for your betterment and not your detriment?